Grade 12 Post- Secondary Planning
Go to and create an account. Complete the Exploration survey. It will give you an idea of your career interests. Review your results from the survey and use the Occupation Planner to research careers.
Use to determine what pathway(s) will get you to your career goal (apprenticeship, college, university or workplace) Review your options.
Use to determine the pathway required to reach your career goal. Find more information about your …. College program choices: University program choices: Apprenticeship program choices: /training/ on Workplace options: /jobs/
Ontario Universities’ Fair 2013 Sept , 2013, Metro Toronto Convention Centre Chinguacousy’s Post-Secondary Information Fair, Oct. 17, 2013, 5 – 7 pm Ontario College Information Fair 2013 October 21, 2013 (6.30pm to 9pm) & October 22, 2013 (10am to 3pm) Direct Energy Centre Exhibition Place
At the end of the school year, you must have 30 diploma credits, 18 compulsory credits and at least 12 optional credits to be a graduate. See your counsellor if this is not the case.
This is the list of courses that you are currently taking this year. This is the list that we will be sending to the university and college application centres.
And last but not least…… You must complete 40 hours of Community Involvement and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test in order to obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
University applications are submitted online to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) - Your grade 11 & 12 marks are downloaded to the website and an account is created for you. You will receive a PIN # in about mid-November that you will use to access your account and submit your application. January 15, 2014 is the deadline for you to submit completed applications to the OUAC.
Ontario Secondary School Diploma Six grade 12 U/M level courses, including ENG4U0 Grade 12 U/M Technology courses are not always accepted for admission. It is important that you check with the individual universities for their policy. Some programs have specific required courses There may be additional requirements (i.e. Supplementary Application, portfolio)
College applications are submitted online to the Ontario College Application Service(OCAS) - All of your high school marks are downloaded to the website and an account is created for you. You will receive a need your Ontario Education # (OEN) in order to access your account and submit your application. Your OEN is located on the top of your status sheet. The equal consideration date for FALL programs is February 1, After February 1st, applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, providing there are still vacancies in the program(s) of your choice.
Ontario Secondary School Diploma ENG4C0 Some programs have specific required courses. Some programs require 2 or 3 grade 11 or 12 U/C or M level courses. There may be additional requirements (i.e. interview, testing)
The first mark submission is sent to the application centres in early October. This includes a list of all courses students will be taking for the year. Semester 1 midterm marks are sent to OCAS – only in mid-November. Semester 1 final marks and any updates to courses are sent to OUAC & OCAS in February. Semester 2 midterm marks are sent to OUAC & OCAS in mid-April. Universities usually confirm offers at this point. Semester 2 final marks are sent to OUAC & OCAS in early July.
Private school marks that you are taking this year must be submitted by the private school to OUAC & OCAS. Night school marks taken at a Peel or Dufferin Peel (Catholic) night school are sent in the downloads. If you are planning to go to post-secondary in the fall and plan to take summer school courses required for graduation or your program, you must confirm with the college/university that they will wait for summer school marks. You must also find out how they want you to submit your marks, as no one will be in the school to forward marks for you during the summer.
Although universities look at your grade 11 & 12 marks, your admission average is based on your top six grade 12 U/M level courses only. Grade 11 marks are used if they can get a sense of your expected achievement to make you an early offer. No matter what is said on your letter, always consider an early offer to be conditional! If your average does not meet the admission requirement when midterm/final marks are submitted, you could lose your offer and/or scholarships that you may be granted.
If you are planning to enter into an apprenticeship after high school please see your counsellor to make sure that you are taking the correct steps. Your counsellor can also give you advice if you plan to enter the workplace immediately after high school.
If you plan to apply to the USA or overseas for post-secondary, you may be required to complete an aptitude test to determine your eligibility for entrance. You should visit the website and see your counsellor for more information.
There are many scholarships, bursaries and awards available to students through the community, the school Board, and various organizations. Be sure to use the resource sheet given to you to find out how to view scholarship criteria and to access applications. Many post-secondary institutions have their own scholarships that you may be eligible for. Be sure to check the electronic info website for information as well as the websites for each of the schools.