Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture
Romanesque Romanesque picture goes here Gothic This building shows how Romanesque influence was used in architecture. You can notice the separate compartments of the building with thick walls and small windows. This dark and plain building is of modest height. This church shows Gothic architectural influence. You can notice the flying buttress on the building. This church also has a pointed arch, an ornate exterior, and big windows.
RomanesqueGothic The Duomo has thick walls and small windows. It also is of modest height and is solid. It is somewhat plain with rounded arches. These are all Romanesque features. This cathedral shows how Gothic influence is still around. This is a tall, ornate building. It is a huge, vertical building that is unified.
RomanesqueGothic This church shows separate compartments with small windows and solid, thick walls. The isn’t very tall and it is kind of dark and gloomy. This shows Romanesque features. This building shows Gothic influence. It has pointed arches and is very decorated. It is really tall and soars into the sky. It is a unified building with proportional features.
Works Cited Page Gothic gothic-architecture/ gothic-architecture/ Roman