Guidelines to Initial Formation Chapter 3 Sections A, B & C The Phases of Formation
Our Goal Today’s topic: “The Phases of Formation”. Today’s presentations will include suggestions and practical solutions to issues/problems that you may encounter. Since our discussions will take us deeper into this topic than found in your text, I suggest that you put your books away so that you can follow along without feeling lost or confused.
Our “Guidelines” points out that there are three Phases of Formation: The Inquiry Phase The Candidacy Phase The On-going Formation Phase =========================== In reality, our journey doesn’t begin with Inquiry… It starts with curiosity. As we begin the journey, we experience “stages of development” that will eventually lead us to the Franciscan Vocation.
Stages of Formation Since it is important that we provide a good formation environment, we must begin with this topic before addressing the five Stages of Formation. A. The Franciscan Atmosphere B. First Contacts C. Orientation D. Inquiry E. Candidacy F. Ongoing
Formation must be Authentic Formation Process was developed to allow gradual maturity. And what is the goal of formation? To effect CONVERSION ! To lead a candidate into a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus... in the tradition and spirituality of the Franciscan Family.
A. The Franciscan Atmosphere of Formation. A feeling of welcome and hospitality. An experience of participation in prayer and joy. The fraternity is a school of formation… a COMPLETE & WELL- ROUNDED example of Franciscan life
Formation Atmosphere ? Who? – candidates & formation team What? – use of appropriate materials, environment (flowers?) Where? – any comfortable setting When? – pick a time that works for all How? – using the process found in “Guidelines for Initial Formation” (NAFRA Statutes: Article 19.5a)
The Family’s Formation It is important to note that all Franciscan Orders are immersed in Formation – Initial… and … On-Going. The atmosphere for formation found in each Order is quite similar!
The Family Atmosphere Within the Franciscan Family: All branches share the same mission, charism and spirit The function of the various branches vary, but we each have the same legacy and dreams Each branch is equal to and compliments the other
The Franciscan Branches. Gospel Way of Life Third Order First Order Second Order
The First Order Three branches of the First Order: Order of Friars Minor …. OFM Order of Friars Minor, Conventual …..OFM Conv. Order of Friars Minor, Capuchins …..OFM Cap.
. Order Friars Minor April 26, 1209 (Pope Innocent III) OFM Conventuals 1250 *** 1517 OFM Spirituals/ Observants 1517 OFM Capuchins 1528 (Pope Leo X) (Pope Clement VII)
The Second Order Founded by St. Clare with St. Francis, this Order is known as: The Poor Clares …..their initials are P.C. * the Poor Clares experienced several splits during its history as did the First Order. (i.e. the Colletines)
The Third Order Prior to Vatican II, our Order was known as “The Third Order of St. Francis”. Following that Council, all Orders were required to re-evaluate their Rules & supporting documents, and then to update their Rules to better reflect their founders intentions. The term “Third Order of” was replaced with “Secular” for our Order and others (i.e. Servite) to better reflect who we are.
The Secular Franciscan Order The “Third Order of St. Francis” experienced splits as did the other Franciscan Orders As early as the 13 th Century, some Third Order members decided to live in religious community. Various communities called themselves Third Order Regular. In 1447, the TOR united and became an approved Order by Pope Nicholas V. i.e.The Felician Sisters in the Pomona Valley, were founded in 1795 in Poland.
. During the Reformation some members left the Church to join the Anglicans and other “re-formed” churches. The “Third Order” went with them and it still exists in those churches today. i.e. Anglican: “The Third Order Society of St. Francis” Mainline Protestant Denominations: “Ecumenical Franciscan Order”
Within the Secular Franciscan Community The SFO spirituality, witness, ministry, and fraternity, all blend well and work together. Each part of our lives is related to all the other parts; each depends on the others! (see I Cor. 12: 12) All the parts unify us to make us one -- and strong -- like a cord of many fibers. If we are to be examples of gospel life in the world, it must be seen in our style of living.
Don’t Forget! We are Part of the Wider Church! Our actions are directed toward re-building the Church. We exist because we bring witness to Christ and the Church. We are called to blend our voices with that of the Church in Rome. We are called to demonstrate gospel values to the world !
Some Characteristics of Franciscan Penitential Life. Fraternity Life In the World Simplicity Service Littleness The Church Joy Peace Welcoming/Sharing P
Characteristic Elements of Franciscan Penitential Life Our common life is found in fraternity and we are centered in Christ. We find ourselves suspended vertically between “Life in the World” and “Life in the Church” -- we live in both realms. Our lives are centered & balanced on the horizontal line stretched between service and peace. We live simply with a welcoming spirit. . We live a life of joy and littleness.
. A. The Franciscan Atmosphere Stage 1 B. First Contacts C. Orientation D. Inquiry E. Candidacy F. Ongoing
A. First Contacts How did you discover the Franciscans? … through the parish bulletin? … through various parish ministries? Some find us while looking for another meeting. Some find us because the see our tau or Secular Franciscan jackets. How they find us is not important because the Holy Spirit sent them. But, remember… there is only ONE first impression!
First Contacts We welcome visitors warmly, joyfully and fraternally, with prayer and example… what they see is who we are. St. Francis welcomed with joy! “St. Francis rejoiced with very great joy over the coming and conversion of so great a man…” (1 Celano 27)
Stages of Formation. Inquiry Candidacy Orientation Seeking Discerning Becoming Franciscan Maturing as… Franciscan ON-GOING Owning our Vocation WHO ARE YOU ? (In or Out) 1st Contacts
First Contacts When someone is curious about us, AND it seems reasonable to respond, we should follow Jesus’ lead by asking the question : “What are you looking for?” (Jn. 1:38) He then invited them to “Come and see.” (Jn. 1:39)
First Contacts Each person who comes to us brings their own special gifts – themselves, their faith life, and their life experiences. Each person who comes to our fraternities will cause change in the fraternity… the dynamics of fraternity will change. Remember: We influence aspiring members … and they influence us!
First Contacts This is an important time. This is a special time. This is a time of “seeking” for an aspiring member. AND… this is the time for the fraternity to meet the aspiring member. First Contact may be more than one meeting. No rush.
First Contacts The aspiring member is now beginning to ask: “Is this what I am looking for? Is God calling me?” This is the time for the Fraternity Council to: develop a vocation in this person discern if a vocation exists.
First Contacts (For Our Purposes) Chapter 3, Article 23 of our Rule speaks about a time of formation and initiation. “Admission into the Order is gradually attained through a time of initiation, a period of formation of at least one year and profession of the rule. The entire community is engaged in this process of growth by its own manner of living.”
Time of Formation & Initiation Article 19 of our National Statutes specifies the minimum time (beyond the G.C.’s) required for Orientation & Inquiry. Article 19 also specifies a minimum AND maximum time of formation in Candidacy.
Time of Formation & Initiation “ Conditions for admission are: to profess the Catholic faith to live in communion with the Church to be good moral standing and to show clear signs of a vocation.” (GC. 39.2)
Time of Formation & Initiation N.B. *** The readiness of an aspiring member to be advanced into the next phase must always be considered. Minimum time requirements are only minimum times. There is no maximum time for anyone to remain in Orientation or Inquiry. One should not be advanced if he/she is not ready... wait !
Intermission: Questions Is there more than one purpose of Formation? If so, what might they be? Describe your fraternity’s atmosphere for formation. What would make it better? What does it mean to live a gospel life? What requirements/conditions must be met to become a Secular Franciscan? Why might have these been chosen? As formation is meant to facilitate growth and new ideas, has the formation process in your fraternity stirred the members to grow in their understanding of the Catholic Faith and their vocation? Give examples.
. A. The Franciscan Atmosphere B. First Contacts Stage 2 C. Orientation D. Inquiry E. Candidacy F. Ongoing
Orientation: The Next Stage After meeting with the Formation Team, the Fraternity Council will determine collegially if this aspiring member should enter into the next step -- Orientation.
Orientation Formation Content The Life of St. Francis The branches of the family Overview of the Secular Franciscan Order Overview of our documents Phases of Formation and expectations Brief review of Catholic Doctrine and Christian Morals Gospel life *** This list is basic and minimal. Add what is needed.
Orientation Formation Content ? Will it be necessary to review the basic teachings of the Catholic Faith in light of Vatican II Christology and ecclesiology? Will it be necessary to discuss the Vatican II Documents and Canon Law to understand our way of life. This knowledge is basic to understand the purpose, meaning and structure of our Secular Franciscan life according to the Rule.
Now Is the Time The aspiring member is to locate and gather their Baptismal, Confirmation, First Eucharist, Marriage Certificates and any other documents necessary to verify eligibility for entrance into the Order. Is this person in a valid marriage in the eyes of the Church? Has this person been divorced and remarried? If so, does this person have a document of nullity?
Now Is the Time Will this aspiring member be at least 21 years of age at the approximate time for his/her Profession if a vocation exists? Has this person been a member of another Order? If so, why was the person released? When? Does he/she have a copy of release.
The Interview Within the first few months, the aspiring member should be interviewed by a member of the Formation Team. Necessary information to be gathered might include: Family Religious Formation Sacramental Information History of faith life Arrest record? (be discrete !) Contact person for References
Orientation The Fraternity Council’s job now is to determine if: The aspiring member can to enter into mature, committed relationships. The aspiring member contributes toward building and strengthening fraternity life. The aspiring member has meaningful interaction with fraternity members. Does the aspiring member have a vocation or is he/she looking to join a “club”.
Orientation The Council must ask itself : Does this person have a real desire to learn about the Secular Franciscan Order? Is this person looking for: a pious organization an apostolic action a social life?
Orientation The Council must ask: Does this person have responsibilities or restrictions that could keep him/her from following the Rule? (ex. Poor health, emotional or psychological problems., etc.) Does this person have a basic understanding of the Catholic faith, and display a good mix of apostolic activity and prayer life?
Orientation Is this person able and willing to actively participate in fraternity life? Is this person able and willing to actively participate in In the formation program? Does this person understand that the Secular Franciscan Order is a VOCATION! Belonging to the SFO is a PERMANENT COMMITMENT ?
Authentic Formation Before advancing the aspiring member to the next phase of formation, we must ask: “Is this person ready for a deeper level of formation?” “Is this person ready for a deeper experience of conversion?” These questions do not apply only to those in Initial Formation!
What if this Person does not Belong? Does the prospective member has a potential problem that can keep him/her from living the SFO rule? Or… does the person not fit into Fraternity life or life in the order? *** Perhaps the SFO is the wrong Order for this person.
Handle With Care !!! Do not wait until 2 weeks before Profession! This matter must be handled delicately! This matter must be handled immediately! This matter must be handled tactfully! It must be handled with great charity! It must be handled pastorally! We do not to want destroy this persons desire to answer God’s call or his/her faith. Suggest options – don’t just send him/her away!
Intermission… Questions Should an aspiring member be told the minimum times in formation? Why? What does it mean that the council should meet collegially? Why should the Vatican II documents and Catholic teachings be discussed ? During an interview we ask many questions. How should we conduct that conversation? Explain. During an interview we are not just looking for answers to the questions, but clues about the person’s values and life style. What qualities do you expect to see in an aspiring member?