HIGH SCHOOL TRANSITION: The Next Step Lebanon Middle School Guidance Ms. DeLong, School Counselor
HIGH SCHOOL OPTIONS Lyman Memorial High School Agricultural Science Program Windham Tech & Norwich Tech CREC Magnet Schools, ACT (Arts at the Capitol Theater) Magnet, Marine Science Magnet School Private Schools
Application Process Students can get applications for Ag-Science, Tech schools, & ACT in the guidance office (mid-October) Students should fill out the portion of the application designated for parents/students to fill out Return applications to the guidance office by specified dates ALL Tech School, Ag Science and ACT applications are sent from the guidance office
Lyman Memorial High School Course Levels Scholastic College Prep Honors *Freshmen wishing to take honors courses must apply for the honors program in their 8 th grade year. They must also have 8 th grade teacher recommendations. Advanced Placement *Available to students beginning junior year
Honors Courses Available to Freshmen English 9 Algebra I Geometry Physical Science World Language (French or Spanish) Biology** (for STEM program students)
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Initiative Program designed for students with a high interest level in math & science as well as high academics in these areas Designed for students who want to pursue careers in math and/or science fields Students in this program would need to be recommended for Honors Biology & Honors Geometry It is the understanding that students who apply for this program will take AP Calculus and/or AP Statistics as well as AP Chemistry and/or AP Physics during their high school career They must have 2 letters of recommendation, one from their science teacher and one from their math teacher
Honors Application Process Application Essay 2 teacher recommendations (8 th grade teachers in CORE areas) At minimum an 87 GPA in CORE areas Honors level work in 8 th grade classes Strong work ethic Honors prompts & placement tests
Scheduling Timeline EVENTDATES Norwich Tech /Windham Tech/ AG- Science/ACT visit to LMS Friday October 3 rd Tech School Applications dueNovember 26th – due to Ms. DeLong Ag-Science Applications dueDecember 19th– due to Ms. DeLong Arts at the Capitol Theater applications January 23 rd - due to Ms. DeLong Course selections for Lyman/Teacher Recommendations made Week of February 2 nd Course selection sheets signed by parents/guardians due to Guidance Tuesday February 10 th *All dates are subject to change at discretion of the MS & HS Guidance Offices. For most current timeline, visit the School Counselor’s webpage on the MS website.
Scheduling Timeline EVENTDATES Lyman Honors applications dueWednesday February 18 th Honors English Writing PromptTBD (February) Honors Science Placement TestTBD (April/May) Math Placement TestTBD (May) *All dates are subject to change at discretion of the MS & HS Guidance Offices. For most current timeline, visit the School Counselor’s webpage on the MS website.
Last Tidbits… Letters sent home in October w/ open house dates Important that applications are on time Encourage students interested in honors to work to their potential Questions? Ms. Virginia DeLong School Counselor Click on Support Services & then the School Counselor page