Formation Water Property Interpolation and Mapping from Wireline Logs for the Table Rock Field in the Greater Green River Basin Patrick Fortson Hunt, Wallace and Associates LLC December 2, 2004
Purpose Produce map of Table Rock field displaying location relative to political boundaries Produce map of Table Rock field displaying location relative to political boundaries Combine township/range map with field map Combine township/range map with field map Interpolate formation properties between wells for areas where no data is available Interpolate formation properties between wells for areas where no data is available
Overall Goal Determine if water saturated formations can be used as water injection zones for disposal of produced water Determine if water saturated formations can be used as water injection zones for disposal of produced water
Southwestern Wyoming Wastelandish and proud of it Wastelandish and proud of it
Still beautiful despite its emptiness
People are strange, when you’re a stranger People are strange, when you’re a stranger
Meteorites abound Meteorites abound
Data Sources Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Wyoming Geographical Information Sciences Center Wyoming Geographical Information Sciences Center
Southwestern Wyoming Biggest city is Rock Springs – Pop
Well Files from WOGCC Data Available: Production History Production History Well Logs Well Logs Formation Tops Formation Tops Gas/Water Analysis Gas/Water Analysis Perforation Intervals Perforation Intervals
Well Records
Lack of Data Virtually no water analysis data Virtually no water analysis data
Table Rock Field
Table Rock Formations Wasatch Wasatch Fort Union Fort Union Lance Lance Fox Hills Fox Hills Lewis Lewis Almond Almond Water Present
Wireline Logs Gamma Ray, SP, and Resistivity Log for Fox Hills Water Sand Gamma Ray, SP, and Resistivity Log for Fox Hills Water Sand Other logs give density and neutron porosity, sonic Other logs give density and neutron porosity, sonic SP Deflection Deep Resistivity
Static Spontaneous Potential for Determining Water Resistivity and Salinity Rmf to Rmfeq using formation temperature Rmf to Rmfeq using formation temperature
SP deflection to Rmfeq/Rweq ratio using formation temperature SP deflection to Rmfeq/Rweq ratio using formation temperature Ratio with Rmfeq to get Rweq Ratio with Rmfeq to get Rweq SSP-Rweq Nomograph
Rweq to Rw Rweq to Rw
Rw to formation temperature Rw to formation temperature Follow curve to NaCl concentration in ppm Follow curve to NaCl concentration in ppm
Problems with Salinity Special software needed for viewing large raster images of logs Special software needed for viewing large raster images of logs Only four wells have enough viewable data to determine salinity Only four wells have enough viewable data to determine salinity Not enough points for good analysis Not enough points for good analysis Geostatistical Analyst will not run with fewer than 10 data points Geostatistical Analyst will not run with fewer than 10 data points
Depth to Formation Top and Thickness Depth useful for determining general structure of formation and degree of folding Depth useful for determining general structure of formation and degree of folding Thickness gives idea of pinchouts and volume estimations Thickness gives idea of pinchouts and volume estimations Only Fox Hills and Lewis Formations had data for good interpolation Only Fox Hills and Lewis Formations had data for good interpolation
Spatial Analyst Analysis Mask sets boundary of interpolation Analysis Mask sets boundary of interpolation Problems with Kriging Problems with Kriging Inverse Distance Weighted includes Null data points Inverse Distance Weighted includes Null data points
Geostatistical Analyst
Same general shape as Fox Hills Same general shape as Fox Hills
Possible bad data at bottom Possible bad data at bottom
Thickens towards top Thickens towards top
More Work… Use ArcScene to develop 3D geologic models of formations Use ArcScene to develop 3D geologic models of formations Try to find more data to acquire salinity Try to find more data to acquire salinity
Conclusions GIS illuminated well placement and field location GIS illuminated well placement and field location Geostatistical Analyst provides insight into formation property trends Geostatistical Analyst provides insight into formation property trends Free data is good but not good enough Free data is good but not good enough