Computer Based Patient Records
Overview Review the Computer Based Patient Record Describe the UI CBPR Project INFORMM Patient Record
Topics of Discussion What is a Computer Based Patient Record? What are the Components? What are the Main Issues? Who are the Major Players? What is the Value?
What is a CBPR? Documentation (e.g., Medical Record) Workflow Clinical quality improvement Outcomes data
What are the Components? Summary Documentation –Problem List/ Allergies Medications Encounter Documentation –CC/HPI/PFSH/ROS/PE/Imp/Plan/Procedure –Orders/Results Rules / Guidelines Tabular Information (Formularies etc..) –Formularies / Lexicon Process Flow
Components (cont’d) Outcomes Tracking –Health Status Indicators –Problem Episode Tracking –Randomized Impact Studies
What are the Main Issues Text versus Structured & Coded Security versus Access Buy versus Build Human Interface –GUI / Voice / Wearable Human Acceptance
Text versus Structured & Coded Structured & Coded –What does a given [response] mean? –If [response] then do [whatever] –When or how many of a given [response] ? Text –Extemporaneous –Context Imbedded –Tells a story
Structured and Coded Context –Validity Question and Response –Lexicon –Metathesaurus
Transitioning: Text to Coded Incomplete Vocabularies –In six defined vocabularies find only 60-80% Validity depends on context Context may be implicit for the educated –nursing documentation –physical exam –test and therapy orders
In the Meanwhile: Text is necessary What can we do with it? –Categorize it structured dictation –Encapsulate it disallow it wherever possible –Extract from it lexigraphical analyses have limited success
Security versus Access Security –Who are you (authentication) –What are your information rights (authorization) –What did you do (audit trail) –How can we ensure integrity of communication Access –Intuitive Design –Online Intelligent Assistance
Buy versus Build Buy –Turn-key versus Customizable –Cost-sharing versus Cost-shifting –Support versus Holding-the-Bag Build –Personal Relationship with the Customer –Talent Pool Stability
Human Interface GUI –layout itself communicates information –pointing supported Voice –ready for prime time? Wearable Virtual
Human Acceptance Acceptable Interface Workflow Makes Sense Problems - More Solved than Created
Who Are the Major Players Non-profit Organizations –Academies / Societies / CPRI Government Institutions –NLM, ASTM Academic & Medical Institutions –LDS/IMHC / Brigham / Columbia / Stanford – Commercial Product Vendors
Processes Macro –Birth to Death –Induction to Discharge Micro –Check-in to Check-out –Chief Complaint to Episode Resolution
Macro Process
Birth to Death Record Universal Identifier Data Model Vocabulary Data Exchange Security Policy
Micro Process Patient Seeks Attention Patient Responds to Questions Provider Examines Impression and Plan Formed Plan Executed Outcome Assessed
Patient Seeks Attention Now –Patient Calls or Drops In Some Enhancements in Progress –System Proactively Advises Patient –Patient Seeks Online Information
Patient Responds to Questions Now –Provider Assisted –Mostly Text, Some Coded Some Enhancements in Progress –Coded Questions and Responses –Context-sensitive Branching –Automated Capture of Information –Automated Intelligent Assessment
Provider Examines Now –Provider Documents After the Fact –Mostly Text, Some Coded Some Enhancements in Progress –Coded Questions and Responses –Context-sensitive Branching –Automated Capture of Information
Impression and Plan Formed Now –Information Reviewed (Hx, PE, Results) –Mostly Narrative Some Enhancements in Progress –Assisted Differential Diagnosis –Guidelines Evidence Based Medicine –Critical Path
Plan Executed Now –Orders Written –Procedures Performed –Tests Done Some Enhancements in Progress –Orders Captured Online with Problem –Plan Process Tracked
Outcome Assessed Now –Follow Up Visit Narrative –A Few Objective Outcomes are Tracked Some Enhancements in Progress –Episode Tracking CC to Assessment to Treatment to Resolution Beyond the Single Encounter –Outcome Classification Health Status per Patient Report
Rules Span the Entire Process If Event Detected –Demographics –History –Result –Order Then Response –Communicate to Patient / Provider –Execute a Plan
University of Iowa CBPR Project Phase I Health Resume and Guidelines Document System Phase II Outpatient Contact Summary –Templates, Coding, Ordering Phase III Inpatient Contact Summary –Templates, Coding, Ordering, Guidelines Images
INFORMM Patient Record
Patient Text Document System
Health Resume
Allergies & Adverse Reactions
Prescribing: Pre-written Orders
Online Guidelines
Immunization: Hx, Reminders, Orders & Charting
Immunization: Adults
Immunization: Travel Vaccines
Online Clinical Help
Contact Summary: CC to Billing
Template Input: Large Format, Touch Screen, Branching
Problem List (Coded)
Orders: Tracking by Problem
Teaching Documentation Compliance
Billing Code Documentation
Online Impact Assessment
Lessons Learned from Experiments Passive Information Increases Utilization In-your-face Information Decreases It If Seen, Information Changes Outcome –second-vaccine ordering –no vaccine ordering –prescription drug ordering
University of Iowa CBPR Project INFORMM Patient Record