The Holy Spirit Church vision and values Sharing our stories in homegroup A sense that God is raising this afresh in the life of the church A positiveness in people’s spirit A greater experience of the miraculous and supernatural in our daily lives Relevant to all of us, no matter where we are on our journey with the Lord Dr. Adrian Todd -
Who is the Holy Spirit? 3rd person of the Trinity - Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19) Described in various ways; the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of truth, counsellor, comforter, encourager Active agent - creation (Gen 1), conception of Jesus (Matt 1:18,20), new birth (John 3:5-7) Pictured as a dove, oil, water, wind, flame Dr. Adrian Todd -
What does the Holy Spirit do? Fills us with strength (Eph 3:16), God’s joy (Luke 10:21), God’s Love (Romans 5:5) Helps us to understand our need of God, know the Father & the Son, understand God’s favour towards us, pray, praise, worship, witness, proclaim freedom, cast out demons Helps and directs us by living in us, praying for us, revealing God’s will, reminding us of God’s Word Dr. Adrian Todd -
The Spirit convicts us of sin Dr. Adrian Todd It is an act of grace & kindness. How else are we to know if we miss the way? He shines light into our hearts and shows us what is really there
The Spirit brings us to Jesus We are are drawn to Jesus by the Holy Spirit He bring us to the door that is salvation We are faced with a choice We repent and step through the door by faith, we are forgiven, and become a member of God’s family Once through the door we have a desire to please Jesus. Where is the power to do that? We need the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to help us (Acts 1:8, Acts 2) Dr. Adrian Todd -
Dr. Adrian Todd Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Genesis 1:26 Let us make man in our image. God wants us to be like Himself. The fruit of the Spirit is God’s character. The Spirit bears fruit in our lives Fruit grows naturally as life flows.
The Spirit equips us to do the job Dr. Adrian Todd Gifts are given, they don’t grow, they are acts of grace. (1Cor 12, Eph 4, Rom 12) Gifts are tools to do a job - build the church. Eph 4:12 Character is more important than gift.
The Spirit lives in us Dr. Adrian Todd Receive ( λαμβανω )the Holy Spirit - to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to get hold of (Acts 1:8, 2:38, 8:15, 19:2, Rom 8:15, 2Cor 11:4, Gal 3:2, 3:14) Be filled - ( πληροω ) to fill up, fill to the full, complete, cram, satisfy, to make replete (Acts 13:52, Eph 3:19, 5:18) ( πληθω ) to be filled up with something or to be soaked in, imbued, influence or supply (Acts 2:4, 4:8, 4:31, 9:17, 13:9)
The Spirit lives in us Be baptised ( βαπτιζω ) - to immerse, to dye, to submerge, to dip in water in order to fill be filled (Acts 11:16, 1Cor 12:13) Dr. Adrian Todd Come upon ( επιπιπτω ) - to to fall upon, or come upon (Acts 8:16, 10:44, 11:15)
God really wants to give us the Holy Spirit Dr. Adrian Todd Fish, eggs and good gifts (Luke 11) Cornelius & Peter (Acts 10 & 11) John’s disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19)
Allow the Holy Spirit to be at work you Allow Him to bring clarity about sin Decide not to be a spectator Actively ask the Holy Spirit to come; Pray! Recognise Him for who He is Aspire to be like Jesus Actively wait with faith and expectation Receiving more of the Holy Spirit? Dr. Adrian Todd -
It is a continuous process Dr. Adrian Todd Go on continuously being filled up and completed with the Holy Spirit - Eph 5:18 Yes but I leak! Walk daily in relationship with God! I leak because of the choices I make