Baldcypress and Water Tupelo Tree Pot of Protection (POP) By Clyde Walker Jr. INSTRUCTOR: DR CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS ADVISOR: DR. JUNKUN MA FINAL PROPOSAL PRESENTATION Southeastern Louisiana University Mechanical Engineering Technology Fall 2014
Background When hurricanes make land fall, they destroy many of the Louisiana trees in its path. Swamps trees stand strong in hurricanes, reduce storm surge, and eliminate the waves atop the surge. Southeastern Louisiana University wetland restoration project run by Dr. Gary Shaffer are replanting the areas with these types of tree.
Baldcypress and water tupelo Baldcypress and water tupelo swamps are far superior to other wetland habitat types because of its root network.
Problem The old process is not efficient: manually transplanting; protecting device and securing it to the ground; disassemble and recycle the protecting device in ~ 5 years; cost of material is too much.
Objective The objective of this project is to design a pot of protection device (Pop) that will be able to grow baldcypress and water tupelo seedlings and protect them for five years `in the wetlands. Including designing a planting device to place the nails in place.
Pot of Protection Features Greenhouse shelter Made of decomposing material (cylinder) Anchors pegs Egg shape base
Methodology To be successful in completing this design, these steps must be followed and completed. Research on the material for base and cylinder components. Finding which material that has the appropriate stress level. Determining how much force it will take to crack the cylinder. Research information about the baldcyress and water tupelo from Dr. Gary Shaffer. Understanding the growing and planting process for the two trees. Design the framework for Pop and planting device Using AutoCAD to view the Pop from top, side, and bottom views. Using Soldworks to structure a 3D structure for the Pop and planting device. Uses of COMSOL to analyze the stress of the planting device
Deliverables 1. A complete set of technical drawings for the Pop design and the planting device 2. Analysis on the materials that will be use for the Pop and planting device 3. Bill of materials 4. Cost estimation 5. Total cost estimation
Timeline Fall Semester 2014 September 16 th – October 7 th : Start learning how to use SolidWorks October 9 th – October 31 st : Designing the Pop structure with AutoCAD and SolidWorks while researching and analyzing the materials for it November 4 th – November 25 th : Designing the planting device structure with AutoCAD and SolidWorks while analyzing the material for it. December 2 nd – December 5 th : Finalizing assembly plans for prototype.