It’s New Years Around the World By: Cara Edenfield
It’s New Years around the world! In Australia, some people celebrate New Years by going to the beach.
It’s New Years around the world! In Austria, people celebrate New Years by eating marzipan in the shape of a pig for good luck.
It’s New Years around the world! In England, if someone brings coal, bread, or salt into someone else’s home, it brings that household luck and prosperity for the New Year.
It’s New Years around the world! In Japan, some people celebrate New Years by putting out green plants to signify new life and paper lobsters, which symbolizes a desire for endurance.
It’s New Years around the world! In Canada, people might celebrate New Years by going ice fishing.
It’s New Years around the world! In Vietnam, people eat watermelon for New Years. The redder the watermelon, the more luck they will get.
It’s New Years around the world! In Switzerland, people drop dollops of whipped cream on the floor to symbolize the richness of the year to come.
It’s New Years around the world! In South Africa, some people may celebrate New Years by going to Cape Town Minstrel Carnival.
It’s New Years around the world! In Belgium, children write holiday greeting to their parents and god-parents, decorating them with cherubs and angels, roses, and ribbon for the New Year.
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