Evolution of Windows The most widely used OS in the world 1
How it all began Bill Gates and Paul Allen started a company called Microsoft in 1970s. In 1980, The very first OS of windows, MS-DOS, had no graphics at all. (fig, 1) MS-DOS stood for Microsoft disk operating system. It was no more than series of texts on a screen. It contained no graphics at all. 2
Introducing windows 1.0 The windows 1.0 was pretty much similar to the previous version. However, windows 1.0 had the facility to point the mouse and click, rather than typing commands. Similar to the MS-DOS, Windows 1.0 contained no graphics. 3
Revolutionary GUI in Windows 3.0 (Fig. 2) 4
First easy to use OS– Windows 95 In 1995, Microsoft released windows 95. Windows 95 had older version of most of the features that a computer have right now such as Internet capability, dial-up connection, plug and play capabilities that made easy to install hardware and software. (fig. 3.) 5
Final version made with MS-DOS– Windows 98 In 1998, Microsoft launched windows 98. It was the very first version that had the capability to run disc drives and USB. Windows 98 provided better speed then previous versions. It was recognized with the phrase, “Works better, play better”. (fig 4.) 6
Between , windows launched two more products Windows me (fig.5) Windows 2000 (Fig. 6) 7
End of the 20 th Century From 1970s, windows had provided following versions of OS. 1.MS-DOS 2.Windows Windows 95 4.Windows 98 5.Windows ME 6.Windows
Beginning of the 21 st Century: Windows XP (Fig. 7) 9
Windows Vista A newer version of windows hit the market in It is the version that is still being used in many computers. Windows Vista had facilities that included watching television, view and send pictures, edit videos. It had different versions such as Home Basic, Home premium, Business, Ultimate. 10
Windows 7: Highly active OS presently In 2009, Microsoft launched windows 7. Windows 7 had very minor improvements then Vista. On the whole, Windows 7 was pretty much similar to the Vista. (fig. 8) 11
Windows 8 and so on…(fig.9) 12
The market share of Microsoft OS (fig. 10) 13
Work Cited “ A History of Windows.”windows.Microsoft.com.N.p.., November Web. 8 Aug 2014 Fig.1 “How operating system got their names”. Source: N.p. 16 Mar Web. 11 Aug Fig. 2 Source: N.p. N.d. Web. 11 Aug Fig. 3 Source: N.p. N.d. Web. 11 Aug Fig. 4 Source: N.p. N.d.Web. 11 Aug Fig. 5 Source: N.p. N.d. Web. 11 Aug Fig. 6 Source: N.p. N.d. Web. 11 Aug Fig. 7 Source: N.p. N.d. Web. 11 Aug Fig. 8. Stern, Joanna. “How to survive the windows expiration date”. online.wsj.com. The wall street journal. 18 March, Web. 8 August Fig.9. “How to turn on/off wireless connectivity in Windows 8.” Source: N.p. 21 may Web. 8 Aug
Work cited Fig. 10: Krimly, Nina. Source: N.p. N.d. Web. 11 Aug