NCSRA Assignor Training Module For USSF North Carolina Arbiter Site Section 4 of 5 © Copyright July 2005 by Paul James, all rights reserved
Contact Relationships To be most effective, contacts should be linked with teams, sites, and bill tos as appropriate. Linking a contact to a team or site or bill to means that contact will be notified automatically whenever a change affecting any game involving the linked team or site or bill to occurs. Linking a contact also means that contact will be able to view the site, team, or bill to schedule of games for any linked team, site or bill to.
To create or change contact relationships from the contact edit page, seen here, click on the relationships link.
Clicking on the relationships link brings up the contact relationships screen, seen here. This screen is presently displaying all of the current links for this particular contact. A designated link will be shown by a yellow block with a check mark.
To show additional teams, sites and bill tos to add to a contact’s relationships, click on the “show all” box. This will bring all other possible links. For the USSF North Carolina system this will have MANY additional pages. Use the alphabetical search tool at the bottom of the page to limit the number of pages you must scroll through.
Contact Schedules Contact schedules are added to a contact’s record from the relationships created for that contact. A contact’s schedules can be accessed from the contact’s edit page by clicking the schedules link in the upper left hand corner. Clicking the schedules link will bring up the screen displayed in the following slide. The contact whose schedules are displayed has been linked to multiple teams, sites, and bill tos in the system.
This screen displays all of the game schedules for any game where either a bill to, a team, or a site to which this contact is linked is involved. Clicking on the number beside the listed category, under the games column, will cause the complete game schedule to display.
By clicking on the site schedule for the Asheville SC from the previous page, the schedule of all games being played at that site, including sub-sites (individual fields) is displayed and can be accessed for review or editing just as if the games had been pulled up from the games link on the Assignor Start Page. The only real difference being that you cannot assign or unassign officials from this screen. From this screen games may be edited, deleted, canceled, notes added, match reports created or reviewed, and payment vouchers printed.
Clicking on the numbers link under slots will cause the officials’ information to be displayed. Clicking on the name of an assigned official will display that official’s contact information and allow you to create an to that official.
Clicking on the name of the listed official will cause his contact info, including his picture if it is in the system, to be displayed.
To print a payment voucher for a game, click on the black printer icon at the right hand side of the page, on the edit game schedule screen, opposite the game info for which you are printing the voucher. When you do this, the screen displayed here will display. By clicking on the drop down button you can select any of the six print format types, as shown on the next page. After selecting the print format click on print to create a voucher. The two slides following the drop down slide (next slide) display the results of printing a voucher.
From the drop down list, choose the format you wish to use to print your voucher
This page shows the final form of a printed voucher. To print it to paper you click on your printer icon and print it like any other document. (The SSNs would normally show but have been blocked here for security reasons.)
This screen shows an enlarged view of the voucher showing on the previous screen.
To access a team schedule from the contact’s schedule list, click on the game numbers beside that team.
Clicking on the game numbers on the previous page will bring up the team schedule as displayed here. Only current games will display unless the show all box, shown at left, is checked. From this screen games can be edited, deleted, or canceled. Game notes can be added or reviewed. Match reports can be created or reviewed and edited. A game voucher can be printed. The crew information can be accessed by clicking on the slots numbers.
Clicking show all will display both future and past games. To print the team’s schedule, from the games displayed, click on the Print schedule link to the left of the page.
Clicking on print schedule brings up this printing screen from which you need to set your date parameters, the games you want (home or away), the format, and whether to show officials and their phone numbers. Once set click print and the output shown on the next two slides will be printed to your computer.
This screen displays the printout from a team game schedule.
This screen displays an expanded view of the previous team schedule in the last slide.
From the contacts list if you click on the filter link, this screen will display. From here you can select those contacts you wish to work with by typing in the selection criteria. When you have set the criteria click on get results to produce the desired list. The filter for contacts works in the same fashion as the filter for officials (or any other filter function for that matter).
Clicking on get result from a filter search will produce a list of the selected records in this format. From this list you can print a roster of the listed contacts, send an to all listed contacts, or send a welcome message to all. You can also edit the listed records individually. If you click on at the left, the next screen will display.
From this screen, type in or copy and paste the text of any message to be sent, list the re line, and then click send. An individually addressed will be sent to each contact in the selected list.
To print a roster of the selected contacts, from the contacts list page, click on the roster link beside the printer icon. This screen will then display. Set the parameters like the previous print functions and click print.
This screen displays a contacts roster generated from the print roster function.
ADDING A CONTACT To add a contact, from the Assignor Start Page click on contacts to bring up the list of contacts. At any time the contact list is displayed, click on the + sign to add a new contact. Clicking on the + sign will bring up the following screen which begins the add contact process.
Fill in the contact first name, last name and . A valid address is critical for the contact to receive any benefits from being in the system.
Continue adding as much info about the contact as you have and when finished click next.
The title field is very important and MUST be listed using the appropriate codes so that specific search/select functions can be used. A list of the specific codes is found under the forms link on the Start Page and should be consulted before adding a contact. This field is used to determine in which categories the contact being added will be listed..
When you have completed entering all needed info, click finish to add the contact. You will be returned to the contact list.
Adding Teams To add or edit a team, click on the teams link from the Start page. This will bring up the Team list. To edit a team, locate the team in the list and click on the edit pencil icon to bring up the edit team screen. Make the needed changes and click save. To add a team click on the red + button which will bring up the add team screen.
Click on the teams link to add or edit a team.
This will bring up the team list, displayed here. From this page you can add, edit, or delete teams. You can also add notes to a team’s record. Any change made to a team will be reflected in the games of that team when you click update games on the left side of this page. You can also search for teams using the filter function, also located at the left side of the page.
By clicking on the number under contacts you can bring up all contacts associated with that team and their contact info. By clicking on the number under games you can bring up all of the teams games and then directly access and edit those games from that screen.
When you click on the edit pencil icon beside a particular team, this screen displays. From here you can change any information in the listed fields.
In the team name field, for certain leagues and associations you may also need to list such things as the association code. The list of association numbers and codes for NCYSA is located on a page under the forms link on the Start Page.
Use the sport/level drop down box to select the appropriate level for the team you are adding. For youth matches there are four divisions for each age level. They are SC for State Cup teams, CL for Classic teams, CH for Challenge teams, and RC for Rec teams.
Use the site drop down box to select the appropriate default field for a team (its regular home field, if it has one) for the team you are adding. For youth matches, since they really have no home field, use the site designated as Classic, Challenge or Rec Team site. This will also allow teams in these divisions to be sorted using a filter.
Use the bill to drop down box to select the appropriate default bill to for a team (its regular payment entity, if it has one) for the team you are adding. For youth matches, set the default bill to as their home association. This will also allow teams to be sorted and selected by association using a filter.
Set the strength of the team based on the chart found under the forms link for team strength. It is extremely important that all assignors be consistent in ranking team strengths within each division so be sure to follow the guides. The scale is from 1 (Pro men) to 9 (U-10 Rec). A Classic U-19 Boys team is rated a 4.
Generally the travel limit for a team should be set at 999 miles or higher because of tournament use. This limit is how far a referee should be considered for assignment to games involving this team as a home team. Referees outside the limit will not show as available for assignment. This means for tournaments most referees will be excluded from assignment if they live more than the team travel limit from the tournament site. When you have made all changes needed, be sure to click the save button to complete the changes.