Risk Consulting REVISION TO EN 12 845 and CEA 4001 EFSN – MAY 2014
REVISION TO EN 12 845 and CEA 4001 Do you think our sprinkler standards are so complicated?
REVISION TO EN 12 845 and CEA 4001 1: Current status of EN 12 845 – revision 1 2: revision 2 of EN 12845 3: CEA 4001- new edition 2013 4: CEA 4001 expected modifications
Current status of EN 12 845 – revision 1 Current version : June 2009 Includes amendments A1 and A2 Revision 1 of EN 12 845 Includes ESFR, CMSA, excessive clearance, test line, electrical cables, K factor >115, third party inspection, new annex F…) prEN 12845 rev 1 had a UAP draft dispatched to CCMC on 2013/12/18 (stage 30.99), the next stage will be the submission to UAP (formal vote yes/no) by 2014/05/22
New structure of document : 27 chapters distributed in 6 sections Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 New structure of document : 27 chapters distributed in 6 sections SECTION 1: SCOPE, REFERENCES and DEFINITIONS SECTION 2 : HAZARD EVALUATION SECTION 3 : DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION 4 : Installation SECTION 5 : water supply SECTION 6 : commissioning and control programme Annexes Draft expected S2-2014
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 1: SCOPE, REFERENCES and DEFINITIONS Introduction enabling new technologies not included Scope more precise to avoid conflict especially with residential sprinkler standard More comprehensive set of definitions Will include contract, planning and documentation
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 2 : HAZARD EVALUATION New HHS 5 to take into account plastic goods Classification will differentiate: manufacturing / non-manufacturing. Classification for manufacturing will include additional parameters to define hazard : Fire Hazard : FH1, FH2, FH3 or FH4 Will be detailed in the next presentation (Stuart Lloyd)
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 3 : DESIGN CRITERIA Design density and area of operation linked to hazard class + ceiling height Design section for storage will include existing and new protection tables + new HHS 5 classification. Will cover the former special risk annex G (flammable liq, hanging garments, aerosols...) Storage configuration STC1 to STC6 will remain similar as today ESFR and CMSA will be as separate chapters
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 4 : Installation No big modification but many improvements and precisions of existing text : dry system, more details about specific areas like stairways, concealed spaces.. location from beams, Sprinkler above suspended ceiling. 9 m² for hollow spaces > 0.3 m and < 0.5 m…, Clarification about location of in-rack sprinkler Special rack configuration included Corrosion issues Electrical issues: more details provided especially regarding alarms
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 5 : water supply Connection for other service : hydrants 90m3/h in OH and 120 m3/h in HH. Detailed requirements for pump room and alarm valve room Velocity in the suction pipe increased to 2,5 m/s for suction lift condition and 4m/s for positive head : cost effective modification Specific requirements for diesel equipped with Electronic Fuel Management Control (ECM)
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS Section 5 : water supply Volume of tank no longer based on Qmax: reduction of tank volume; based on unfavourable area.
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 6 : commissioning and control programme Contract , planning and documentation: simplification with suppression of preliminary design stage Flushing of pipework Detail procedure for commissioning and first inspection to be be witnessed by the authorities or a third party inspection body accepted by the authorities Model of maintenance report provided : complete list of all maintenance operation for each component Model of commissioning and inspection report provided
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : KEY POINTS SECTION 6 : commissioning and control programme Detailed user’s control programme
Number of annexes reduced Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 Annexes All references to pre-calculated system suppressed from main body of the text Specific annex (stand alone) covers all the requirements for pre-calculated system (FH1 and FH2) Number of annexes reduced Comprehensive annex for new technologies detailing process to accept them
Future revision 2 of EN 12 845 : conclusion Even if many modifications are expected: Standard should be simple to understand and to apply: more flow charts and graphics Installation should not be more expensive than today (even less: e.g. tank volume…) A large range of technology (K factor, type of sprinklers…) should be possible
Includes all the proposals drafted since 2009: CEA 4001- new edition 2013 First published in 1996 Latest edition August 2013 Includes all the proposals drafted since 2009: New concept for rack protection (multiple row, >3,2m wide…) Protection of rubber tyres Update classification of goods involving plastic Sprinkler in freezers Suction chambers …
Future Update planed for end of 2014-beginning 2015 CEA 4001: expected modifications Future Update planed for end of 2014-beginning 2015 Main modifications will concern: Full revision of chapter 15 : pipework Total revision of Annex L : ESFR New annex for CMSA
Threaded pipes and cut grooved CEA 4001: expected modifications revised chapter 15 : pipework Include requirements for plastic pipe, press fitting pipe system, flexible pipe, stainless steel… Detailed requirements for pipe thickness and pipe assembly Table T minimum wall thickness for steel pipes (draft) Nominal diameter External Ø Roll grooved or welded Threaded pipes and cut grooved NF EN 10 216-1 NF EN 10 255 –type L NF EN 10 217–1 EN 10 255 – type M EN 10 216 –1 EN 10 217 –1 DN 25 1" 33,7 2,6 3,2 DN 32 1"1/4 42,4 DN 40 1"1/2 48,3 DN 50 2" 60,3 3,6 DN 65 2"1/2 76,1 DN 80 3" 88,9 2,9 4 DN 100 4" 114,3 4,5 DN 125 5" 139,7 5 DN 150 6" 168,3* DN 200 8" 219,1 - 6,3 DN 250 10" 273 DN 300 12" 323,9 5,6 7,1 DN 350 14" 355,6 8 DN 400 16" 406,4 8,8 DN 450 18" 457 10 DN 500 20" 508 11 * 165,1 for EN 10255
CEA 4001: expected modifications Total revision of Annex L : ESFR Similar to EN 12845 revision 1 Will include latest update especially regarding limitation for K14 (K200) ESFR heads New annex for CMSA Ambition of CEA 4001: to be pro-active and up to date standard thanks to faster procedure than CEN
Thank you Contact Karim KARZAZI Technical Board Manager AXA MATRIX Risk Consultants 2-4, rue Jules Lefebvre - 75009 Paris – France (+33) 6 78 88 24 69 karim.karzazi@axa-matrixrc.com