1 – 2 graders3 – 5 graders KOREANKOREAN Goals Acquiring 4 skills - listening, speaking, reading, writing Developing integrated logical thinking Enhancing the 4 language skills Home Using Korean textbooks(designated by Korean Government) and workbooks Using teaching aids –flashcards, puzzles, magnetic letters, stickers, videos, audio books Playing oral games Watching TV programs E-learning / / Using Korean textbooks (designated by Korean Government) and workbooks Keeping diary, writing essay and reading responses in Korean Watching a TV program Reading a Korean newspaper Maintaining children’s own internet homepage E- learning / / Class Korean language & culture classes in Korean churches and schools in Sao Paulo Book club meeting to develop discussion and writing skill BOOKSBOOKS Goals Developing Korean Cultivating creative thinking and emotional quotient (EQ) Understanding Korean culture Understanding various aspects of Korean culture The strategies and activities for Korean family literacy 1. Acquiring Korean language /03/08
※ Book list For the 1 st & 2 nd graders History For the 3 rd – 5 th graders ▶ Zodiac Signs ▶ Jang Seung -Wooden, Village Protecting God ▶ Korea Foreshore ▶ Korean Fair ▶ Korean Games ▶ Korean Wedding ▶ Korean Shoes ▶ Kite Running ▶ Korean Masks ▶ Rice Cakes ▶ Korean Pots ▶ Korean Papers Hong Do Kim - the Great Painter in Jo Sun Dynasty Soo Keun Park - Who Dreamed to be a Tree Letters on Korean History Korean Social Customs Cultural properties & historic sites World Treasury in Korea Going along the Mountains and History Anthologies of Korean literature Korean Poetry Korean Novel Korean environment and geography Save this Spot About Dok Do Map of Korea Korean art Cartoon - Korean History Far Country and Close Country /03/08
2. Experiencing Korean culture Contents Traditional Culture Enjoying traditional holidays - Dressing up in traditional costumes - Ancestor – memorial services Making traditional food - Rice cake - Kimchi - Red bean porridge Playing traditional games - Yut (the four-stick game) - Kite running - Jeki (the shuttlecock game played with the feet) Watching a Korean historical drama /03/08