Welcome to On-Demand Learning DiSC® Classic 2.0
Agenda What is DiSC® Classic? Basic Insights DiSC Classic 2.0 Marston’s DISC Model DiSC Classic 2.0 EPIC Report DiSC Classic 2.0 Facilitator Report DiSC Group Culture Report ***Click on any of the above links to go directly to that portion of the self-paced tutorial.
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DiSC ® Classic 2.0 DiSC® Classic is used to improve performance, deal more effectively with conflict, and value differences. Using the research-based DiSC model, DiSC Classic helps you better understand why you act the way you do.
DiSC ® Classic 2.0 DiSC® Classic is used to improve performance, deal more effectively with conflict, and value differences. Using the research-based DiSC model, DiSC Classic helps you better understand why you act the way you do. The four dimensions of D, i, S, and C are combined to provide a Classical Profile Pattern that describes a wide range of interpersonal behaviors and preferences.
Basic Insights Personal Insight into Behavioral Preferences and Inclinations
Basic Insights Personal Insight into Behavioral Preferences and Inclinations Appreciation of Personal Diversity
Basic Insights Personal Insight into Behavioral Preferences and Inclinations Appreciation of Personal Diversity A Common Language to Understand and Discuss Personality
Basic Insights Personal Insight into Behavioral Preferences and Inclinations Appreciation of Personal Diversity A Common Language to Understand and Discuss Personality Dialogue About Personality Preferences and Differences
Basic Insights Personal Insight into Behavioral Preferences and Inclinations Appreciation of Personal Diversity A Common Language to Understand and Discuss Personality Dialogue About Personality Preferences and Differences Relating to Individuals with Different Personalities
What is in DiSC ® Classic 2.0? Enhanced narrative representation Broader interpretation Personalization Story about YOU Strong personal connection Organized and presented in a more meaningful way Ease of interpretation Elaboration on highest DiSC Dimension through personalization Richer descriptions Affirming language inspires action
Marston’s Theory Style Titles The foundation of what we call DiSC® was first described by William Moulton Marston in his book Emotions of Normal People published in 1928. His theory describes how people respond to their environment John Grier developed an assessment based on Marston’s theory in the 1970’s Style Titles Then Now Dominance Inducement Influence Submission Steadiness Compliance Conscientiousness
Moderate Paced, Thoughtful The DiSC® Model Active, Fast Paced Assertive, Bold Dominance Influence Accepting People-Focused Agreeable Receptive Questioning Logic-Focused Challenging Skeptical Conscientiousness Steadiness Calm, Careful Moderate Paced, Thoughtful
High D Is direct, result focused, assertive, active and fast paced Tries to change, fix, or control things
High i Is enthusiastic, sociable, assertive, active and fast paced Tries to persuade, promote, or influence others
High S Is patient, empathetic, calm and soft spoken Tries to be cooperative, supportive, and agreeable while keeping things stable
High C Is accuracy focused, analytical, calm and soft spoken Tries to work within established rules, guidelines, and procedures to ensure accuracy and quality
DiSC® Classic 2.0 DiSC ® Classic 2.0 is generated from EPIC--Electronic Profile Information Center 28 boxes of 4 adjectives Forced choice EPIC is an easy to use, virtual warehouse that allows you to effectively manage the access, completion, and viewing of Inscape profiles through the Internet Delivers assessments across the room or around the world from your PC The following pages shows segments of the DiSC Classic 2.0 report that is generated through EPIC
DiSC ® Classic 2.0 Response Form Generated through EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center) 28 boxes of 4 adjectives Forced choice
Individual Report The DiSC® Classic 2.0 Individual Report has four sections. Section l is devoted entirely to you and your unique behavior style Section ll covers the DiSC model and the DiSC Dimensions Section lll overviews the Classical Patterns Section IV contains the scoring and data analysis for your report
Individual Report: Section l DiSC® Graph
Individual Report: Section l DiSC® Graph Your scores on each DiSC dimension
Individual Report: Section l DiSC® Graph Your scores on each DiSC dimension Classical Profile Pattern
Your Highest Dimension Description of your Highest Dimension in DiSC® Classic 2.0 Plus… Enhanced and personalized narrative describing your highest DiSC dimension(s)
Individual Report: Section l Intensity Index Adjectives that describe a person on each of the four dimensions.
Individual Report: Section l Intensity Index in DiSC® Classic 2.0 The narrative highlights strengths and potential challenges.
Individual Report: Section l Intensity Index D Dimension
Individual Report: Section l Intensity Index for all dimensions D Dimension i Dimension
Individual Report: Section l Intensity Index for all dimensions D Dimension i Dimension S Dimension
Individual Report: Section l Intensity Index for all dimensions D Dimension i Dimension S Dimension C Dimension
Individual Report: Section l Description of your Classical Profile Pattern Emotions Goal Judges Influences Value to the organization Overuses Under Pressure Fears Would increase effectiveness with more…
Individual Report: Section l Description of your Classical Profile Pattern in DiSC® Classic 2.0 Personalized narrative highlights: Motivation Work Habits Insights
Individual Report: Section ll The DiSC® Model This page includes a brief description of the DiSC Model The first table explains the models with its original descriptors. The bottom table uses more observable and behavioral terms
Your Highest Dimension Description of your Highest Dimension
Individual Report: Section lV Scoring and Data Analysis DiSC® Classic Graph
Individual Report: Section lV Scoring and Data Analysis DiSC® Classic Graph Tally Box Scores
Individual Report: Section lV Scoring and Data Analysis DiSC® Classic Graph Tally Box Scores Summary of Interpretation
DiSC® Classic 2.0 Facilitator Report Designed for a facilitator or manager Includes individual participant data (name, DiSC® patterns, segment numbers) Helps facilitator “know” a group before the sessions begins Not intended for distribution because of inclusion of individual data
Applications Create company-wide “How We Work” values Improve individual job satisfaction Appreciate departmental contributions Increase productivity Retain key employees
Facilitator Report: Overview Key Features Group information by DiSC® style Information about Classical Patterns Reference group data Overview of each DiSC Culture Quick reference page
Facilitator Report: DiSC® Quadrant Breakdown by DiSC® Quadrant Each quadrant displays: Percentage of people in the group who received high scores in each of the four DiSC® styles Percentage of people with that style as either their primary or secondary style This page helps facilitators quickly see the pace and priorities of the group members.
Facilitator Report: Style Distribution DiSC® Styles Distribution The table on this page displays the percentage of people who received high, moderate, and low scores in each of the DiSC® styles.
Facilitator Report: Style Distribution DiSC® Styles Distribution The table on this page displays the percentage of people who received high, moderate, and low scores in each of the DiSC® styles. A bar graph allows facilitators to compare their group distribution against the general reference group.
Facilitator Report: Classical Patterns DiSC® Classical Pattern Distribution This page lists the number and percentage of people with each Classical Pattern. Reference group data is also provided as a point of reference. Facilitators who are familiar with the Classical Patterns will be able to quickly see which patterns are most prevalent in their group.
Facilitator Report: Group Culture DiSC® and Group Culture This page begins with a broad description of group culture and goes on to explore why group culture is important and how it originates.
Facilitator Report: Group Culture DiSC® and Group Culture This page is personalized for your group. A graphic and a narrative show the pace and priorities of your group members. Facilitators can use this to start a dialogue about the DiSC® style of their group.
Facilitator Report: Group Culture DiSC® Cultures Pages 8 through 15 describe the characteristics of the D-culture, the i-culture, the S-culture, and the C-culture. For each style of culture, the report explains: How different individuals may respond to that particular culture. Names of the people who had high or low scores in a particular DiSC style. Questions that will help groups uncover hidden problems and obstacles.
Facilitator Report: Individual Data Table The reference table on this page lists each individual’s Highest DiSC® style(s), Secondary DiSC style(s), Classical Pattern, and Segment numbers Allows the facilitator to “know” their participants before they even meet Names are organized by highest DiSC style
Facilitator Report: Bonus Page DiSC® Styles Reference For smaller groups, the report also contains a bonus reference page that shows the four DiSC® quadrants and lists the names of the group members who have their highest DiSC score in each quadrant. Use this page as a handout or overhead so the entire group can quickly see the styles of everyone else in the group. Note that this page will not be generated if there are too many people to fit into a single quadrant.
DiSC® Group Culture Report Overview
What is Group Culture? Environment that exists when a number of people work together Informal combination of behaviors, values and attitudes of most members of group The “way we do things” Group’s culture pressures members to act in a certain way
Why is Group Culture Important? Impacts behavior, attitudes and satisfaction of each group member Individual comfort/discomfort Affects how work gets done, how outsiders are treated, how and if risks are taken
Contributors of Group Culture Style of group leaders Most pronounced styles within the group Type of work the group does Historical culture of the group Cohesion or tension within the group Goals and mission of group
Group Culture Examples Cities Organizations Schools Churches Families Work Teams
Benefits of Understanding Group Culture Improved understanding of group dynamics Open communications and meaningful discussions between group members—improved harmony Better understanding of perception of acceptance of different behaviors Improve working relationships between group members Increased job satisfaction
DiSC® Group Culture Report
Overview of Report Introduction Your DiSC® Culture D, i, S, C Culture descriptions Dynamic, based on group results Behaviors encouraged/discouraged Advantages/drawbacks Issues to consider Working in this culture
Introduction (page 3) Overview of group culture Why is group culture important? Where does group culture come from?
Your DiSC® Culture (page 4-5) Explores the DiSC® Culture of group Graph with percentages illustrates DiSC style of group Active/Fast Paced or Thoughtful, Moderate Paced Questioning/Logic Focused or Accepting/People Focused
The D Culture (page 6-7) Encourages Independence Decisiveness Directness Victory Results Discourages Oversensitivity Hesitation Over analysis Foot-dragging Weakness
The i Culture (page 8-9) Encourages Creativity Enthusiasm Optimism Collaboration Passion Discourages Rulemaking Caution Overanalyzes Introversion Insensitivity
The S Culture (page 10-11) Encourages Cooperation Loyalty Humility Thoughtfulness Team focus Discourages Aggressiveness Pushiness Disruptiveness Nonconformity Erratic behavior
The C Culture (page 12-13) Encourages Accuracy Completeness Attention to detail On-time performance Dependability Discourages Mistakes Illogical behavior Lateness Spotty research Exaggerated enthusiasm
DiSC® Group Culture Report or DiSC Facilitator Report Pricing DiSC® Group Culture Report or DiSC Facilitator Report The cost for either report is $46.50 They can be ordered at: http://www.deygroup.com/gallery1.htm No limit to number of individuals included Can print as many copies of the report as needed
Testimonials "I recently conducted a team-building session with a group of middle level managers and senior executives. Using my EPIC account, I used the DiSC® 2.0 narrative with the group. Just before I printed the 30 profiles, I decided to add the new Group Culture Report, so I generated the report and inserted it into each of their profile packets. The client was so impressed with the Group Culture Report that they ordered four more group reports on the spot to address different work teams within this larger group of 30. My ability to follow-up with the client has also been enhanced, because I now have some specific questions to address with them as they start their new work year." Mark Peterson, Ph.D.
For More Information… Contact us at: http://www.deygroup.com/contact.htm E-brochures Example reports Case Studies Research Reports Are all available at your request, and we are happy to answer all your questions and customize our services to precisely meet you needs!
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