Text in Context Sociocultural Context Field Tenor Mode Model of Language Genre Situational Context
Field Continuum everyday fields……..specialised fields……highly technical fields
equal status ……………….…………..….. great difference in status familiar …….………………………………...……………..very distant great deal of emotional expression……..little emotional expression Tenor Continuum
Mode continuum most spoken………………….…………….....… most written
Model of Language Language Situational Context Genre Mode Field Tenor Text in Context Sociocultural Context Genre Field Tenor Mode Situational Context Sociocultural Context
Mode Tenor Situational Context Field Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context broader strand more specific strand resources in the English language
foregrounding coherence voice and tense print conventions textual element spoken to written multimodal texts Mode modality evaluation speech functions idioms non-verbal elements interpersonal element formality to familiarity Tenor verbs noun groups nominalisations circumstances topic specific vocabulary informational element everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context range of genres purposes structure language choices - structure texts build cohesion expand sentences
range of genres specific purposes structure cohesion the language choices -organise texts focus foregrounding the ‘how’ its textual elements deal with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances the ‘what’, or content its informational elements range from everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context range of genres purposes structure
the language choices - organise texts focus foregrounding the ‘how’ its textual elements deal with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances the ‘what’, or content its informational elements range from everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field the range of genres purposes structure Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context language choices - structure texts expand sentences build cohesion language choices - structure texts build cohesion expand sentences
Genre: Scale 1 (towards) copying very short groups of words
S: Good morning, good morning everyone. All: Good morning everyone S: My mum buy for me a gun T: A gun? What do you do with that? S: and Barbie and car T: Whoo! Do you enjoy playing with those? S: nods (goes and sits down) Genre: Scale 2 participates in basic spoken exchanges depending on memorising segments responds in basic spoken exchanges involving two or three turns uses one or two examples of pronoun reference
Genre: Scale 3 constructs elementary examples of basic genres by speaking and writing with a high degree of scaffolding demonstrates an understanding of the structure of several basic genres uses basic pronouns: I, my
Genre: Scale 4 organises the meanings in brief written texts in a logical order writes several pieces of information about a living thing topic words at the front of sentences in a report begins to expand information using linking conjunctions: and, but uses a limited range of cohesive resources: possessive pronouns, third person pronouns, demonstrative pronouns
Genre: Scale 5 constructs short spoken exchanges relying on memorising initiating moves only ORAL RECOUNT Teacher: You can say good morning to everybody. Johnny: Good morning everyone. Everyone: Good morning Johnny. Johnny: My name is Johnny and I am 10 years old… and… Sunday I woke up I had breakfast…I had breakfast.. then I…I play…with my brother… cricket and my friend… next I…had my dinner. I ate fries… and… meat… round… like a thing. Teacher: What colour is it? Johnny: It’s green. Teacher: Green peas. Is it a vegetable? Yes? Green peas, vegetables? Johnny: Yes. After that I went to bed.
linking conjunctions: and then, but, or, so Genre: Scale 5 phrases of time and place to structure recounts binding conjunctions: because small range of reference items
Genre: Scale 6 reads explanations and begins to write brief examples use conjunctions to organise texts a range of linking conjunctions: then, but, or, so and a range of binding conjunctions:because, when, before, after reference items
reads longer more complex sequential explanations and simple charts and begins to write short examples organise meanings in short simple paragraphs linking conjunctions: and, but, or, so, then binding conjunctions: when, if, while Genre: Scale 7 use conjunctions to organise texts: Second, Next
Genre: Scale 8 uses a limited range of features that organise a text: -phrases of time and place begins to use a small range of relative pronouns reference items
Genre: Scale 9 synonyms, antonyms: didn’t worry, scared more than one complication binding conjunctions: as, as if, since, because, because if reference items synonyms, antonyms
Task: Look at your text and using the criteria from the previous slides or the criteria in the Scales, determine an approximate ESL Scale for genre. Decide on some teaching priorities for this student, to develop genre.
the language choices -organise texts focus foregrounding the ‘how’ its textual elements deal with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive the range of genres specific purposes structure and cohesion Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context language choices - structure texts expand sentences build cohesion informational element everyday to highly technical
the language choices -organise texts focus foregrounding the ‘how’ its textual elements deal with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor informational element everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive the range of genres specific purposes structure and cohesion Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context the verbs participants circumstances verbs noun groups nominalisations circumstances topic specific vocabulary
S: Good morning, good morning everyone. All: Good morning everyone S: My mum buy for me a gun T: A gun? What do you do with that? S: and Barbie and car T: Whoo! Do you enjoy playing with those? S: nods (goes and sits down) Field: Scale 2 uses vocabulary that is mainly commonsense but chooses isolated concrete technical vocabulary understands small range of vocabulary expressing immediate interest: common noun groups common actions
Well the story was about as a little fish and one... boy to go to school and he walk in the jungle and he pass in the big tree and he sit, he, he, he...sit on the thing on the ground and he look to the water and he see some fish and when he come to school he.. he make some boat and when he come into the jungle too, he put some fish on the boat and it the boat and the little boy the boat on the water Field Scale 3 expands vocabulary by describing according to size uses very basic phrases of location
Field Scale 3 uses vocabulary that is mainly commonsense but chooses some concrete technical vocabulary expands vocabulary using numbers, describers, classifiers
Field: Scale 4 uses vocabulary that is commonsense but begins to use some technical vocabulary uses very basic phrases expressing circumstances
Field: Scale 4 uses technical vocabulary for educational fields such as science uses very basic circumstances expands vocabulary using numbers, describers, classifiers
Field: Scale 6 verbs circumstances location noun groups describers mental actions manner
Field: Scale 6 noun groups: number, qualifier technical vocabulary direct and indirect speech
Field: Scale 7 noun groups: verbs: - action circumstances: - location - time technical vocabulary -classifiers -describers - relational
Field: Scale 8 common nominalisations noun groups: describers, classifiers, prepositional phrases as qualifiers circumstances: manner technical vocabulary
Field: Scale 9 More delicate choices noun groups verbs: - action circumstances: - manner nominalisations -relational - mental
Task: Look at your text and using the criteria from the previous slides or the criteria in the Scales, determine the Scale for Field. Decide on some teaching priorities for this student, to develop Field.
the language choices -organise texts focus foregrounding the ‘how’ its textual elements deal with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances the ‘what’, or content its informational elements range from everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive the range of genres specific purposes structure and cohesion Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude interpersonal element familiar to formal
the language choices -organise texts focus foregrounding the ‘how’ its textual elements deal with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode interpersonal element formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances the ‘what’, or content its informational elements range from everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive the range of genres specific purposes structure and cohesion Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context non-verbal elements speech functions modality attitudinal lexis idioms modality appraisal/evaluation speech functions idioms non-verbal elements
S: Good morning, good morning everyone. All: Good morning everyone S: My mum buy for me a gun T: A gun? What do you do with that? S: and Barbie and car T: Whoo! Do you enjoy playing with those? S: nods (goes and sits down) responds in socially appropriate ways Tenor: Scale 2 chooses common formulaic expressions pronounces most words comprehensibly
expresses statements in basic ways Tenor: Scale 3
Tenor: Scale 4 uses a narrow range of evaluative language
Teacher: You can say good morning to everybody. Johnny: Good morning everyone. Everyone: Good morning Johnny. Johnny: My name is Johnny and I am 10 years old… and… Sunday I woke up I had breakfast…I had breakfast.. then I…I play…with my brother… cricket and my friend… next I…had my dinner. I ate fries… and… meat… round… like a thing. Teacher: What colour is it? Johnny: It’s green. Teacher: Green peas. Is it a vegetable? Yes? Green peas, vegetables? Johnny: Yes. After that I went to bed. Tenor: Scale 5 Chooses formulaic polite expressions appropriately Demonstrates a good awareness of intonation patterns of basic spoken statements, questions
Tenor: Scale 5 auxilliaries a small range of evaluative language to express feelings and attitudes
Tenor: Scale 5 a range of evaluative language uses a small range of language elements expressing modality
Tenor: Scale 6 uses a range of language elements to express feelings and attitudes
Tenor: Scale 7 chooses some elementary expressions of modality evaluative vocabulary to express feelings and attitudes strictly limited range of colloquial and idiomatic language
uses a range of simple forms of language expressing modality with a greater degree of accuracy in more formal contexts Tenor: Scale 9
Task: Look at your text and using the criteria from the previous slides or the criteria in the Scales, determine the Scale for Tenor. Decide on some teaching priorities for this student, to develop Tenor.
the language choices -organise texts focus foregrounding Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances the ‘what’, or content its informational elements range from everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive the range of genres specific purposes structure and cohesion Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context the ‘how’ its textual elements range of spoken, written and multimodal texts textual element spoken to written multimodal
textual element deals with the range of spoken, written and multimodal texts Mode the language choices who questions or commands how degrees of certainty expressed. the ‘who’ interpersonal elements deal with formality, familiarity and attitude Tenor word groups and phrases the verbs participants circumstances the ‘what’, or content its informational elements range from everyday to technical vocabulary Situational Context Field language choices - structure texts cohesive the range of genres specific purposes structure and cohesion Sociocultural Context Genre LanguageText in Context foregrounding voice and tense print conventions foregrounding voice and tense print conventions
Mode: Scale 1 handwriting: legible letters representing sounds: some attempt
Mode: Scale 3 repetitive sentence beginnings: I limited control of primary tenses: simple present used instead of simple past print conventions: spells with some accuracy
Mode: Scale 4 some control of primary tenses for most common regular verbs but a strictly limited control of secondary tenses experiments with punctuation: fullstops and capitals used
Mode: Scale 4 repetitive sentence beginnings some control of primary tenses spells most common words and others on own pronunciation experiments with punctuation
Mode: Scale 6 control of primary tenses, past tense form of common irregular verbs begins to control secondary tenses spells with greater accuracy legible and uses punctuation
Mode: Scale 8 organises texts in simple, logically ordered paragraphs foregrounds simple, repetitive patterns most of the time demonstrates limited control, with support, of punctuation marks beyond the basic: commas and apostrophes for basic contractions
Mode: Scale 9 organises texts in longer, logically ordered paragraphs foregrounds less simple, repetitive patterns: -phrases of time and place foregrounded more than once understands that changes in grammar may be required when using passive, but doesn’t always have control
Task: Look at your text and using the criteria from the previous slides or the criteria in the Scales, determine the Scale for Mode. Decide on some teaching priorities for this student, to develop Mode.
GENRE structure conjunctions: Secondly, Therefore cohesion reference: us, they, we, I, you, there (their), the expansion linking - and, so binding -because FIELD nouns: Lots of people, the best pets verbs action: help, fly, see, brush, put, keep mental: think relational: are, have, is where: high, in there (their) hair technical: pets, clouds, sun, brush, ribbons, hair, Unicorn TENOR series of statements, mostly accurately formed complex sentences certainty, obligation: I think feelings, attitudes: like (liked), best, beautiful colloquial language: Unicorns are cool MODE foregrounded: Lots of people, Unicorn, I think, They, Secondly, Therefore simple present: have, are, is, help, fly, can see, can brush, put print conventions
Task: Look at the Scale levels for each of Genre, Field, Tenor and Mode and determine the overall Scale of the text. Determine what kind of additional texts you would require to confirm the Scale level of the student.