Protective Equipment
Purposes Wearing protective equipment in most cases is voluntary. Many elite athletes are often motivated to use protective equipment due to the potential loss of earnings through injury. The purposes of protective equipment include: - Absorb and disperse energy from a direst blow - Deflect a blow and protect against sharp instruments - Limit excess movement
Apparel and Protective Guards HELMETS - Helmets should be worn where there is any risk of injury to the head from an external force eg: - A helmet must be designed to protect the head, but must allow full vision and head movement eg:
Apparel and Protective Guards Mouthguards - Dental and jaw injuries can be prevented through the use of a correctly fitted mouthguard. - It will absorb and disperse energy from a direct blow. - Also absorb the shock of blows top the chin and decrease the chance of concussion. - Correct fitting by a dentist to allow comfort, reduce breathing and talking difficulties.
Apparel and Protective Guards Shoulder pads and shin pads - Protect against bruising and soft tissue injuries by absorbing impact from other players or equipment eg: - They must be fitted properly to the body and not restrict movement. - Padding can also be worn on the knees, elbows and chest eg:
Joint Harnesses and Braces To prevent joints extending past their normal range, as they reduce joint movement. Commonly worn to prevent shoulder dislocations. They must not restrict movement too much.
Footwear Footwear is designed for specific sports which can help an athlete win. Shoes offer support and traction through studs, sprigs. Therefore reducing injury by assisting the athlete to accelerate and change direction whilst maintaining balance/control. They can also contribute to injury by anchoring the foot to the ground whilst the legs and body go in another direction, which can lead to knee injuries.
Footwear Proper footwear can prevent chronic leg and foot injuries caused by repetitive impacts on hard surfaces. This can be prevented through shock-absorbent inner soles as they disperse the force. Poor footwear can result in shin soreness, lower leg pain and blisters
ACTIVITY Complete Practical Application question pg: 324 PDHPE Application and Inquiry