People in Poland spend Easter in traditional way. We usually decorate our houses with chickens, eggs, sheep, hares, flowers...etc.! We visit a church, consecrate food and spend lots of time by the table with our family and friends. How do people in Australia celebrate their Easter?
Palm Sunday is not a federal holiday in Australia. However, it is held on Sunday, which is a non-school day and non-working day for many Australians. Public transport services run to the usual Sunday schedules and many businesses are often closed. On this day people go to a church with palms. One of the most interesting customs on Palm Sunday is making small crosses made of palms, which are burnt after the ceremony. Priests use the palm's ash on Ash Wednesday next year.
In Australia, Good Friday is the beginning of four-day weekend. Many people take a short vacation around this time, visit different parts of Australia and take some rest. Others take the opportunity to spend time with their family or friends.
The Easter holiday, particularly Easter Saturday, is a popular time for christenings and weddings. Regular church goers, particularly Catholics, may attend special church services during that time. The most important day of Easter is Easter Sunday when the Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
On this day people in Australia follow the tradition of eating Easter eggs and very popular "hot cross buns". Those buns are very sweet rolls decorated with the sign of the cross, dried fruit and chocolate too. Children in Australia during the whole Easter time eat many chocolate eggs, chocolate Easter Bunnies or Billbies and they listen to the story about Burra Nimu – brave Bilby. Many families meet at dinner and organize egg hunts in the house or in a garden.
On Easter Monday includes the National Folk Festival, the Byron Bay East Coast Blues and Roots Bluesfest, the Australian Gospel Festival and a range of local events.This day is for people free day too. People on this day spend lot of time with family.
How the popular Easter sign has been created – from a rabbit of a kangaroo
Has somebody seen my Easter eggs ??
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