Gauss: Generator Status Patrick Robbe, LAL Orsay, 6 Oct 2009
2 Generator Status MC09 production running correctly with: Pythia 6.4 (most recent FORTRAN version) New EvtGen, after merging LHCb+BaBar+Tevatron last developments Spill-over generation in Gauss (not used for MC09) has been implemented: Cannot be used to generate spill-over for special event types (B c, Z 0, W, Higgs,...)
3 Latest Developments B c generation has been updated to MC09 Gauss versions, and many small problems fixed (PDF initialization,...) by Jibo He, and can now be used since Gauss v34r5. New models in LHCb EvtGen for B -> X ll generation (including B s ) Implemented by Nikolai Nikitin, available in Gauss v34r4 SHERPA integration ongoing (Dortmund group): C++ generator, alternative to both Pythia (production) and EvtGen (decay). Main work on decay part. Can already be used as decay tool, with limitations: Cannot handle correctly decay of broad hadrons produced by Pythia Cannot generate CP violation in signal events (but can generate in inclusive b, opposite to EvtGen)
4 Generator Problems Problems have appeared when generating signal event types: B 0 → K*e + e - /B 0 → K* + - : bug introduced in BaBar which propagated to LHCb, fixed in Gauss v34r4. Future EvtGen maintainance ? (package will be less and less maintained and tested by BaBar) Some decay files are obsolete or not correctly tested and crash in production. A quick test of the decay file should be performed by its author before being released: How to test a decay file: area/DOC/gauss/generator/evtgen.php List of old or untested decay files: release-area/DOC/decfiles/releases/latest/table_evttype.php CP violation: It has been showed that CP violation generation does not work with new EvtGen. No correction yet.
5 Useful Links MC09 parameters: MC09 generator efficiencies: area/DOC/STATISTICS/MC09STAT/Generation_MC09-b5TeV-md100.html LHCb/EvtGen documentation: List of event types and their documentation: Everything is accessible from the Gauss web- page:
6 Conclusion: Future Work CP violation generation correction Need to move to C++ Pythia: Pythia 8 Need to think about maintainance of EvtGen (or move to Sherpa) Tuning of generators with first data: Work prepared in Flavour Working Group Need to be in contact with generator authors (Pythia,...)