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Presentation transcript:


National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) N.A.M.P. started in 1984 with 7 stations in Agra and Anpara. Presently 424 operating stations in 175 cities/towns. Parameters being monitored SO 2, NO 2, RSPM (PM10), SPM at all stations. Trace Metals, PAHs, NH 3 in few cities; BTX, Ozone monitoring conducted in Delhi and some major cities NAMP – present scenario

Existing stations (sanctioned)-604 No. of States covered-28 No. of Union territories covered-06 No. of cities/towns covered-258 Operating stations- 424 No. of states covered-26 No. of Union territories covered-05 No. of cities/towns covered-175 Target on XIth five year plan-700 Target on XIIth five year plan-1000 Proposal Required for new stations (within next F.Y & ) -150 Road Map to achieve target = = =754 NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAMME (NAMP) NAMP NETWORK AT A GLANCE

NAMP Parameters Parameters monitored  Criteria pollutants viz. PM10, SO2, NO2 monitored at all (424) locations  Ammonia, CO, O 3, PM2.5 and Lead monitored at few locations;  Following parameters needs to be monitored: PM 2.5 Benzo(a)pyrene Carbon monoxide Ozone Benzene Metals

Monitoring Programme for additional parameters of Ambient Air Quality for next two years ( & ) Sl. NoParameter Financial year Total Stations in two F.Y No. of Stations No. of Stations 1.Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) Particulate matter (PM 10 ) Particulate matter(PM 2.5 ) Ozone (O 3 ) Carbon monoxide (CO) Ammonia (NH 3 ) & 9. Lead & Nickel (Pb & Ni ) Benzene (C 6 H 6 ) Benzo (a) Pyrene (BaP), particulate phase only

Capital and O&M Cost Financial Requirement for Strengthening the National Ambient Air Quality Network  The fund requirement for additional parameters for two years: Rs Lacs.  The Financial Year wise break up is as below Financial Year = Rs Lacs Financial Year = Rs Lacs  Operation and Maintenance cost for two years is Rs Lacs.  The Financial Year break up is as below Financial Year = Rs Lacs Financial Year = Rs Lacs

Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations for Non- Attainment Cities Based on Air Quality data, 72 cities are non attainment cities, where the prescribed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are in exceedence; As per the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court setting up of CAAQMS in 16 cities on 50:50 cost sharing basis  Nine stations one each at Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Solapur, Bangalore, Agra, Kanpur Varanasi & Ahmedabad are in operation.  Existing Kolkata station of WBPCB is upgraded.  CAAQMS at Jodhpur be commissioned by December 2010;  Remaining stations at various stages of tendering;  CPCB spent Rs. 600 Lacs for CAAQMS project in 16 cities on 50:50 cost sharing basis.

Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station/Network. Private Participation in the Management of CAAQMS Model- I:Operation Contract - All 12 stations (Cities covered: Delhi, Lucknow, Bangalore & Chennai)  All are connected to Central Management units at CPCB Head Office, Delhi (Expenditure incurred: crore) Model-II: Build Own & Operate (BOO) Contract (Cities covered: Ahmedabad & Mumbai)  Under implementation

Each station costs Rs Lacs; Of 72 Non Attainment cities, In 23 cities ongoing projects. Estimated Capital cost for remaining 49cities will be: 49X110 Lacs=Rs Lacs; 12 SPCBs/PCCs proposed for Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) for 33 cities. The Capital cost for 33 CAAQMS installations will be Rs Lacs. (on 50:50 cost sharing basis ) The annual Operation & Maintenance cost of each station will be borne by the respective SPCBs/PCCs The monitoring data of the CAAQMS will be available at SPCBs/ PCCs and CPCB website. Proposed expansion of CAAQMS in other Non Attainment Cities Estimated cost - CAAQMS

Issues on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring To achieve 700 stations as specified in XIth Five year plan, SPCBs to identify sites/parameters and the additional budget requirement ; In the next five years plan (12 th FY plan).; the SPCBs/ PCCs may specify the location and cost requirement on 50:50 sharing basis; Calibrations of equipments/instruments:  Training of manpower following quality assurance/quality control guidelines,  following standardized methods, locating stations as per guidelines; Number of online stations to be established at residential and industrial sites; Data and Payment Certificates gaps: The ambient air quality data as well as payment certificates must be sent timely; For CAAQMS installed and in operation in, a standardized data transfer/processing system required for free flow of information.