Smart Meter Texas SMART METER TEXAS HAN Messaging in the Texas Market November 7, 2012
2 HAN Messaging The intent of the ZigBee Smart Energy 1.0 Specification A single utility initiates and controls all HAN messages to a HAN device The nature of the Texas Market: Business requirements will not limit the number of HAN Service Providers who can send HAN messages to customers’ HAN devices HAN Service Providers have options of communicating with HAN devices through the SMT/TDSP systems or the Internet – controls in one environment will not affect what is done from the other environment Business requirements will not restrict multiple HAN Service Providers from accessing the same HAN devices or accessing other Service Providers’ HAN devices
3 ZigBee Smart Energy Specification Limitations of Control Load Control Event messages can target specific HAN devices (through Device Class and Utility Enrollment Group) There are no controls on administering Device Class and Utility Enrollment Group HAN devices can be set up with any or multiple Device Classes Load Control messages can target several Device Classes HAN devices can be set up as wrong Device Class Pricing messages will go to all HAN devices that support the Pricing Cluster Text Messages will go to all HAN devices that support the Text Message Cluster
4 HAN Demand Response and Load Control Messaging Scenario Multiple HAN Service Providers target specific HAN devices PCT LC1 Device Class=0 (HVAC) Utility Enrollment Group=1 Device Class=0 (HVAC) Utility Enrollment Group=2 Systems filter and push messages based on Device Class Specific targeted devices respond based on specific UEG LC2 UEG=1 UEG=2 UEG=3 SMT & TDSP/Meter Internet & Gateway OR Message Sent Device Responded Messages sent through the Internet might not interact with HAN devices the same way as when sent through SMT/TDSP/Meter System IHD SA
5 HAN Demand Response and Load Control Messaging Scenario Multiple HAN Service Providers target specific HAN devices PCT LC1 Device Class=0 (HVAC) Utility Enrollment Group=1 Device Class=0 (HVAC) Utility Enrollment Group=2 Systems push messages to all Device Class Specific targeted devices respond based on Device Class and specific UEG LC2 UEG=1 UEG=2 Messages sent through the Internet might not interact with HAN devices the same way as when sent through SMT/TDSP/Meter System UEG=3 Message Sent Device Responded SMT & TDSP/Meter Internet & Gateway OR IHD SA
6 HAN Demand Response and Load Control Messaging Change HAN Device UEG HAN Service Provider sends request to change UEG for specific HAN device HAN Demand Response and Load Control Messaging PCT LC1 LC2 UEG=1 UEG=2 Message Sent Device Responded Most HAN Vendors support dynamic changing of UEG in the HAN device firmware CenterPoint Energy only at this time – AEP, Oncor, and TNMP do not currently support Internet ability could be available Set UEG=4 UEG=3 SMT & TDSP/Meter Internet & Gateway OR IHD SA
7 HAN Pricing Messaging Scenario Multiple HAN Service Providers send a Pricing Message PCT LC1 IHD SA LC2 Customer can also set pricing at the HAN device Only those devices that support the Pricing Cluster will be sent Pricing messages; although all devices shown can support Pricing as per the ZigBee specification Note that CenterPoint sends responses back from Meter Message Sent Device Responded Manual Entry SMT & TDSP/Meter Internet & Gateway OR Messages sent through the Internet might not interact with HAN devices the same way as when sent through SMT/TDSP/Meter System
8 HAN Text Messaging Scenario Multiple HAN Service Providers send a Text Message PCT Only those devices that support the Text Message Cluster will be sent Text messages; although all devices shown can support Text messages as per the ZigBee specification (Load Control Devices might not support Text messages) IHD SA SMT & TDSP/Meter Internet & Gateway OR Message Sent Device Responded
9 HAN Messaging Due to the nature of the Texas Market and the specifics of the ZigBee Smart Energy 1.0 Specification the following situations could happen: The Load Control message of a HAN Service Provider could override that of another HAN Service Provider The Load Control message of a HAN Service Provider might target an unintended HAN device The Load Control message of a HAN Service Provider might override a Pricing message of another HAN Service Provider The Pricing message of a HAN Service Provider might override a Pricing message of another HAN Service Provider HAN Service Providers will not be able to target specific HAN devices with Pricing messages HAN Service Providers will not be able to target specific HAN devices with Text messages
10 Conclusions It is difficult at this point to understand exactly how messaging through the Internet will work; it is outside the control and support of SMT and the TDSPs It will be difficult to understand the internal workings of all available HAN devices and gateways and how they will respond to HAN messages; it is outside the control and support of SMT and the TDSPs Experience must be gained to better understand interactions of multiple parties with customers through HAN messaging There are only currently 8200 provisioned HAN devices – some of the challenges described will not occur in the near future Continual feedback to the ZigBee Smart Energy Standards Group must be provided in order to change the Specifications to meet the needs of the Texas Market