Simplified and Automatic Enrollment Progress and National Trends Presented by: Steve Banks Joe Rollins 1
Why is voluntary retirement plan enrollment critical? Pensions Across the US – Since 2007 –48 states changed pensions –28 states increased employee contribution rates –14 states have adjusted COLAs –12 states changed multipliers 2
Why is voluntary retirement plan enrollment critical? FRS Pension Plan –Instituted 3% employee contributions –Increased AFC from high 5 to high 8 Decreased pension payments by 3.5% –COLA decreasing the more years you work after 2011 FRS Investment Plan –Contributions vary each year Based on Pension Plan contributions Added Pension Plan unfunded liability payments 3
Effects of Pension Plan Changes on Retirement Security Center for State and Local Government Excellence & National Association of State Retirement Administrators 4
Why is voluntary retirement plan enrollment critical? FRS Contribution Rates Blended Rates as Enacted 2.91 Uniform UAL on all payroll bases 2.65 PEORP Administration 0.04 HIS Contribution 1.66 Total Employer Contribution Rate 7.26 Employee Contribution Rate Source: Florida Department of Management Services
Why is voluntary retirement plan enrollment critical? Sample: –FRS Pension: AFC $60,000 Factor 1.60% Years 30 –Pension = $ 28,800 –FRS Investment 28,800/.05 = $576,000 6
Effects of Pension Plan Changes on Retirement Security Center for State and Local Government Excellence & National Association of State Retirement Administrators 7 Effects of pension Plan Changes on retirement security Table 2. Additional Supplemental Savings Needed to Attain Lower and Higher Level Savings Targets State Employee Group Lower Level Savings Plan Higher Level Savings Plan (75% of Final Salary)(85% of Final Salary) FloridaPre$368,724$494,632 Post$389,104$515,013
Existing 403(b) and 457(b) Plans In place in Florida school districts since 1960’s National average participation rate is 29% –Florida – 30.1% National average account balance is $31,000 –Florida K-12 = $25,400 Therefore, the majority of the remaining 70% will certainly be required to lower their standard of living in retirement Savings rates are at present not enough to reach the goals from the previous slide 8
Florida Enrollment statistics 403(b) and 457(b) Plans 19,907 New enrollments 2013 to ,648 Retirements with open accounts Net increase of 10,259 –3.1% of total full-time employees 9
Use of Automatic Enrollment in Private Industry 10
Private industry 401(k) Use of Automatic Enrollment (Deloitte Consulting Survey) –86% said higher participation rates –57% said contribution rates increased –62% attributed increased participant awareness to automatic enrollment –3% average initial deferral rate –18% include auto-escalation 11
Private industry 401(k) Companies using Automatic Enrollment –Alcoa –Apple –AT&T –Boeing –Citigroup –IBM –Kraft Foods –Johnson & Johnson –Lowes –Macy –Verizon 12
Private industry 401(k) Employees that were helped the most –Women –Minorities –Younger Workers –Moderate Income employee – most likely to under-save Evidence shows that participation in these groups can go from 1 of every 5 participants to 4 of every 5 13 Source: Retirement Made Simpler – Coalition formed by AARP, FINRA and Retirement Security Project
Initiatives by National Tax-deferred Savings Association (NTSA) 14
NTSA Began talking about Automatic Enrollment in 2014 Created a task force in Winter of 2015 to research the use of auto-enrollment plans for Non-ERISA employers –Consisted of TPAs, NTSA legal counsel, nationally recognized investment advisors Established Best Practices guide published in May 2015 A main meeting topic at national conference in June
NTSA Our view –Good overall message –Good employee communication layout –Good information on considerations prior to implementation Our approach more focused –Focused on pure Automatic Enrollment We think Acknowledged Enrollment best –Referenced advisors providing program We think TPA is only one to provide unbiased and effective program 16
Federal Thrift Savings Program (FTSP) 17
FTSP Comments from Renee Wilder, Director –Office of Enterprise Planning for the FTSP Board –The Federal Agency that administers the Thrift Savings Plan “In 2010 we introduced Automatic Enrollment to all employees in the Federal Government’s Thrift Plan. There were many issues, which all got worked out and today the employees and employee groups are happy with the program. As previously stated, less than 4% opt out.” 18
FTSP Quick facts Enabling authorization with the TSP Enhancement Act of 2009 – an amount up to 5% Automatic enrollment implemented August % level established but legislation required default investment of the G Fund (special Treasury securities) Legislation passed 2014 authorizing default investment into the age appropriate Lifecycle fund – change to be implemented before sept 18 of this year Auto-enrollment has captured approximately 96-97% of all new federal employees (excluding the uniformed services). In other words, less than 4% opt-out Many of those auto-enrolled have not made other allocations or increases in contributions Those who have made changes have largely increased their contribution levels Auto-enroll is a major win. Participants like it and it gives us the opportunity to reach out and encourage many people to save and increase (many of whom would not have been saving) 19
Progress by TSACG 20
Progress Several Florida districts have taken it to their unions and have received support for our method of enrollment One district asked for a legal opinion on the use of our methodology not being in conflict with the State of Florida wage and garnishment statues. We have secured that opinion. 21