Safeguarding Hub Webinar Keeping Children Safe in Education New statutory guidance April 2014 Ann Raymond, The CPSC The webinar slides can be downloaded and printed from: Do your colleagues need to use the Hub? Your subscription includes 6 log-ins. Make sure you’re using them all. For help call the Hub Line and speak to our friendly team!
This webinar complements the legal briefing by Dai Durbridge which can be read on the safeguarding hub. To avoid duplicating that briefing I have concentrated for the most part on different aspects in the new guidance The CPSC Ltd2
Rationale for the Revised Guidance ( which replaces Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education) Munro Review of Child Protection: recommendations include proportionate national guidance; child centredness and using professional judgement Legislative changes in the Education Act 2011 and Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 have contributed to the need for revised guidance Serious Case Reviews, especially Daniel Pelka, Nigel Leat, Jeremy Forrest, Vanessa George and several sexual exploitation cases shone the spotlight on schools’ handling of child protection concerns The CPSC Ltd3
The Structure of KCSiE About this guidance Safeguarding information for all staff The management of safeguarding Safer recruitment Allegations against teachers and other staff 5 Annexes – Legislation – Role of designated safeguarding lead – Special circumstances – Statutory guidance - regulated activity – Disclosure and Barring Service checks The CPSC Ltd4
Remember! The duty of governing bodies and proprietors of ALL schools to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils under s175 and s157 of the Education Act 2002 remains in force Schools must have: A child protection policy, including referral procedures Complaints procedure Safeguarding induction and training DSP and deputising arrangements Safer recruitment and dealing with allegations procedures Opportunities to teach pupils about safeguarding Safer recruitment training for key staff The CPSC Ltd5
Key Changes Training: two year intervals for DSPs only. ‘Appropriate training which is regularly updated in line with advice from the LSCB’ for other staff Safer recruitment training still required but from September 2014 the trainer does not need to be on an approved list (Training must, as a minimum, cover the guidance in KCSiE) Outcomes for allegations investigations are Substantiated, Malicious, False or Unsubstantiated (Unfounded has been removed) Bullying isn’t mentioned (one link to guidance) but procedures should be in place to handle allegations against other children (p14) Increased risk for disabled and SEN children has been left out Attempt throughout to give greater autonomy to individual staff members Lots of click-through weblinks The CPSC Ltd6
Some key Inclusions FGM (p10) Sexual Exploitation (p10) Missing children (p5 and 15) Host Families (p29 and 44) Boarding schools and children’s homes (p44) Work experience checks (p27) Checking contractors and visitors (p26 and 27) Checks on proprietors and members of proprietor bodies and trusts of independent, academy and free schools (p28) Checking governors and volunteers (p25, 26 and 28) The CPSC Ltd7
Points of Emphasis in the Guidance Any staff member can refer concerns directly to children’s social care Schools should have a staff behaviour policy or code of conduct The responsibilities of the DSP should be explicit in the post holder’s job description There should always be cover for the role The child’s wishes are important and systems allowing children to express their views and receive feedback should be in place Parents should be made aware of the prohibitions on reporting or publishing details that could identify a teacher who is the subject of an allegation (including on social media) Staff should maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ Detail of the DBS process, especially for volunteers The CPSC Ltd8
Suggested Action for Your School Read KCSiE alongside Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) and your LSCB procedures ALL staff should read at least part one of KCSiE Amend your CP policy (the one on the hub has been amended), self evaluation and school improvement plan Create a staff behaviour policy/code of conduct if you don’t yet have one Developing professional judgement – source training opportunities The CPSC Ltd 9
Suggested Action.2. Any staff can refer – think about how this might be managed and check your LSCB procedures Training intervals – what’s the optimum? Advice from LSCB Ensure you are clear about the respective checks for supervised and unsupervised volunteers Ofsted - watch for updated Inspecting Safeguarding Briefing and Inspection Handbook The CPSC Ltd10
Links children-safe-in-education/ children-safe-in-education/ DANIEL PELKA SCR: eport%20%20DP% %20Publication%20version.pdf eport%20%20DP% %20Publication%20version.pdf NIGEL LEAT SCR: VANESSA GEORGE SCR: JEREMY FORREST SCR: aded_files/SCR%20Child%20G%20December%202013%20PUBLISH ED.pdf aded_files/SCR%20Child%20G%20December%202013%20PUBLISH ED.pdf The CPSC Ltd11
Webinar Questions Safeguarding Hub Webinar Questions & Answers Keeping Children Safe in Education will be covered in further detail at Optimus Education’s upcoming safeguarding events: The CPSC Ltd Safeguarding 20 th May, Birmingham Child Protection in Education 18 th September, London 14 th October, Manchester Please visit for more information or call