Reveal Course Human Resources & Management of Volunteers Intermediate Level This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Level: Intermediate Subject: Human Resources and Management of Volunteers Module 1: Preparation is the key! Essential background for volunteer management DU Social empathy REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Social Empathy Volunteers are often attracted and sensitive to causes, stories about people and situations in which they can be of help and they need to feel they are welcomed to be a part of. Social empathy brings together individual empathy and social inequality. Social empathy is defined as understanding other people, by perceiving or experiencing their life situations and gaining insight into structural inequalities and disparities. Understanding social problems and beneficiaries helps volunteer coordinators find the best way to present these issues to the wider public and gain support and from volunteers interested in bringing about real social change. Module 1: Social Empathy REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Module 1: DU 1.2 Leadership The way a volunteer coordinator implements “the art” of active listening, mentoring, public dialogue, evaluation and reflection is critical to leadership of the team. Here are some basic principles in offering leadership for volunteering (adapted from Richard Cummins, Leadership for Volunteers) 1.Volunteers know what the organization and the team stand for. 2.Volunteers know their role. 3.Volunteers know where to get needed information. 4.Volunteers give and receive feedback. 5. Volunteers are motivated and their merits are recognized. Module 1: Leadership REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Here are some methods that can contribute to success of leaders for volunteers and their organizations: Active Listening. Encourage volunteers to talk and listen to them. Mentoring. Support and guide volunteers to learn and share. Open Dialogue. Encourage open discussions on matters that concern the team. Evaluation and Reflection. Encourage volunteers to reflect on their work, evaluate their own performance and incorporate the learnings into their current work. Module 1: Leadership REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Module 1: Conflict Management REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate Module 1: DU 1.3 Conflict Management Conflict is a natural part of human relations and especially of group dynamics. Therefore avoiding conflict is not always possible, but building competencies related to conflict management, as a volunteer leader, and preparing the organization and the team for the likelihood of conflict can greatly help. Some general topics that should be covered by the internal rules and policies of the organization: 1. General Behavior Rules. NGOs wish that its volunteers adopt attitudes and behavior that maintain the good image of the organization. 2. Political Activities. Since NGOs are non-political organization, volunteers should refrain from participating in activities of a purely political nature on the premises of the organization or during their volunteering hours. 3. Discrimination and Harassment. The NGO should have clear rules about discrimination and harassment. 4. Conflict of Interest. To avoid putting themselves in a conflict of interest with the objectives and operations pursued by the NGO, volunteers should refrain from using the NGO’s property without approval
Module 1: Conflict Management REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate Consequences can be diminished by: Having clear rules of conduct. Providing volunteers with a handbook containing these rules and even displaying some of these rules in the office, where appropriate and necessary. Organizing a good orientation/induction session for the volunteers, where they can be clearly informed about the rules and their responsibilities as volunteers. Having regular supervision sessions, where possible sources of conflict are monitored. Having a conflict management policy.
Level: Intermediate Subject: HR & MV Module 2: Let’s get to work! Volunteer Management in practice D.U. 2.1 Develop motivating and creative tasks for volunteers REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Volunteers are interested in different tasks that put in the spotlight their competencies, personality and experience. Some of them want to develop competencies while doing volunteer activities, while other volunteers are more experienced and want to put their skills into practice for a cause. When designing tasks for volunteers, keep in mind two important aspects: The needs of the organization, based on the needs of the community. This should be based on needs assessment methods. The needs and the motivation of the volunteer. Module 2: Motivating and creative tasks REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Here are 3 big volunteers profiles to help you: Affiliation-oriented volunteers: They need to be accepted and liked; Power-oriented volunteers:The desire to have an impact and a positive influence; Performance-oriented volunteers: They want to be the best and having everyone know that they are the best; Module 2: Communication with external organizations REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
How to develop tasks that are motivating to everyone? Here are some general principles. Ensure that the volunteer has: Ownership of the task. The volunteer has clear ownership, emphasized, for ex., through the designation of the volunteer job (PR Coordinator). Authority to think. The volunteer has the freedom to plan and adjust the task as needed. Responsibilty for results (positive and negative). The volunteer is attributed both the success and failure of the task. Keeping score and evidences. The volunteer is responsible for keeping track of different inputs into the task (hours worked, money invested, beneficiaries reached, etc.). Module 2: Communication with external organizations REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Module 2 DU 2.2 How to strengthen your team - teambuilding that works A team spirit doesn't just happen. One of the most important roles of the volunteer leader is to build the feeling of belonging to a community or a group of people with shared values and habits. Module 2: Teambuilding REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Spend time thinking about your team's current strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourself these questions to identify the root of any problems: Do volunteers need to get to know one another? Does poor communication slow the group's progress? Are there conflicts between certain people that are creating divisions within the team? Do some members focus on their own success, and harm the group as a result? Do volunteers need to learn how to work together, instead of individually? Are some members resistant to change, and does this affect the group's ability to move forward? Do volunteers need a boost to their morale? Once you've identified the causes of your volunteers’ team’s issues, you can plan exercises that will address these problems. Module 2: Teambuilding REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
Ways to motivate your volunteers Smile Accommodate personal needs and problems Keep challenging them Create pleasant surroundings Recommend to prospective employer Allow time to attend volunteer conferences or workshops Nominate for volunteer awards in group, in community and nationally Have a “Volunteer Day” and many more…… REVEAL Course HR&MV Intermediate
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. We wish you great success in involving volunteers!