Confidential Funding your Business Growth 12 June 2013 Nick Littleford 1 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Agenda Overview of the UK Recruitment Sector Issues & Opportunities Sector Trends Barclays involvement within the Recruitment Sector Role of Receivables Funding in the Sector Key receivables products available to a growing business 2 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential The UK Recruitment Sector Market dominated by temporary staff Temporary employment has grown during the past decade as companies seek to satisfy customer demand without making long-term commitments to worker salary and benefits The recruitment sector grew marginally during by 0.4% and is likely to witness moderate growth in the coming years. Source: REC website; REC/KPMG report on jobs; Web search. Staff volumes Market value ( ) The recruitment industry grew by 4.3% in to £25.7bn and is estimated to surpass its pre- recession peak of £27.0bn by the end of Size of the UK recruitment sector (£bn) 3 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential New government rules implemented in 2013 are likely to impact hiring and growth. Source: REC jobs outlook 2012; REC/KPMG report on jobs Web search. Continued growth in recruitment activity High growth in IT & Computing Sector Increasing Unemployment Slow growth in job vacancies Regulatory impact Issues and opportunities 4 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential New government rules implemented in 2013 are likely to impact hiring and growth. Source: REC jobs outlook 2012; REC/KPMG report on jobs Web search. 50 = no change over previous month Permanent staff demand index, by sector Key sectors Nov’12Dec’12Jan’13Feb’13Mar’13 Nursing/Medical/ Engineer’g/Construction IT & Computing Accounting/Financial Executive/Professional Secretarial/Clerical Blue Collar Hotel & Catering Issues and opportunities 5 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Increased perception of job insecurity coupled with changing employer attitude has led to falling demand for recruitment agencies, thereby impacting their margins. Key trends in the recruitment sector Rise in hours worked Reduced reliance on recruitment agencies Margin squeeze Changing employer attitude Increased perception of job insecurity Source: REC jobs outlook 2012; REC/KPMG report on jobs Web search. Key sector trends 6 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential First bank to specialise in the Recruitment and Executive Search sector. Affiliated with APSCo (Association of Professional Staffing Companies) Barclays sponsors a recruitment MBA at Henley Management College Relationships with 8 of the top 10 recruitment companies in the UK and 800 relationships nationally Funding provided by utilising key asset of the business – the receivables. Funding for Lending Scheme Barclays and the recruitment sector 7 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Funding for Lending Q results 8 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Timesheet based invoicing perfect fit for a receivables based product Release of monies available to the business at an early stage Increased cash availability to support your on-going business growth Greater visibility over cashflow Role of Receivables Funding in the sector 9 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Domestic Factoring CAGR of 1.6% 7% of SF volumes Import/Export ID & Factoring CAGR of +12% 7% of SF volumes Invoice Discounting CAGR of +12% 86% of SF volumes 2000 – 2012 Sales Finance in the UK by product type (Client Sales Volumes) Client Sales Volumes £m Source: ABFA * China overtook the UK in 2011 The UK market has undergone significant expansion over the past 12 years with the market growing at a compound annual growth rate of 11% The UK market is the second largest SF market globally By product Invoice Discounting dominates and accounts for 86% of the total Sales Finance volumes in the UK Following the contraction in volumes of 8% in 2009, the market has now seen three years of good growth +11% in 2010, + 12% in 2011 and +6% in 2012 Turnover from companies using invoice finance at £254bn, is now 22% above the pre-financial crisis level of £208bn seen in 2008 Total Market CAGR of +11% between UK SF Market overview: growth in | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Client numbers by Sector – Market Source: ABFA and Barclays Returns, December 2012 Total ABFA Clients: 42, | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
Confidential Receivable Products Confidential Invoice Discounting Factoring with Recourse Factoring without Recourse 12 | Funding your business growth | 12 June 2013
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