SALHI.K 1 ; AYAT.A 1 ;HELLARA.A 1 ;JERBI.S 2 ;MAHJOUB.B 1 ;BOUSSOFFARA.R 1 ; HAMZA.AH 2 ; SOUA.H; MT.SFAR 1. 1 Service de Pediatrie CHU Taher Sfar Mahdia 2 Service de Radiologie CHU Taher Sfar Mahdia GI7
INTRODUCTION: The peritoneum is one of the locations outside the most common pulmonary tuberculosis. Peritoneal tuberculosis poses a public health problem in endemic regions of the world. The diagnosis is difficult and still remains a challenge : insidious nature, variability of presentation and limitations of available diagnostic tests. We report a case of an adolescent girl who was diagnostic with this disease.
Patients and Methods: A 14 years old girl admitted with a chronic diarrhea since 4 months,weakness,decreased appetie and weight loss. Physical examination showed : A pale girl. Fever (38.7°). Painful abdomen. No organomegaly or lymphomegaly. We completed with a biologic and radiologic investigation.
Results: Laboratory investigation revealed: elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate(110/130) anemia (Hb=8.7g/dl), high CRP (97mg/l). All other routine biochemical tests, celiac serology,anti Dnatif, antinuclear anticorps were within the normal range in the serum. The BK search was negative.
Results: The chest X ray was normal. Abdominal ultrasonographie showed a little ascite. TDM showed: ascite. small bowel thichening. Multiples necrotic lymphadenopathy. liver nodule (22 mm in the segment IV)
Results: laparotomy multiple smalls nodules and fibrotic adhesive bands covering peritoneal surfaces compatible with peritoneal tuberculosis later confirmed histologically (caseating granulomas) The girl was treated with quadritherapie : Rifampicine, Izoniasid, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol during 4 months. There were no clinical amelioration, and a cutaneous fistulas appeared.
Results: Myelogramme was normal. A second abdominal TDM: showed the persistence of the same pathologie and appearing of cutaneous fistulas. we suspected a multidrug resistant tuberculosis so we added ofloxacine, Amikacine and corticotherapie. After 1 month the patient became more better.
Results: Small bowel thikhening Ascite Abdominal TDM of our patient
DISCUSSION : Peritoneal tuberculosis is predominantly a disease of young adults between years old with an equal sex incidence. Tuberculosis bacteria reachs the gastrointestinal tract via: Haematogenous spread Ingestion of infected sputum Direct spread from infected contiguous lymph nodes or fallopian tubes
DISCUSSION : Peritoneal tuberculosis occurs in three forms : Wet type with ascitis+++ Dry type with adhesions. Fibrotic type with omental thickening and loculated ascites. It is commonly manifested by : abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, and anemia. Laboratory Findings are: Anemia, elevated sedimentation rate, high CRP. Elevated CA-125
DISCUSSION : Chest X ray search a pulmonary tuberculosis. Ultrasonographie ascites, lymphadenopathy, omental thickening and caking. TDM Three main types : Wet Type Peritonitis : Is the most common type of peritonitis (90% ). Free or loculated ascites, Usually slightly hyperattenuating (20–45 HU) relative to water due to its (high protein and cellular content).
DISCUSSION : Wet type tuberculous peritonitis. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows ascites (arrows) that is hyperattenuating relative to urine within the bladder (arrowheads)
DISCUSSION : Fibrotic Type Peritonitis: It accounts for 60% of cases of peritonitis. It manifests as mottled low-attenuation masses with nodular soft-tissue thickening. Dry Type Peritonitis : Is seen in 10% of cases. Characterized by mesenteric thickening, fibrous adhesions, and caseous nodules. Its imaging manifestations are highly suggestive of, but not specific for, tuberculosis.
DISCUSSION : Fibrotic type tuberculous peritonitis. CT scan obtained with oral and intravenous contrast material shows omental caking (arrowheads) with thickening of the underlying small bowel (*).
DISCUSSION : Peritoneal Biopsy : 85-95% Sensitive Performed by: - laparoscopic guidance or minilaparotomy - exploratory laparotomy. Caseating Granulomas Langerhans Type Giant Cells. Microbiology Ziehl-Neelsen Stain
Treatment Same treatment as pulmonary TB Four drug regimen: – Isoniazid – Rifampicin – Ethambutol – Pyrazinamide Quadritherapie during 2mounths than bitheraphie during 4moutns(Isoniazide+Rifampicin)
Conclusion : The diagnostic of peritoneal tuberculosis is difficult. It presents with nonspecific symptoms. laboratory investigations may not be helpful. Radiologic investigation and laparotomy help to get the diagnostic and to treat early affected patients.