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Venezuela location information Venezuela is in the northern part of South America. Venezuela’s capital is Caracas and is also the largest city in Venezuela. Venezuela borders Guyana to the east, Brazil to the south, and Colombia to the west.
Venezuela’s flag and significance Venezuelas flag has three colors yellow, red, and blue. It also has the coat of arms in the yellow srip of the flag. The flag has eight stars in the blue strip on the flag. The yellow stripe is for the riches of the land, the blue is for the courage of the people, and red is for the blood shed in the war for independence. The seven stars on the first flag were for the firs seven provinces.
Venezuela’s independence Venezuela gained it’s independence from Spain on July 5 th, Gained independence from Colombia on January 13 th, 1830 They were recognized as independent on March 30 th, 1845
Historical significance On March 12, 1806, in the city Jacmel, the Venezuelan flag is born. South American revolutionary Francisco de Miranda stayed in Jacmel and designed the flag that later became the banner for the liberation army led by Simon Bolivar.
Major Holiday In February, an international cultural festival called Feria del Sol is held in the city of Merida. Feria del Sol is also known as Carnival Taurino de America whose translation means Bullfighting Carnival of America. The festival includes bull competitions, cultural expositions, commercial and zootechnic expositions, concerts, parades, sports, and a carnival feast.
Famous building/structure The Caracas Athenaeum is an institution centered on the arts. It moved from Los Caobos in Caracas and is currently located in Macaracuay. The building is designed with many different rooms and features. It contains two theatre auditoriums, concert hall, library, cinema room, and a café just to name a few. Founded on August 8, 1931, an interesting fact is The Caracas Athenaeum has always been led by women.
Ecological feature The Llanos grasslands are a famous ecological structure in Venezuela. The rugged Llanos are one of the world´s richest tropical grasslands and shared by Colombia. It is home to more than 100 species of mammals and over 300 species of birds. Human expansion appears to be the most damaging to its existence.
Famous man Simon Bolivar was a famous man in Venezuela. He was born on July 24, 1783, in Caracas. He played an important role in the freedom of a large part of South America from Spanish rule in the 19th century. This gave the idea of revolution to his mind, so on his way home, he joined the Venezuelan revolution. He was barely in his 20s when a strong counterattack ensured Bolivar a victory over the Spanish army. Eventually, a victory in Peru in 1824, led to the end of Spanish rule in the continent, making Bolivar a powerful force in Latin America. His dream of uniting South America though, was never realized, because of the poor politics in Venezuela.
Famous woman María Luisa Cáceres Díaz de Arismendi was a hero of the Venezuelan War of Independence. In recognition of her loyalty and fight for the independence of Venezuela. A statue of her was put up in a plaza, named after her, in the small town of La Asunción.. Today, in Caracas, there is the University Institute Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi.
Venezuela’s health Venezuela has a national universal health care system that is free of charge. The current government has created a program to expand access to health care known as Misión Barrio Adentro. Children’s health is a big concern. Infant mortality in Venezuela stood at 16 deaths per 1,000 births in This is lower than the South American average. However, compared to the US it is not so good. a big reason for this are the nutrition, sanitation, and living arrangements. Venezuela has a total of 150 plants for sewage treatment. However still 13% of the population lack access to drinking water but this number seems to be dropping. Due to the many diseases that are in Venezuela tourists are recommended to obtain the proper vaccinations.
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