Chapter 14 Legal Descriptions and Site Plan Requirements
Overview Legal Descriptions Site Plan Requirements Site Plans
Legal Descriptions Legal descriptions are: Unique to every property Filed with local jurisdictions Public records A site is generally referred to as a lot (Plot/ Site plan) A plat map shows various lots in a subdivision
Plat Map (Kaysville)
Legal Descriptions Types of legal descriptions: Metes and Bounds Rectangular Survey System Lot and Block Which system do we use in Utah?
Metes and Bounds Metes is referred to as measurements Measured in decimal feet, yards, rods, or surveyor’s chain Bounds is referred to as boundaries Boundaries refer to fences, tree lines, or river Established by bearings Begins with a monument known as point-of-bearing (POB) such as a rock, tree, or iron rod
Property Markers
Rectangular Survey System Uses lines of latitude (horizontal parallels) and longitude (vertical meridians) to establish boundaries Latitude - referred to as baselines (east and west) Longitude - referred to as principal meridians (north and south)
Rectangular Survey System Surveys break land into townships measuring 6 miles square (36 square miles) Townships were further divided into 1 square mile areas known as a sections Each section is numbered from 1 to 36 Sections are divided into 640 acres 43,560 sq. ft. = 1 Acre Sections can also be divided into quarters that contain 160 acres
Rectangular Survey System Ranges were used to locate townships east or west of meridians Section 9 of Township 3 North (How many miles north?) Range 1 West (How many miles west?)
Lot and Block System Each portion of land is divided into building lots Lots vary in size depending on the property and owner A subdivision contains many blocks that are further divided into lots How do Streets in Utah vs. outside of Utah vary? Anyone lived outside Utah?
Site Plan Starting Point Topography - A physical description of the land showing elevations and other physical features
Site Plan Starting Point Topography - A physical description of the land showing elevations and other physical features Contour lines are used to show terrain Close lines indicate a steep grade Farther lines indicate a gentle grade The contour interval is the vertical distance between contour lines
Site Plan Requirements Legal description of the property based on a survey Property line bearings and directions North Direction Roads and easements Utilities Elevations Map scale
Complex Site Plan Requirements Legal description of the property based on a survey Property line dimensions North Direction Roads and easements Utilities Elevation markers Floors Ground Map scale Grading Plan Drainage Direction Cross section
Site Analysis Plan Site analysis plan shows the relationship of the proposed site to adjacent sites including: A vicinity map with scale and north direction Site features with boundaries Traffic and pedestrian patterns Contour lines Solar orientation and prevailing winds
Planned Unit Development A vicinity map is used to show large areas and the location of the development Multi-use/ zoning uses
Planned Unit Development ( )
Our Site Plan Requirements Setbacks (Set by city) 25’ Front 20’ Side on Corner Lots 30’ Rear 10’ Sides PUE- Public Utility Easements Drawn on each lot already
3645 West 5275 South, Roy Utah
3589 West 5275 South, Roy Utah
5252 South 3575 West, Roy Utah
5245 South 3575 West, Roy Utah