Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 1 1 Music Synthesizer Design Christopher Boyd Ki Shin Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 2 2 OUTLINE OF THIS PROPOSAL Description for System Requirements Specifications with I/O Block Work Plan 1. Individual Work –Christopher : Piano and Scale Part –Ki : Memory and FSM Part 2. Cooperate Work –Start Co-Work When 1’st Piano & Memory Controller Design is Ready –Due by 11/12 : Finish Demo with Single Scale & Song –Due by 12/02 : Finish Demo with Multiple Scale & Songs Summary and Conclusions
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 3 3 System Requirements Lists of Requirements – 4 Part Harmony Synthesizer RequirementsNeeded Functions Play Music from Stored Music File, with the ability to switch between the four octaves. (1) Memory Controller for Read/Write (2) Music Synthesizer (3) Synthesize four different octaves (4) Button control for changing octave
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 4 4 Specifications with I/O Block Block Diagram Synthesizer Specify Music File Specify Music File Speaker Button (0~3) Change Scale Switch (0~7) Display Memory Controller Memory Controller Christopher Boyd Ki Shin
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 5 5 Work Plan 1. Individual Work Christopher Boyd (1) Initial Objectives Each button will correspond to a specific octave. The synthesizer will take the music file and output the music in the specified octave to the speaker. PWM will be used for the audio output. (2) Secondary Objectives Playing multiple octaves at once. Extra:Playing the music at different tempos. Display note currently being played.
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 6 6 Work Plan 1. Individual Work Ki Shin (1)Basic Function (2)Extra Function FunctionDescription Store music fileTransfer Music file to bit file and download to ROM Read music fileRead ROM by different bit size (example : 2~3 bits Octave information 16 bits Note information 3 bits Durational information ) FunctionDescription Change music fileChange Music with Switch Input (Control Memory Address)
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 7 7 Work Plan 2. Cooperate Work Co-Work Start Date - Expected Date : 11/02 (After Basic Function is Ready) 11/12 - 1’st Due for the Basic Deadline Prepare Demo with Single Scale & Song 12/02 – 2’nd Due for the Final Deadline Prepare Demo with Multiple Scales & Songs
Microelectronic Systems--University of Tennessee 8 8 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The initial goal of this project is to synthesize music with four-part harmony. This will require being able to play notes in four different octaves as well as a memory controller to store the song data. Extra hardware is required to play music with the Spartan-3 Starter Kit. Therefore, we [will use Spartan-3A Board to support PWM audio output from the FPGA.]