Helen Holt2 Session Outcomes: Be able to read, write, order and compare common fractions. To identify equivalences between fractions, decimals and percent. To identify the relationship between fractions, decimals and percent. To explore misconceptions of fractions.
Helen Holt 3 What are fractions? Fractions, decimals and percents are different ways of representing an amount. I.e. We could say 50% of something, or ½ or 0.5. These are all the same quantity. Fractions are about sharing. You may like to think of them as ‘parts of a whole’.
Helen Holt4 What are fractions? A fraction describes part of a whole when the whole is cut into equal parts. This pizza has been cut into three equal parts. We call these thirds. A third is written as: Think about two slices. Two slices is two thirds:
Helen Holt5 Writing fractions? Look at the pictures below. How many parts are these shapes divided into? Represent these shapes as fractions.
Helen Holt6 Converting between fractions, decimals and %: A same value can be written in different forms. For example: ½ % To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the top of the fraction by the bottom of the fraction: e.g. ½ = 1÷2 = 0.5 To convert a decimal into a percentage, multiply by 100: e.g. 0.5 x 100 = 50% Is the same as:
Helen Holt7 Converting between fractions, decimals and %: Place the fraction, decimal and % into the correct blank spaces on the grid. FractionDecimal% ½0.5 ¼25% /1010% % 3/9 100%
Helen Holt8 FractionDecimal% ½0.5 ¼25% /1010% % 3/9 100%
Helen Holt9 Why use fractions, decimals and %? When might we use fractions: When telling the time (e.g. ¼ past). In shop sales (e.g. a 1/3 off, ½ price). When measuring (e.g. ½ a metre). When dividing (e.g. 1 pizza divided between 6 people). In recipes (e.g. half a dozen). When might we use decimals: When working with money. To show probability, or the likelihood of something happening. To show how many whole and part numbers there are to a value (e.g means 3 whole numbers and one quarter of a whole number). When might we use %: Shops use percentages in sales. Banks use them for loan rates, mortgages, savings accounts.. Weather forecasts use them to tell us the chances of rain. To calculate VAT and income tax. When working in business we may choose between fractions, decimals and %s to make a sale item look more appealing to customers. For example, 20% off may sound more appealing than 1/5 off a sale item, even though they are really the same amount!
Helen Holt 10 Where can we find fractions? Take a look at this article. Notice how fractions are used to explain and analyse the results of the survey.
Helen Holt11 FractionDecimal% ½0.550% ¼0.2525% 1/ % 1/ % 3/ % 3/ % 1/ %
WANT TO PLAY A COMPUTER GAME? Fractions-and-Decimals-to- Percents/changing-fractions-and- decimals-to-percents-millionaire.htmlhttp:// Fractions-and-Decimals-to- Percents/changing-fractions-and- decimals-to-percents-millionaire.html ention/Decention_IWB.htmlhttp:// ention/Decention_IWB.html Helen Holt12