Abbey Church of St. Denis 1144 EARLY FRENCH GOTHIC The abbey is where the kings of France and their families were buried for centuries and is therefore often referred to as the "royal necropolis of France".
Louis XIV, Palace of Versailles, c FRENCH BAROQUE
Hagia Sophia (Istanbul ) BYZANTINE
St. Chapelle FRENCH RAYONNANT GOTHIC Housed holy relics of the Passion of Christ collected by Louis IX
Gerrit Rietveld, Schroder House, DE STIJL
The Dome of the Rock, 691 CE (Oldest existing Islamic building in the World) ISLAMIC
The Chrysler Building, ART DECO
Mies Van Der Rohe Seagram Building, BAUHAUS
Frank Lloyd Wright, Fallingwater, PRAIRIE STYLE
The Taj Mahal, Agra, India. ISLAMIC ART
The Great Stupa, 3 rd Century BCE, Sanchi, India. BUDDHISM
Ara Pacis, 13-9 BCE. Republic Roman To celebrate the peace established in the Empire after Augustus's victories in Gaul and Spain Dedicated 9 BC
Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House, Chicago, PRAIRIE STYLE
Arch of Constantine Rome, Italy A.D LATE EMPIRE ROMAN
Pantheon, Rome, Italy AD HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN
Victor Horta, Hotel Tassel, 1890s. ART NOUVEAU
Gislebertus, Last Judgment Tympanum (from Saint-Lazzare) Autun, France ca ROMANESQUE
Westminster Abbey, ENGLISH PERPENDICULAR GOTHIC Also known as the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, it is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs.
Carlo Maderno, Saint Peter’s Front Facade Vatican City, Rome, Italy ITALIAN BAROQUE
Filippo Brunelleschi dome of Florence Cathedral Florence, Italy (*NOTE: Brunelleschi did NOT design the cathedral… that was a guy named Arnolfo di Cambio… Brunelleschi just designed the dome.) EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE
Notre Dame Cathedral HIGH FRENCH GOTHIC
Cathedral Complex, Pisa, Italy ROMANESQUE cathedral begun 1063, baptistry begun 1153, campanile begun 1174
Temple of Athena Nike Designed by Kallikrates Completed c420 BC CLASSICAL GREEK
The Parthenon, completed in 438 BCE. Sculptural designs by PHIDIAS HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK
Antonio Gaudí, Casa Milà, ART NOUVEAU
Chartres Cathedral HIGH FRENCH GOTHIC South Tower,1160 North Spire,
Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid and mortuary precinct of Djoser, Saqqara Egypt Dynasty III OLD KINGDOM EGYPT
il Gesu, Rome 1550s MANNERISM
Ziggurat of Ur About 2100 BCE Sumerian
Thomas Jefferson, Monticello Charlottesville, VA, AMERICAN NEOCLASSICAL
Queen Hatshepsut’s Funerary Temple Egypt, Dynasty XVII NEW KINGDOM
Temple of Ramses II Abu Simbel, Egypt, Dynasty 19 Ca BC NEW KINGDOM EGYPT
Frank Lloyd Wright, Guggenheim Museum, PRAIRIE STYLE
Church of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France ca ROMANESQUE
Reims Cathedral 1230s-1260 HIGH FRENCH GOTHIC Towers, mid-15 th century
Palace of Aachen (Begun 786), Germany CAROLINGIAN
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE. Architectural design by MNESIKLES HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK
Arch of Titus Rome, Italy, after 71 CE Commemorates the sack of Jerusalem in 70 CE ENGAGED COLUMNS COFFERED ARCH in BAY RELIEFS SHOWING the VICTORY EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN
Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, c547. EARLY CHRISTIAN
Carlo Maderno, Saint Peter’s Front Facade Vatican City, Rome, Italy ITALIAN BAROQUE