FOUNDERS & ORGANISERS Rtn. Shaheen Bhatia Rotary Club of Gants Hill & Rtn. Tony Sharma Rotary Club of Tower Hamlets
INAUGARATION District Governor Martin Gudde Rotary Club of Redbridge on Date to be confirmed PDSA Redbridge Essex
THE IMMEDIATE AIMS 1]Inter Club Fellowship 2]Fitter & Healthier Rotarians 3]PR in local community 4]Preparing for District 1130 Event April/May 2010
FUTURE PLANS 1]District 1130 Event 2]RIBI Event – England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland. 3]RI – World Event
WHY & HOW 1]To create another big “FUN” district 1130 event, like the Dragonboat event. 2] Enormous PR is envisaged. 3]Clubs linked by Areas and co-ordinated by Assistant Governors
THE ORIGINS OF THE IDEA At a meeting in March 2009 of The Rotary Club of Gants Hill, Harmander was the speaker. He spoke about the marathon and his involvement as a personal trainer to Fauja Singh (98yrs), world record holder of many marathon records around the world. He offered to Coach members on Sunday mornings. Several Members took up the offer along with visiting Rotarians Tony Sharma & Jegtar Padam of the Rotary Club of Tower Hamlets.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA Having attended several Sunday morning sessions discussions took place as to how this wonderful opportunity to exercise for fun and at no expense, could be made available to more Rotarians.
THE MECHANICS – Step 1 1]Shaheen & Tony attend the Sunday morning sessions regularly along with other members of the Rotary Club of Gants Hill. 2]It is envisaged that the assistant governor for the east area will let all the rotary clubs in the east area know of the Sunday morning sessions and extend the invitation to all Rotarians in the east area.
THE MECHANICS – Step 2 1]Having succeeded in getting runners from each club the pilot scheme can be rolled out to all areas of the district by the Assistant Governors (who will be guided as to how to organise the Sunday mornings.) 2]Target is to get as many Rotarians, partners and friends (potential new Rotarians). To run/jog/walk the circuit. 3]Imagine the picture, In each area Rotarians, wearing High Viz T-shirts jogging/walking in their local area.
THE MECHANICS – Step 3 1]In May/June 2010 The district Event. 2]The idea is that each area will begin the run/jog/walk at the club furthest away from York Gate. The relay will involve a baton/torch being passed from one club to another, linking all the clubs in the area. 3]Depending on Logistics, the last club will deliver the torch/baton to York Gate.
THE VISION 1]On the day of the event, Rotary Profile WILL be raised in each area individually and in the District as a whole. The clubs will be able to decide how they want to make use of the event. 2]There are many ideas – Rotary in the community, personal sponsorship, corporate sponsorship, street support, fancy dress, Rotary Float Etc Etc Etc. It is envisaged that clubs will come up with their own ideas.
OTHER IDEAS 1]It is hoped to get a major sportswear manufacturer to supply the running vests in exchange for their company advertising (Reebok, Addidas, Nike). 2]The District Event becomes an annual event. It is envisaged this even will grow year on year. 3]The Purpose of the district event is to raise Rotary Profile, and Raise money and involve Non-Rotarians.
FURTHER DEVELOPMENT 1]Much work need to be done to move this project forward. 2]This event will easily be the biggest event ever in District ]Rotarians are needed to help the administration and development of this project.
FURTHER DEVELOPMENT Your ideas, opinions, comments and help would be most welcome