Children of Parents Incarcerated in Alameda County Jails KATIE KRAMER, MSW/MPH THE BRIDGING GROUP
Alameda County Overview o 2,007 people offered surveys o 1,134 people completed surveys 57% completion rate – “opt in” process o Jail Distribution 88% from Santa Rita 12% from Glenn Dyer o Language of Survey Distribution 95% conducted in English 5% in Spanish
Parent Participant Demographics (N=878)
Participant Demographics 878 of participants (77%) were parents or primary caregivers for child(ren) ≤ 25 years Average # children was 2 (range: 1-10+) Among parents / primary caregivers: ◦Average age was 31 years (range: 18-66) GenderLanguage(s) Spoken ◦90% male 93% English ◦9% female 17% Spanish ◦1% trans-male/female 0.6% Mandarin or Cantonese 6% Other language
Race / Ethnicity
Total Times Incarcerated Since Becoming a Parent 43% reported their own parents have been incarcerated
Parent/Child Information *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
Child Demographics (N= 1,781)
Child Demographics 1,781 Total # Children ≤ 25 years Average age was 8 years (range: 0-25) GenderPrimary Language o 51% Male 92% English o 49% Female 7% Spanish 0.1% Mandarin or Cantonese 2% Other language
Race / Ethnicity of Children
County Child Lives In (same county as participant) Bay Area, 74% (San Joaquin, 5%)
Person Child Lives With* *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
Child Demographics *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
Child’s Experience (N= 878)
Child’s Experience *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
Child Change Where Live? 28% of participants have children that had to change where they live because parent went to jail
Child Change Schools? 17% of participants have children that had to change schools because parent went to jail
Contact with Children (N=878)
Contact With Any Child? 73% of participants have contact with at least 1 child right now (74% for males, 69% for females)
Barriers to Having Contact *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
Barriers to Having Contact (Cont.) *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
Visits With Any Child at Jail? 35% of participants have visits with at least 1 child at the jail (37%* for males, 19%* for females) *p<0.05 comparing male and female participants
How to Support Visits?
Reconnecting After Release 96% of participants planned to reconnect with at least 1 child after their release
Additional Support for Child?
Additional Support? (Cont.)