Utilising the Equity Index to monitor, guide and drive transformation for South African universities KS Govinder, NP Zondo and MW Makgoba
Introductory comments Constitution – non-racial, non-sexist society; equity in education 1997 Education White Paper 3 indicates a single co-ordinated national HE system with 6 equity related goals Employment Equity legislation – universities report in terms of equity/demographics
Long walk to transformation Student demographics – Enrolment: 12 years – Graduation: 14 years Staff demographics – Overall: 43 years – Instructional/research staff: 40 years
Introductory comments Our Equity Index uses the idea of distance between two points – the institution’s demographics and the national demographics (the benchmark) Historically transformation in the system has been monitored nationally – the EI disaggregates this to an institutional basis and allows comparison The same DHET/HEMIS data is used in the analysis as for historical analyses – it is now simply more transparent.
Distance Formula Distance between two points (x 1,x 2,…,x n ) and (y 1,y 2,…,y n ) is given by
Equity Index Distance between organisational demographics and national demographics EI is the distance left to travel to arrive at the constitutional imperative of a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society
National demographic percentages Demographic CategoryOverall Age group (Attained Grade 12/Std 10/Form 5 Age group Age group African Coloured Indian White Female Male Distance from Overall %ages Maximum EI % Tolerance EI/Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile
Some Equity Indices UnitEquity Index National Assembly17.8 National Council of Provinces31.7 Executive/Cabinet16.5 Vice-chancellors/HESA55
National Student EIs (2011) Institution Enrolment Racial EI Enrolment Gender EI Overall Enrolment EI Graduation Racial EI Graduation Gender EI Overall Graduation EI Racial Equity Efficiency Index Gender Equity Efficiency Index Equity Efficiency Index Central University of Technology, Free State University of Johannesburg Tshwane University of Technology Durban University of Technology Vaal University of Technology University of Fort Hare University of South Africa University of Limpopo Mangosuthu University of Technology University of Venda Walter Sisulu University Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University University of Zululand University of the Free State University of KwaZulu-Natal North West University University of Witwatersrand Cape Peninsula University of Technology University of Pretoria Rhodes University University of Western Cape University of Cape Town University of Stellenbosch
National Student EIs (2011)
Staff EIs (2011) Institution NameOverall Executive/adm in/mgmt. professional Instructional/r esearch professional Non- professional administrationService Specialised/s upport professionalTechnicalCrafts/trades Cape Peninsula University of Technology Central University of Technology Durban University of Technology Mangosuthu University of Technology Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University North West University Rhodes University Tshwane University of Technology University of Cape Town University of Fort Hare University of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu-Natal University of Limpopo University of Pretoria University of South Africa University of Stellenbosch University of the Free State University of Venda University of Western Cape University of Witwatersrand University of Zululand Vaal University of Technology Walter Sisulu University
Staff EIs (2011) Institution Name Overall Staff Racial EI Overall Staff Gender EIOverall Instructional/res earch professional Racial EI Instructional/res earch professional Gender EI Instructional/res earch professional Cape Peninsula University of Technology Central University of Technology Durban University of Technology Mangosuthu University of Technology Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University North West University Rhodes University Tshwane University of Technology University of Cape Town University of Fort Hare University of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu-Natal University of Limpopo University of Pretoria University of South Africa University of Stellenbosch University of the Free State University of Venda University of Western Cape University of Witwatersrand University of Zululand Vaal University of Technology Walter Sisulu University
Staff EIs (2011)
Equity-weighted Productivity (2011) Institution Name 2011 Weighted Research OutputRank Equity Weighted Research OutputRank Instructional/Resea rch Staff equity weighted research outputRank Per capita output University of Pretoria University of Cape Town University of Stellenbosch University of KwaZulu-Natal University of Witwatersrand North West University University of South Africa University of Johannesburg University of the Free State University of Western Cape Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Rhodes University Tshwane University of Technology University of Fort Hare University of Limpopo Cape Peninsula University of Technology University of Venda Durban University of Technology University of Zululand Vaal University of Technology Central University of Technology Walter Sisulu University Mangosuthu University of Technology
Equity vs Research Output EI Total weighted productivity
Equity vs Per Capita Output EI Per Capita research output
Council and Senate Profiles (2013) InstitutionCouncil EIRankSenate EIRank University of KwaZulu-Natal14.1 (44.6)146.4 (89.3)5 Mangosutho University of Technology University of Fort Hare University of Venda Tswane University of Technology Cape Peninsula University of Technology University of Limpopo University of South Africa Central University of Technology, Free State University of Johannesburg Durban University of Technology Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Rhodes University University of Witwatersrand University of Western Cape University of Pretoria University of Cape Town University of the Free State North West University University of Stellenbosch
Council and Senate Profiles (2013)
Transformation drivers
Pace of transformation - students Institution Name Enrolment EI 2007 Enrolment EI 2011 Years to Transform Graduate EI 2007 Graduate EI 2011 Years to Transform Cape Peninsula University of Technology Central University of Technology Durban University of Technology Mangosuthu University of Technology Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University North West University Rhodes University Tshwane University of Technology University of Cape Town University of Fort Hare University of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu-Natal University of Limpopo University of Pretoria University of South Africa University of Stellenbosch University of the Free State University of Venda University of Western Cape University of Witwatersrand University of Zululand Vaal University of Technology Walter Sisulu University
Pace of transformation - staff Institution Name2007 Overall2011 Overall Years to Transform 2007 Instructional/res earch professional 2011 Instructional/res earch professional Years to Transform Cape Peninsula University of Technology Central University of Technology Durban University of Technology Mangosuthu University of Technology Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University North West University Rhodes University Tshwane University of Technology University of Cape Town University of Fort Hare University of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu-Natal University of Limpopo University of Pretoria University of South Africa University of Stellenbosch University of the Free State University of Venda University of Western Cape University of Witwatersrand University of Zululand Vaal University of Technology Walter Sisulu University
Changes from 2007 to 2011 No significant difference in benchmarks (2001 versus 2011) Significant improvement in student enrolment and graduation Significant improvement in overall, executive, instructional/research, non-professional admin and specialised support staff profiles No significant improvement in service, technical and trades/craft staff profiles.
Changes from 2007 to 2011 NMMU, TUT, UFH, US and UZ have a worse student enrolment profile. CPUT, UV, UZ and VUT have a worse student graduation profile. Overall, NWU, UFS, and WSU have a worse staff profile. NWU is the only institution with a worse instructional/research staff profile.
Long walk to transformation Student demographics – Enrolment: 12 years (race: 8, gender: -11) – Graduation: 14 years (race: 11, gender: -28) Staff demographics – Overall: 43 years (race: 43, gender: -24 (stable at 2)) – Instructional/research staff: 40 years (race: 42, gender: 17)
Summary EI is a quantitative measure to determine equity profiles Can be used to measure transformation and drive transformation Fresh look to support goals of the Constitution, Education White Paper 3 and Employment Equity Legislation. Supports and aids the work of the Transformation Oversight Committee
Impact/Conclusions Six year Enrolment planning – Target: Improve Enrolment and Graduation EIs by the better of 20% or one quintile New Funding Framework – Funding targeted transformation. New Education White Paper – Target: Improve Overall Staff EI by the better of 20% or one quintile – Target: Improve Academic Staff EI by the better of 20% or one quintile Can now weight existing indicators via equity
References/Acknowledgements Govinder, K., Makgoba, MW., An Equity Index for South Africa, South African Journal of Science 109 (5/6) (May/June 2013) KS. Govinder, NP. Zondo, MW. Makgoba, A new look into demographic transformation for universities in South Africa, South African Journal of Science (accepted; to appear 2013) Anonymous reviewers of above articles Professor Ian Bunting; Dr Nico Cloete (CHET) Professor Mark Bunting (Rhodes) Mr Chief Mabizela and staff (DHET) Mr Pali Lehohla and staff (StatsSA)