Presentation to Parliament Adhoc Committee on Service Delivery 02 FEBRUARY 2010 TURNING-AROUND LOCAL GOVERNMENT
2 22 To provide an overview of CoGTA Ministry deliverables in addressing service delivery challenges; and To outline intervention measures through the Local Government Turn-Around Strategy Purpose of Presentation
3 3 Service Delivery 3 Service Delivery is an outcome, the scale and quality of which depends on: Clear and realistic policies Appropriate allocation of powers, functions and financial resources Performance and accountability of organs of state to implement policies Coordination between organs of state Public participation and involvement Level of self-reliance of communities Service delivery is not only a Local Government issue
4 44 Systemic Factors (two tier system; limited revenue base; demarcation) Legislative Factors (inappropriate legislation; over- and under-regulation) Political factors (inter- and intra-political conflicts and polarisation) Accountability Systems (lack of performance management systems; poor oversight; poor community participation mechanisms) Capacity & Skills (lack of capacity in small & rural municipalities) IGR support & oversight (fragmented national and provincial support; weak oversight) Intergovernmental Fiscal Regime (poor grant design & limited impact; grant dependency) Root Causes of Municipal Problems
5 5 NO.PROVINCE NO. OF PROTESTS ( ) NO. OF PROTESTS (JAN TO NOV 2009) 1EASTERN CAPE9 (9%)12 (12%) 2FREE STATE13 (12%)6 (6%) 3GAUTENG28 (26%)26 (25%) 4KWAZULU-NATAL8 (8%)5 (5%) 5LIMPOPO4 (4%)7 (7%) 6.MPUMALANGA14 (13%)20 (20%) 7.NORTHERN CAPE2 (2%)3 (3%) 8. NORTH WEST14 (13%) 7 (7%) 9. WESTERN CAPE14 (13%) 15 (15%) TOTAL ANALYSIS OF SERVICE DELIVERY PROTESTS Source: Municipal IQ
6 6 25% of municipalities across the country ever experienced protests Protests do not occur across entire municipality but in specific wards Gauteng remains the most affected province Growing number of protests in Mpumalanga Receding number of protests in the Free State and North West Protests in Mpumalanga and Limpopo are implying a more rural contribution, with 56% of protests taking place outside of metros About one third of protests take place in informal settlements The Western Cape remains significant in both 2009 and previous years Service Delivery Protests: Provincial Spread
7 7 High and growing demand for infrastructure development and housing Open discontent and accusations of nepotism and maladministration Rising costs of utility tariffs, especially electricity Community and political dynamics (local power struggles) Peaceful and legitimate platforms either not or perceived to be not available, or deliberately not used Service Delivery Protests: Causes
8 5 PRIORITIES 1.Build the developmental state in Provincial and Local Government that is efficient, effective and responsive (16 Projects in the strategic plan) 4. Improving the Developmental capability of the Institution of Traditional Leadership (11 Projects) 2. Strengthen Accountability And Clean Government (17 Projects) 5. Fostering Development Partnerships, Social Cohesion & Community Mobilisation (10 Projects) 3. Accelerating Service Delivery and Supporting the Vulnerable (14 Projects) CoGTA Strategic Priorities (2014)
9 9 Road to LGTAS 9 Provincial Assessments Pre-Indaba Stakeholder Workshops Khayelitsha and National Indaba on LG – 21/22 Oct 2009
10 Restore the confidence of the majority of our people in our municipalities, as the primary delivery machine of the developmental state at a local level. Re-build and improve the basic requirements for a functional, accountable, responsive, effective, efficient developmental local government Objectives of the LGTAS
11 LGTAS Priorities Pre Address immediate financial and administrative problems in municipalities 2.Regulations to stem indiscriminate hiring and firing 3.Ensure & implement a transparent municipal supply chain management system 4.Strengthen Ward Committee capacity & implement new ward governance model 5.National and provincial commitments in IDPs 6.Differentiated responsibilities and simplified IDPs 7.Funding and capacity strategy for municipal infrastructure 8.Intergovernmental agreement with metros on informal settlement upgrade 9.Rearrange capacity grants & programmes, including Siyenza Manje support 10.Upscale Community Works Programme 11.Implement Revenue Enhancement – Public Mobilisation campaign 12.Launch “good citizenship” campaign, focusing on governance values to unite the nation
12 1.Single election 2.Universal access to affordable basic services 3.Eradicate all informal settlements 4.Clean cities 5.Infrastructure backlogs should be reduced significantly 6.Clean Audits 7.Reduce violent protests 8.Municipal debt is reduced by half 9.Empowered and capacitated organs of people’s power (Street, Block / Section, Village & Ward Committees) 10. Trained and competent councillors, traditional leaders, officials, Ward Committee members, CDWs and community activists Vision
13 INTERVENTIONS National government (incl. SOEs) will organize itself better in relation to local government Provinces will improve their support & oversight responsibilities over local government Municipalities will reflect on their own performance & develop their own tailor- made turn-around strategies All three spheres will improve intergovernmental relations (IGR) in practice Political parties will promote and enhance the institutional integrity of municipalities Good citizenship campaign with governance values will be launched to unite the nation Key Turn-Around Interventions
14 1.Undertake a legislative reform programme for local government, which must include necessary Constitutional amendments 2.Undertake urgent steps to strengthen the professionalization of local government 3.Establish a Single Window of Coordination for the support, monitoring and intervention in Local Government 4.Deepen People-Centred Government through a Refined Model of Ward Committees Governance Actions
15 1.Ensure necessary resources are allocated to address service delivery MDG 2014 priorities 2.The IDP must be followed by everyone and be applicable to all spheres of government, SOEs and stakeholders outside of government 3.Spatial Development Frameworks must enable municipalities to know & guide what is happening on every square meter & kilometer in a municipal area 4.Strengthen community oversight & monitoring over service delivery projects. 7.Restructure the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) 8.A Special Purpose Vehicle for infrastructure development must be established Planning, Service Delivery & LED Actions
16 1.Develop targeted & differentiated financial instruments to support municipalities 2.Consider long term fiscal planning ( years) 3.Improve coordination of various grants 4.Implement Operation Clean Audit 2014; 5.Review of Municipal Supply Chain Management legislation 6.Implement revenue collection & public mobilisation campaign to improve payment for services 7.National government must support poor municipalities financially. 8.Ward Committees should be given budgets to undertake their developmental responsibilities Intergovernmental Fiscal System Actions
17 1.Need to strengthen political & executive oversight over the Local Labour Forums (LLFs) 2.Develop a tool to monitor the functionality of the LLFs 3.Undertake a national audit of Occupational Health and Safety in all municipalities 4.Undertake a national review of compliance with the current grading system of municipalities and its impact on labour & HR matters 5.Local Government school (LOGOLA) should be revived and strengthened 6.An ongoing skills development and capacity building programme must be implemented that must include refresher training Note: Good relationship between SAMWU and COGTA Labour Relations Actions
18 NO.TASK/EVENTSRESPONSIBLEDUE 1Presentation & Discussion to the CabinetCabinet2 December Development of individual Municipal Turn- Around Strategies All MunicipalitiesJanuary-March Government Departments and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) include their plans in the municipal IDPs All Departments and SOEsJanuary-March Finalisation of individual municipal Turn- Around Strategies All MunicipalitiesMarch Consultation with wardsCoGTAApril/May Municipal IDPs and budgets are adoptedAll municipalitiesJune Report back to all wards on adopted programmes and projects All wards August/September Adopted programmes and projects of wards implemented Cogta national; Cogta provincial; local municipalities. Civil society formations playing advisory role July 2010 and beyond LGTAS: Implementation Plan
19 LGTAS Implementation – National Coordinating Unit Establish “Command Center” Ensure implementation LG intelligence and information, daily tracking system, monitoring and reporting Operations room Head for the Centre Rapid Response Team (fire fighters) Technical Support Unit (capacity builders) Intelligence Team (analysts, information management) Specialists (Governance, Finance, OD, Technical Services, LED, Planning, Legal) Support RRT, TSU and IT Liaise with Departments, stakeholders, Cogta branches/units Oversee panel of procured/contracted support resources
20 National Departments IGWG (Intergovernmental Working Group) Participate in “Command Centre” Inter-departmental teams Appoint LGTAS point person Identify at most 3 priorities to promote, unblock, improve service delivery at municipal level Ensure alignment in IDPs Responsive to municipal specific issues Report on commitments in IDPs
21 Provinces Support, Monitoring, Reporting Province specific implementation plan MoU – Cogta,OTP,LG Technical Support Units Provincial sector performance Better spending and outcomes Alignment and resource commitments in IDPs Municipal and public participation
22 Municipalities Rapid Response measures in cases of governance failure Municipal Turnaround Strategies Diagnostic of situation in every municipality Identify key issues for turnaround Identify key support measures, unblocking actions Incorporate into IDPs by March 2010 More detailed turnaround plan and implementation thereafter Implementation agreement with TSU on turnaround plan where necessary
23 Other Key Actions Establish Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) and Civil Society Reference Group (CSRG) Prepare annual assessment process Communication strategy Structural (policy, legal, systems changes) Undertake studies Policy development Legal drafting Issuing Regulations Circulars Stakeholder Management Business Donors/ development partners Professional bodies Civic formations Religious Traditional
24 Other Key Actions … Political party engagement Design and launch good citizenship campaign Funding and resource plan Siyenza Manje MSIG MIG Stakeholders