OIP Resources and Training Documents Used in This PowerPoint Materials/Resources: Print copies of the handouts for each person. They are used at the following slides: Slide 17 – HO1: Classroom Instruction That Works Framework by Marzano McRel Slide 18 – HO2: Practices That Lead to Achievement – What Are They? By Dr. Olzendam Slide 21 – HO3: Characteristics of Instructional Framework Slide 23 – HO4: DeKalb District Framework Slide 24 – HO5: Brockton HS Literacy Framework Slide 31 – HO6: Directions for Identifying List of Effective Practices Download video of Brian McNulty to be used on slide listed: Slide 15 – Video: Examples of Instructional Frameworks by Dr. Brian McNulty Time Needed: 1 ½ hours
Improving Instructional Practice District Wide Slide 2 This training is designed to help develop an instructional framework.
Understand that Your System’s Work IS to Focus on Instructional Improvement Slide 3 Pfeffer and Sutton (2006) concluded in their study of effective organizations, “wide-ranging research…show(s) it is impossible for even the most talented people to do competent, let alone brilliant work in a flawed system”(pg 96). Improving achievement across an entire district requires the collective effort of the all rather than a series of isolated individual efforts. Dufour and Marzano,2011.
“It takes a system, not just a teacher.” - William Daggett Model Schools Conference 2011 Slide 4 Improvement efforts have to focus on building the collective capacity of educators to meet challenges they face. This happens by creating structures and cultures by which current educators continuously improve both their individual and collective capacity (Dufour & Marzano, 2011)
The DLT, BLT, TBT Connection Building The System Collaborative team structures that support a culture of inquiry Use of data and intentional decision making Alignment of work to the district’s goals and strategies Shared Leadership: supporting ongoing two-way communication and engagement Job embedded professional development (HQPD) Teacher Based Teams Building Leadership Teams District Leadership Team Slide 5 The foundational structures to build capacity in instructional improvement are the District Leadership Team, Building Leadership Teams and Teacher Based Teams.
High Quality Instruction School and classroom practice MUST CHANGE Slide 6 Good teaching matters. Many research studies have shown that the instruction students receive from their teacher is one of the most important variables in determining how much students achieve (DuFour and Marzano, 2011). Our challenge is to provide high quality instruction for ALL students and provide it consistently in all classrooms.
Cornerstone for all Improvement “The purpose of leadership is the improvement of instructional practice and performance, regardless of role”(Elmore, 2006). If the work that we do does not result in improving instruction in the classroom, it may be interesting and even important but it is not critical to improvement. (McNulty and Besser, 2010 p15) Slide 7 Providing instructional leadership should be everyone’s responsibility, regardless of role. Elmore says (2004) While most building and district administrators give lip service to this concept, what we know is that “direct involvement in instruction” is among the least frequent activities performed by administrators of any kind at any level. (McNulty and Besser, 2010 p.15)
Primary Roles and Responsibilities of the DLT Specifically Related to Improved Instruction Maintain district-wide focus on ALL students receiving core instruction Develop a single district improvement plan that focuses on implementing Teacher Based Teams and effective instructional practices Maintain a district wide focus on preparing ALL teachers to use effective instructional practices Slide 8 These are the primary roles for the DLT that focus specifically on instruction and the monitoring of instructional practices.
Primary Roles and Responsibilities of the BLT Specifically Related to Improved Instruction Establish priorities for instruction and achievement for ALL teachers Build a school culture that supports effective data-driven decision-making by supporting Teacher Based Teams (TBTs) Meet teacher needs for high quality, differentiated professional development, generated through TBT work, practice, coaching and other supports Slide 9 The Building Leadership Teams have the responsibility of improving instructional practice and student performance by supporting Teacher Based Teams.
Teachers change their practices when they have an opportunity to develop a collective understanding of high quality instruction and are provided ongoing opportunities to collectively reflect, discuss, deliberately practice, receive coaching and then adjust their teaching. (McNulty and Besser, 2011 p.106) Slide 10 t used to be that teachers were guided to be more individually reflective of their work in order to change their practice. Now the research found there needs to be a COLLECTIVE REFLECTION on teaching practices. Teachers do not improve when working in isolation There has been the understanding that teachers needed the opportunity to practice new teaching strategies. Now, however, there’s also the understanding that the feedback received from coaching helps people to refine their own practice. The research has evolved and gotten deeper over time, so that we now know “deliberate practice” is the essential component of continuously improving. ( McNulty & Besser, 2010)
TRADITIONAL FRAMEWORK DAGGETT SYSTEM FOR EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION What Teachers Should Do What the Entire System Should Do Teacher Focused Student Focused Teachers Deliver Instruction Teachers Facilitate Learning Vision Set by Top Leaders Vision is Built More Inclusively Define Vision in terms of Academic Measure Define Vision as Strong Academics and Personal Skills and the Ability to Apply Them Rigid Structures Support Adult Needs Flexible Structures Support Student Needs Focus on Teaching Focus on Learning Slide 11 This chart shows a traditional framework compared to Daggett’s proposed system for effective instruction. Pause the power point and compare the statements on traditional to Daggett’s design.
Framework of Effective Instructional Practices Slide 12 A common instructional framework guides curriculum, teaching, assessment and the learning climate. It also provides a common language for the entire district. A framework helps districts/schools focus more clearly and cohesively on instruction by combining “specific expectations for student learning with specific strategies” that guide teaching and assessment.
CONSISTENT USE OF SPECIFIC EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES DEFINED “The school or the district has agreed on everyone using specific effective practices that are learned, implemented, monitored, and provide feedback on learning at all levels.” ( McNulty and Besser 2010) Slide 13 In order to ensure a system is learning at all levels, there must be a framework of specific effective practices in place. These practices are then used as the foundation for learning; and must be taught, implemented, monitored and provide feedback on that learning. The BLT must implement and monitor the use of effective practices, but most importantly, must provide feedback to all and support to those who are struggling.
Importance of an Instructional Framework Provides a common language around instruction Allows district to reinforce and maintain focus on district goals Provides a foundation for ongoing conversation and collaborative inquiry Creates coherence around curriculum, instruction and student outcomes ( Olzendam , 2008) Slide 14 An instructional framework provides an important part of the infrastructure for the district to be help accomplish the points listed on this slide. There must be agreement and understanding on an instructional framework in order to implement with fidelity.
When complete, an Instructional Framework will help answer the question: What common agreements around instruction inform teachers’ daily instructional practices? www.e3smallschools.org Slide 15 A common framework allows TBTs to apply at their area of focus.
Examples of Instructional Frameworks Brian McNulty Slide 16 Dr. Brian McNulty, from Leadership and Learning Center describes Instructional Frameworks in this video clip. View video clip: Instructional Framework Examples (5:32)
Instructional Framework Districts have to work together to define and agree on what HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTION means by doing the following: Review the research on effective instruction 2. Develop a list of effective practices McNulty, 2011 Slide 17 Districts have to have a conversation about what is high quality instruction and it is important to start by reviewing some of the characteristics found in the research.
From Classroom Instruction That Works 2nd Edition Slide 18 HO 1 McRel and Marzano show this framework as one that groups strategies into key areas of teaching and learning. This is an example of one framework. Take out this HO McRel-Marzano Framework. With a partner compare the categories.
Let’s Make the Connections Read the article, “Practices That Lead to Achievement – What are They?” Instructional frameworks Practices Principal Leadership Professional Learning Communities – TBTs! Note the main points in your organizer in the appropriate circle What are the connections to your TBTs? Slide 19 Pause the power point. Take out HO2. “Practices That Lead to Achievement – What Are They?” Olzendam article and HO2a.Olzendam graphic organizer. This article summarizes much of the research that is available. Instructional framework, instructional practices, principal leadership and teacher based teams all lead to improved achievement. Read the article and note the main points in your graphic organizer. List the connections to your TBTs.
Slide 20 This graphic organizer can be used to take notes on the important points in in the article, Practices that Lead to Achievement – what are they?
Characteristics of Instructional Frameworks Hunter (1993) Gagne (1985) Frey and Fisher (2008) Marzano (2009) Schmoker (2011) Curtis (2011) Slide 21 We all went to college at some time and, depending on your age, heard these individuals talk about the critical characteristics in each person’s instructional framework. They are all research based and have similar characteristics. Reviewing these does not mean that they all have to be used but it is important to know what different researchers have found. It is critical for the district leadership to provide the leadership to determine what the expectations for instruction are in your district. It is also important to make sure that this is a top down and bottom up process. The DLT provides the leadership for the process and establishing the framework. Input is gathered through discussions, observations and other means from BLTs and TBTs for determine the framework for your district. This framework will evolve but start somewhere.
Characteristics of Instructional Frameworks Read and discuss: Hunter and Marzano Gagne and Schmoker Frey & Fischer and Curtis What similarities and differences exist? Report to the entire table: Main point(s) Similarities Differences Slide 22 Pause the Power Point. Using the HO 3 Instructional Research Chart with the Instructional Framework characteristics listed, review and compare them according to the slide.
DeKalb Example Slide 23 Pause the Power Point. Take out HO 4 DeKalb Framework Packet. This is an example of an Instructional Framework from DeKalb, Georgia. This example starts with Closing first, which reflects their use of backward design. There is also a framework for many content areas. It is important to document the framework as developed. As a table or in pairs, each review a content area and compare.
Brockton High School Example Slide 24 Pause Power Point. Take out HO 5 Brockton High School. This is an example taken from Brockton High School in Massachusetts. This high school was doing very poorly. They had a change in leadership and decided that Literacy would be their focus. They had representation from all areas and decided what every child would have to know and be able to do for each area. This framework is for Literacy across all of the high school content areas. Note that Literacy includes Reading, Writing, Speaking and Reasoning. As a table, review points from Brockton Framework and compare to DeKalb
Example Framework From FIP Your School What Are Formative Instructional Practices? Clear Learning Targets Collecting and Documenting Evidence of Student Learning Providing Effective Feedback Student Ownership of Learning http://portal.battelleforkids.org/ohio/Race_to_the_Top/FIPYourSchoolOhio.html?sflanen Battelle for Kids, FIP Your School Ohio Slide 25 This is the list of Formative Instructional Practices. These 4 practices can be used as your instructional framework. The purpose of FIP Your School™ Ohio is to advance and support the use of proven formative instructional practices that accelerate student learning. Formative instructional practices are the formal and informal ways that teachers and students gather and respond to evidence of student.
Instructional Framework Districts have to work together to define and agree on what HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTION means by doing the following: Review the research on effective instruction 2. Develop a district list of effective practices McNulty, 2011 Slide 26 The next job is to develop a list of effective practices in your district.
START WITH YOUR STRENGTHS… HONOR WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE Slide 27 Everyone district has strengths. Don’t try to start from the beginning. Start with what you have.
District “Springboards "Can Be Used as Starting Points Does your district have a research-based Balanced Literacy Framework? Are you a SIG Building or Race to the Top District that has purchased an instructional program? Are you using Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) ? Has your district had training in effective instructional strategies? Slide 28 Are there other considerations that you need to keep in mind? Any of these points can be places to start in developing an instructional framework known and understood by all
Take three minutes to discuss with your team what “starting points” you may already have to use in the development of a framework of instructional practices for ALL teachers in your district. Slide 29 What are the starting points that you may already have in place?
Do You know The Effective Instructional Practices Are In Your District? What do you have happening in your classrooms right now that can be used to start the development of a district/regional instructional framework? Slide 30 A lot of time is now spent observing teachers in classrooms. It is important to know what the instructional practices are used and it is also important to know which practices are effective. Since this process is all about learning, this should be an ongoing conversation involving all staff, so that all know and understand clearly what it is and what it looks like. Building a common language is an ongoing process, not an event.
Develop A List of Effective Practices Identify consistently high performing teachers (3 yrs) Pair DLT and BLT members to co-observe 3 identified teachers 2 times each Specifically describe what the teachers are doing and what the students are doing Make a draft list (individually and collectively) of high quality instructional practices Organize practices into an instructional framework (Ex: Use a framework listed above to organize) 6. DLT and BLTs work together to refine and communicate list McNulty, 2011 Slide 31 TAKE OUT HO 6: Develop a List of Effective Practices Pause PowerPoint. Observing teachers is an important way to determine what instructional strategies are being used in your district. It is just as important to know which practices are effective. This step-by-step protocol is an example to be used to help districts and/or buildings develop a list of effective instructional practices. Since teachers “buy in” to the system better if they are involved in the decision-making system, the inclusion of teachers at all levels in this process is critical. There may be additional variations of this activity. The important thing is that there are learning opportunities about what effective instructional practices look like.
Would Teachers in Your District Say This? “I know what instructional strategies I use in my class but I don’t know what the expectation is from the district or building level.” Slide 32 At a training several teachers made this comment. There had been much focus on improved instruction but it was not clearly articulated at all levels of the organization.
Planning Time: What Next Steps Need To Be Taken to Ensure a Completed Instructional Framework? How Do We Ensure That the Framework is Understood By All? Is There a Two Way Flow of Information? DLT BLT TBT Slide 33 This is a time to plan your next steps.