When Catholic School Councils, parents, faculty, staff, administration and trustees work as one towards educating the mind, heart, soul and body, we produce students who are well equipped to deal with the challenges that confront them now and into the future. ~ John B Kostoff Director of Education Dufferin-Peel CDSB
What is OAPCE? We shall support the preservation and enhancement of the highest quality publicly funded English Catholic Education in Ontario, enabling all our children to become contributing members of the Church, School, Home and Society in accordance with the Catholic Faith.
Who makes up OAPCE? A group of volunteer PARENTS who currently have children enrolled in Publically Funded Catholic School System in Ontario. A group of volunteer PARENTS committed to supporting the Catholic School experience for all children. A group of Volunteer PARENTS that sit on a variety of committees and councils incl. School Councils, CPIC’s, OAPCE, ministry tables, ICE, and many others or may just volunteer at the school annual bake sale. A group of volunteer parents who are at the grass roots of what our students are doing, facing, passionate about, disengaged about et al…because parents are the ones sitting at the kitchen table with them each night. Parents are a valuable source of information to school administrators.
F.A.Q’s Paid membership by regions and school boards wanting representation at our table Annual Operating grant from the Ministry of Education Donations
Where do you find OAPCE? Institute for Catholic Education (ICE) Ministry of Education Ontario Catholic Curriculum Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations Homework at the kitchen table Preparing for sacraments Supporting the school environment Witnessing what is working (and not working) OAPCE is every parent with a child enrolled in Catholic Education in Ontario
At the Provincial Level: The Ontario Association of Parents for Catholic Education President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Past President Executive Director Board of Regional Directors representing every Catholic region in Ontario (currently 24/29 regions represented) OAPCE directors are tasked with being the ‘information super highway’ go between the provincial group and the regional councils OAPCE sits on the Ministry of Education’s working tables and is the only formally recognized parent group representing Catholic schools since OAPCE is partnered with every major Catholic Education Stakeholder in Ontario OAPCE is autonomous; we do not fall under any administrative jurisdiction except our own.
How does information flow provincially? M inistry of E ducation and Other Catholic Education Partners (EDU, ICE, CCC, CPCO, OCSOA, OCSTA et al) ↕ O ntario A ssociation of P arents in C atholic E ducation (OAPCE) ↕ R egional C ouncils (York, Toronto, Dufferin Peel, etc… ↕ CPIC S and CSAC S
At the Regional Level: Superintendent and/or DOETrustee Parish rep Teacher rep Principal rep S.E.A.C. rep (or community rep) O.A.P.C.E. rep ← *Elementary and *Secondary rep’s. The Oapce rep at the CPIC level is usually (but not necessarily) the OAPCE director for the region The OAPCE director is usually appointed by the CPIC or elected by the regional group if there is one established A direct link from the regional CPIC to the OAPCE provincial group and visa versa Catholic Parent Involvement Committee/OAPCE Director
How does the information flow Regionally? C atholic D istrict S chool B oard (CDSB) ↕ C atholic P arent I nvolvement C ommittee (CPIC) ↕ C atholic S chool A dvisory C ouncils (CSAC)
At the school council level: Catholic School Advisory Council (aka CSAC Or School Council) Made up of…(according to Regulation 612) Chair Vice Chair (optional) TreasurerSecretary Parent Rep’s Student Rep (secondary schools only) O A P C E R E P. Parish Rep.Community Rep.Teacher Rep. Fund Raising Chair (optional)Food Day Chair (optional) Principal (non-voting) NOTE: If there is no OAPCE rep on council then the information automatically flows to the Chair An OAPCE rep is often a welcomed resource and additional help to an already taxed council chair An OAPCE rep provides an additional source of information for Councils OAPCE reps are a valuable resource of information for the regional director Regulation 612 is in place as a guideline to help volunteers navigate the school council process and set up
What do these groups all have in common? C.P.I.C.C.S.A.C.O.A.P.C.E. Parent Engagement groups aim to inform Receive and disseminate information down into the school councils Keeping parents “in the know” on important policies, procedures and current events or changes Send information back up the “education food chain”. Works in partnership to promote events such as guest speakers and conferences Parent Engagement groups also organize, participate, promote, support and enhance the school environment
What is the difference? CPIC’S and CSAC’S generally are receiving and sharing information that is relevant at the Regional level from their school board including policy changes, current events, and presentations specific to the regions. ie: Food and Beverage Policy; Anti bullying legislation; particular board policies specific to the region. OAPCE receives and shares information from the Provincial level including relevant information by the various partners in education including the Edu, Principals, Superintendents, Teachers, Trustees, Institute for Catholic Education and so on. OAPCE is not CPIC or People 4 Education
Education is a partnership involving parents, students, teachers, principals, school boards, government and community ~ Regulation 612 of the Education Act in Ontario 1 John 1:7 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another
Let’s Review For the last 75+ years OAPCE has been the voice of Parents in Catholic Education Starting in 1939 OAPCE has successfully been a conduit for the HOME-SCHOOL-PARISH triad in an ongoing effort to being the most up to date information relevant to parents. 1n 1982 the Ministry of Education formally invited OAPCE to represent Catholic Parents across the province. In 2001 Regulation 612 of the Education Act released stating: “there “ shall ” be OAPCE representation on all school councils in Ontario” In 2014 OAPCE celebrated its 75 th anniversary Today 24 of Ontario’s 29 regions are paying members of OAPCE
Why should your region have OAPCE regional group… There simply is no such thing as too much information… The more information parents are armed with the better they are able to support their children in their Catholic Education Journey towards the Catholic Graduate Expectations. IT TAKES A VILLAGE… It truly takes a collaborative effort from all parties involved in our children's education
Annual Conference & AGM Oapce has hosted an annual information parent conference and Annual General Meeting for 75 years