1 Open Source Programming
-Introduction to PHP -PHP installation /wamp server installation for PHP environment -PHP syntax -PHP variables -PHP Strings -PHP Operator PHP
3 The Objectives: To be employable … or – to become an employer/entrepreneur
4 The Objectives: To be employable … or – to become an employer/entrepreneur OSP objectives: Students need specific technical skills! Students need to know Programming! Students need to know teamwork Students must be problem-solvers.
5 The Prerequisites: if u know HTML then ok else no problem You need courage and time This will be an Intense course
6 What’s the course? Programming in PHP + mySQL “But... I’m not a programmer!” Right. That’s why you are here. When we are done, you WILL be a programmer.
7 The Goals: Problem-solving and debugging PHP language mySQL database design and language Improve your HTML skills Understand and use XML
8 What you’ll learn Server-side scripting – PHP Form processing Cookies + Validation + Regular Expressions Sessions + Authentication File processing Image libraries + APIs Relational databases / MySQL SimpleXML Objects + Classes Security
9 Expectations and Performance Sound in programming NOT ANY MORE. If you don’t work hard in this course,
10 Computing Environment: Dreamweaver MX 2004 or better edits PHP very nicely (Or: Free: Notepad++, Codelobster...) WAMP: Windows-Apache, MySQL, PHP MAMP: Macintosh-Apache, MySQL, PHP We demonstrate today, help you install.
11 Two Tier Web Architecture: Client: e. g. FireFox On your PC Web Server: e. g. Apache On sulley.dm.ucf.edu Request: HTTP
12 Two Tier Web Architecture: Client: e. g. FireFox On your PC Web Server: e. g. Apache On sulley.dm.ucf.edu Request: HTTP.html Files
13 Two Tier Web Architecture: HTML Client: e. g. FireFox On your PC Web Server: e. g. Apache On sulley.dm.ucf.edu Request: HTTP.html files Response: HTTP/HTML (or other doctypes:PDF,etc) (client doesn’t see PHP)
14 Two Tier Web Architecture: PHP Client: e. g. FireFox On your PC Web Server: e. g. Apache On sulley.dm.ucf.edu Request: HTTP.php files help Apache CREATE html Tagged data Response: HTTP/HTML (or other doctypes:PDF,etc) (client doesn’t see PHP)
15 Three Tier Web Architecture: MySQL Client: e. g. FireFox On your PC Web Server: e. g. Apache On sulley.dm.ucf.edu Request: HTTP Response: HTTP/HTML (or other doctypes:PDF,etc) (client doesn’t see PHP).php files ask MySQL For info; put into HTML form Database Mgt System: MySQL Request:SQL Reply:ASCII.frm,.MYD,.MYI files
16 Three Tier Web Architecture: MySQL Client: e. g. FireFox On your PC Web Server: e. g. Apache On sulley.dm.ucf.edu Request: HTTP Response: HTML (client doesn’t see PHP).php files ask MySQL For info; put into HTML form Database Mgt System: MySQL Request:SQL Reply:ASCII.frm,.MYD,.MYI files Examples (what they call for:) Customer: - Shopping Cart DB Administrator: - PHPmyAdmin Managers,etc: - Specialized PHP code
What is WAMP? WAMP = Windows+Apache+MySql+PHP Note:WAMP5 does not work with Windows 98,Me
WAMP Installation A single installation file downloaded from
After Installation Application Service Apache wampapache PHP MySQL database wampmysql
WAMP’s Menu Management Portals PHPmyadmin SQLitemanager Note: A user has to click on the icon tray to access WAMP's menu.
WAMP’s Menu Configuration and Settings Loaded Modules Directory Access Shortcut
WAMP’s Menu Services Apache MySQL Note: The icon tray reflects the status of your server.
Haiti Migration Architecture
Haiti Migration New Applications Apache HTTPS Setting MySQL –DDL –DML –Data –Data Migration
Haiti Migration DDL For example, MsSQL: CREATE TABLE ( _id bigint IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL … MySQL: CREATE TABLE ( _id bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, …
Haiti Migration DML For example, MsSQL: select top 10 * from patient; MySQL: select * from patient limit 0,10;
Haiti Migration Data MsSQL: MySQL:
Haiti Migration Data Migration We use ODBC to migrate data from the MsSQL database to the MySQL database. We use PHP to export data from the MySQL database and then import the data into the MySQL database.
Haiti Migration MsSQL and MySQL follow the SQL- 92 standard. However, each of them have their own extensions. SourceCommonFull NameDevelopment Name Method ANSISQL/PSMSQL/Persistent Stored ModuleStandard IBMSQL PLSQL Procedural LanguageProprietary Microsoft/T-SQLTransact-SQLProprietary Sybase MySQL Open Source/ Proprietary OraclePL/SQLProcedural Language/SQLProprietary
Affected Applications Question Which applications will be affected if we install WAMP?
Affected Applications PERL(Replication) PHP Tomcat
Affected Applications PERL (Replication) It uses standard sql in inserting data. Conclusion: It requires a little change during the WAMP migration.
Overall WAMP is easy to install and it is free to use. Migration from IIS/PHP/MsSQL to WAMP is practical. The cost of migration is mainly to review queries and change them based on the SQL extension of MySQL.
35 FOR next week, WHAT? what you SHOULD have done. If you are fine, If MAC, find and install MAMP Else If Win, find and install WAMP Else you're Linux, and cool already. MAMP: Macintosh Apache, MySQL, PHP WAMP: you get the picture.