Types of Lung Cancer There are two main types of lung cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer : it accounts for about 80% of all lung cancer. There are several different types of NSCLC, and each type is treated differently. Small cell lung cancer is almost always caused by smoking, and accounts for about 20% of all lung cancer. The cancerous cells are small, but multiply quickly and form large tumors. 2
Causes Tobacco use About 90% of lung cancer arises as a result of tobacco use Second-hand smoking Exposure to asbestos or radon in the home or workplace Family history 3
Symptoms Coughing/ Coughing up blood Chest, shoulder, or back pain Shortness of breath Recurring lung problems Brochitis or pneumonia Loss of appetite or weight loss Fatigue or general weakness 4
Treatment Surgery Used to remove cancerous tumors Mostly considered for Stage I and Stage II cancer patients, when the cancer hasn’t spread to the rest of the body Chemotherapy Medicine is swallowed or injected through the veins of the patient Kills all types of cells, not just cancerous ones Radiation Uses high-energy rays to kill or shrink cancer cells 5
Statistics More people in the U.S. die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. In 2007: 203,536 people in the United States were diagnosed with lung cancer. 158,683 people in the United States died from lung cancer. In the U.S. from , the median age at diagnosis for lung and bronchus cancer was 71 years of age. In the U.S. from , the median age at death for lung and bronchus cancer was 72 years of age. 6
Statistics (cont.) Lung and Bronchus Cancer Death Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, U.S., 1999–
Statistics (cont.) 8 Adult Smoking in the U.S., 2010 Lung and Bronchus Cancer Death Rates by State, 2007 Above: StateInfo-large.html Right:
Pictures On the left is an x-ray of a normal lung, and on the right is an x-ray of a lung with cancer. pictures.blogspot.com/ 9
Pictures (cont.) On the left is a healthy pair of lungs. On the right are a smoker’s lungs. ot.com/2010/04/smoke rs-alert_24.html 10