Emerging Surface Water Issues And Pesticides - CURES - Coalition For Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship.


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Presentation transcript:

Emerging Surface Water Issues And Pesticides - CURES - Coalition For Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship

Problem: Pesticides In Urban Runoff Pesticide detections on the rise. Regulators seeking voluntary solutions. If not solved soon, regulatory action is likely.

Why Is Surface Water Issue Emerging? EPA and states moving from point to non-point pollution. More attention to managing non- point source pollution.

Key Player: the Water Flea Water flea (ceriodaphnia dubia). Indicator species. Sensitive at parts per trillion.

Detections in CA Rivers and Streams Some samples toxic to water flea. Only in occasional spikes. Not above health advisory levels. Regulations in the works.

Pesticides Detected In Delta Tributaries Alachlor - Lasso/Lexan Atrazine Carbaryl - Sevin Chlorpyrifos - Lorsban Dieldrin Cynazine - Bladex Diuron - Karmex Diazinon Dacthal EPTC - Eptam Fonofos - Dyphonate Malathion Pebulate - Tillam Metolachlor - Dual Molinate - Ordram Napropamide - Devrinol Methomyl - Lannate Pronamide - Kerb Propargite - Comite/Omite Simazine - Princep Triflurilin - Trelan DDE, p, p (Salt Slough, Orestimba Creek, Merced River)

Pesticides Detected In Urban Creeks Newport Bay Carbaryl - Sevin Chlorpyrifos - Dursban Benomyl - Benlate Diuron - Karmex Diazinon Methidathion - Supracide Methomyl - Lannate Pendimethalin - Prowl Malathion Oryzalin - Surflan Simazine - Princep Triflurilin - Trelan

Nonpoint Source Contamination (NPS) Improper application of chemicals. –spray drift –aerial spray or dumping over water Irrigation –Tailwater runoff –Leaching Overland runoff –heavy rain

Nonpoint Source Contamination (NPS) Mixing and Loading –No containment –Improper site Urban Runoff –Urban streams

Point Source Contamination A “driver” for non-point source regulations. Based on Clean Water Act regulations. –Permitted Discharges Manufacturing Water treatment plants Storm runoff

Why Now? Technologies of detection: part per trillion. Ease of using testing kits. Emphasis shift from point to nonpoint sources. Increased monitoring -- just beginning. –USGS, State activities $$$$ for monitoring. –CWA, State funds, CalFed

What the Issue is Not About Human health concerns. Direct effects on fish. Ecological significance? Persistent toxicants.

What the Issue Is About Recurring part per trillion level of pesticides. Initial focus on organophosphate insecticides. Toxicity to a sensitive screening organism. –Water flea: Ceriodaphnia dubia

What the Issue Is About FIFRA vs. Clean Water Act Standards. Overlapping jurisdictions. –DPR and State/Regional Water Boards The need for refined science: what is ecological significance? Science-based regulations needed.

What is the Clean Water Act Process? Identify impaired waters - 303(d) Lists. –Revised every two years Prioritize Total Maximum Daily Load development. Develop TMDL’s. –quantitative assessment of water quality problem –sources –actions to restore/protect the water body

Pollutants/Stressors in 303(d) Listings Fertilizer/Nutrients Pathogens (e coli, coloform) Sediment Pesticides Metals (mining runoff) Salinity Diazinon Chlorpyrifos

TMDL - Total Maximum Daily Load TMDL = point sources + non-point sources + background + margin of safety.

TMDL Litigation by States EPA under court order to establish TMDL’s –OR, AK, GA, CA (North Coast), PA, AZ, NM, WV, DL, CA (Newport Bay) Litigation filed (December 1997) –D.C., AL, FL, MS, CA (Los Angeles) 42 cases

CA Urban Creek TMDL Priorities OP Pesticide TMDLs for CA urban creeks –Chollas Creek, San Diego: due April –Upper Newport Bay, urban creeks, Orange County: due Jan –San Francisco Bay, urban creeks: due 2002/03. –Sacramento/Stockton, urban creeks: due 2012 (pressure to complete on SF Bay timeline).

Newport Bay TMDL Priorities Preliminary staff report - March 2000 TMDL draft language in 3-6 months later. Public hearings/stakeholder meetings. Finalize mitigation measures. To Office Administrative Law to finalize.

Newport Bay Problem Toxicity from almost all storm events. Highest toxicity ever found in state. –50% from Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon Unknown persistence beyond 96 hrs.

Potential TMDL Impacts Pressure for regulatory controls on agriculture, urban and other non-point sources Wasteload allocation with little data or science Tighter discharge limits on point source permits

CA Pesticide Water Quality Program MAA (Management Agency Agreement) between DPR, Ag Commissioners, and State Water Resource Control Board - Feb Developed to: –address overlapping authorities –reduce duplication of effort, inconsistencies, confusion of regulated public

Pesticide Management Plan (PMP) for Water Quality Implements the Management Agency Agreement Mitigate problems using phased approach: –Stage 1:Outreach & Education - preventative –Stage 2:Self Regulating - sponsors –Stage 3:Regulatory (DPR & Commissioners) –Stage 4:Regulatory (State/Regional Water Boards)

Why Best Management Practices? Are BMPs the answer? What are my alternatives to BMPs? BMPs will slow down the process.

What happens if BMPs are adopted? No regulations (ideally). Exemptions. Less severe restrictions in the future.

Urban BMPs Goal: Control non-point source pollution –Reduce off-site transport of sediment, nutrients, pesticides.

Urban BMPs Transport Mechanism: How’s it moving off-site? –Stormwater runoff –Irrigation runoff –Washed off during hose down –Drains in building/facility/home

Urban BMPs Stormwater Runoff: manage potential movement –Don’t spray just before storms. –No overspray on hard surfaces; sweep up granules from driveways. –Consider alternative controls in areas where stormwater channels or drains off the site. –Evaluate drain pest treatments.

Urban BMPs Irrigation Runoff –Avoid overwatering to point of runoff. –Consider frequent light irrigations (when product must be watered-in to turf or landscape.)

Urban BMPs Building/facility/home drains –Drains eventually reach river/ocean. –Don’t dispose of rinsewater in drains. –Don’t dispose leftovers in drains.

Urban BMPs Pest Control Practices Take an IPM approach ID the pest, host, habitat Consider all control options Treat only where needed Monitor results

Best Management Practices Surface water –vegetation buffer strips –water holding periods –containment/catch basins –application buffers –mixing areas w/containment and rinsate recycling

Vegetation Buffer Strips 20-foot wide vegetation strip along waterways and on downhill side of field Plant cover crop –legumes –native perennial grasses Physical barrier –slows water - sediment deposition –captures/absorbs available materials

Mixing and Loading Contained concrete mixing/loading pad Flat area, disked or graveled Recycling system for rinsate Recycle rinsate into the spray mix Spray rinsate on the field Stay away from wells

Sprayer Technology Use dry locks on spray equipment Increase droplet size –use drift retardants –avoid windy spray conditions (see label) Equipment maintenance –avoid leaks and broken hoses Turn sprayer off at end of row

Managing Drift From Airblast Sprayers Most drift comes from outside 2 rows –First/last passes through the orchard Don’t spray inside of row 1 or 2 Spray outside -inward on perimeter rows, slowing down to improve coverage.

Managing Drift From Airblast Sprayers Direct spray at canopy, not open spaces. –Base of tree and gap between rows (straight up) –Almond canopy begins 6 feet from ground. Set nozzle angle to cover target only. Canopy is the greatest interceptor of spray. Use nozzles that produce bigger droplets.

Tough Questions Yet To Be Answered Which programs will “trump.” What will those programs look like? Which best management practices will solve the problem?

What Needs To Be Done by Regulators? Better Define Problem –Extent of impact –Which pesticides –Characteristics of pesticides Source Identification –Where they coming from? BMP Development Address Regulatory Issues –CWA, Stormwater agencies, etc

What Does The Future Hold... Who shapes our future? –Industry –Regulators