University of Utah 1 Meanwhile... Wang’s word processors -for the workplace Xerox’s GUIs -a research curiosity What computers are people using at home?
University of Utah 2 Personal Computers Round 1 (early 1970s) -Build-it-yourself kits -Altair MITS and clones Round 2 (1977) -TRS-80 -Commodore PET -Apple II
University of Utah 3 TRS-80 Tandy Corporation (1919) -leather supplies Radio Shack (1921) -ham radio supply stores
University of Utah 4 TRS-80 Tandy Corporation (1919) -leather supplies Radio Shack (1921) -ham radio supply stores Tandy buys Radio Shack (1963)
University of Utah 5 TRS-80
University of Utah 6 TRS-80 Zilog Z80 processor 4K or 16K memory Two versions of BASIC $599 (for 4K version) -including monitor and tape recorder
University of Utah 7 TRS-80 catalog
University of Utah 8 Commodore Began in Manufacturer of calculators 1976 – Buys MOS Technology, Inc. -Maker of 6502 microchip
University of Utah 9 Commodore PET
University of Utah Commodore PET “Personal Electronic Transactor” 6502 Processor 4K or 8K versions BASIC (Microsoft) Built-in cassette drive “chiclet” keyboard $595
University of Utah Commodore PET demo
University of Utah Gentle reminder Essay rough draft due Friday!
University of Utah Midterm Return and discuss
University of Utah “Test Question” On a scrap of paper, write a question that encapsulates one of the points from today's class, and turn it in. (Put your name on it!)