SCAVENGER HUNT! Break into family clusters Family with the most points at the end wins 5 family points for each family that comes back with a name
Favorite Study Spots (Libraries) Life Sciences Library (Tower, 3rd floor) Chemistry Library (Welch Hall, 2.132) Architecture Library (Battle Hall 200 [across from FAC]) Physics, Math, & Astronomy Library (RLM) PCL (21st street across from Jester)
Favorite Study Spots (On Campus) FAC SAC Union Residence Hall Lounges NHB Outside!
Favorite Study Spots (Off Campus) Mozart’s Bennu Café Medici Starbucks on 24th
Resources Jester and Kinsolving study tables Sanger Learning Center Department specific programs
Study in Groups 3-4 person groups typically most productive Study basics by yourself, then move to groups Teaching people helps you learn Group collaboration really good for more difficult problems
Tests Be calm Write out observations and assumptions Partial credit! Don’t freak out!
Volunteering Texas Ramps permit trouble Lady Bird Lake Clean up The Thinkery
IM Sports Soccer, Thursday at 6pm Volleyball, Thursday at 7pm