University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE1 Expediting Technology Transfer via Affiliate Programs and Focused Workshops Barry Boehm, USC-CSE ISERN Presentation October 8, 2000 USC-CSE Affiliates Program and Calendar Example Focused Workshop approach Major benefits to date
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE2 USC-CSE Affiliates (34) Commercial Industry (15) Automobile Club of Southern California, C-Bridge, EDS, Fidelity Group, Galorath Associates, Group Systems.Com, Hughes, IBM, Lucent, Microsoft, Motorola, Rational, Sun, Telcordia, Xerox Aerospace Industry (10) Boeing, Draper Labs, GDE Systems, Litton, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon/East, Raytheon/West, SAIC, TRW Government (4) FAA, USAF Rome Lab, US Army Research Labs, US Army TACOM FFRDC’s and Consortia (4) Aerospace, IDA, SEI, SPC International (1) Chung – Ang U. (Korea)
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE3 USC-CSE Affiliates’ Calendar Oct , COCOMO/SCM 14 Forum and Workshop, USC Oct. 27, LA SPIN: Adrian Cowderoy Dec. 1, LA SPIN: PAL - Ray Madachy Feb. 8, Annual Research Review Feb. 9-11, Executive Workshop/Focused Workshop: Spiral Experience (with SEI) May Annual Affiliates Renewal August 28-29, SE Practice Workshop October 24-27, COCOMO /SCM 15 Feb. 6, Annual Research Review February 7-9, Executive Workshop/Focused Workshop:COTS Integration
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE4 Overview: Focused Workshop on Software Cost, Schedule, and Process Barry Boehm, USC-CSE October 26, 1999
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE5 Workshop Objectives Address key cost/schedule/process issues Assess new directions in cost/schedule/process modeling technology and strategies Provide guidelines for USC-CSE research, Affiliate activities - Needs, priorities, risks, opportunities Stimulate USC-CSE/Affiliate collaboration in the cost/schedule/process area
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE6 Top Level Agenda Tues. pm: Dinner and kickoff meeting Wed. am: USC-CSE presentations at Forum Wed. pm, Thurs. am : Affiliate presentations at Forum Thurs. pm: Breakout groups –12:00-1:30 pm: Lunch and plenary session –1:30-5:30 pm: Breakout groups Fri. am: Breakout group reports; USC-CSE response; wrap-up –End by 11:30 am
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE7 Proposed Breakout Groups (Moderator; Scribe) COCOTS life cycle extensions (Chris Abts, Betsy Bailey) Spiral - based phase/activity distributions (Winsor Brown, Jongmoon Baik) CORADMO and RAD Phenomenology (Barry Boehm/Ray Madachy, Cyrus Fakharzadeh)
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE8 Breakout Group Guidelines Product: briefing, preferably with notes and priorities Topics should include: - Most critical issues in area - Most promising opportunities - Results from DELPHI surveys - Research suggestions: general, CSE, CSE Affiliates Thurs. afternoon plenary session to finalize breakout groups
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE9
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 10/8/00©USC-CSE10 Major Benefits to Date Commercial technology adoptions COCOMO II: COSTAR, Cost Xpert, Estimate Professional Win Win: Easy Win Win On Line MBASE: Rational RUP milestones, C-Bridge RAPID Value extensions, Xerox Time-To-Market Model Broadened Affiliate technology collaborations Beginning collaboration on software technology transition schedule estimation model