Technology Plan Amy Wood, Director of Technology GISD Board Meeting January 18, 2010
Tech Plan Process Needs Assessment: Texas Teacher STaR Chart: Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation and Development Leadership, Administration, and Support Infrastructure for Technology Campus/Department Technology Committee Campus/Department Technology Plans Evaluation of Current Conditions
Tech Plan Goals Goals: STaR Chart Results Early Tech, Developing Tech, Advanced Tech, Target Tech Campus Technology Plans Common Components Every classroom has mounted projector, interactive whiteboard, student response system, and document camera. Software (Instructional, Communication, and Record Keeping) Expand number of computers available in classrooms. Purchase mobile computer labs for each campus. Move to a 3:1 and eventually a 1:1 environment. Necessary Infrastructure to Meet Campus Needs Required Components Internet Access, Communications, etc.
Tech Plan Budget Budget: Goal 1: Teaching and Learning $456, Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development$ 92, Goal 3: Leadership, Administration, and Support$145, Goal 4: Infrastructure for Technology$685, Per Pupil Expenditure:$ Budget Total:$1,378,500.00
Tech Plan Evaluation Evaluation: To facilitate the development of the plan, and to ensure that all areas of Granbury ISD are considered, district and campus technology committees will be utilized to assist in the needs assessment and the development of district/campus technology goals/objectives/activities respectively. The intention of the evaluation is to make informed decisions about technology and its impact on student achievement. Surveys, records of staff development, student success, inventory of software and hardware, annual STaR Chart results, feedback from teachers, campus and district technology committees, and the community, and administrative reports will all be used to determine if we are meeting the goals of the Granbury ISD Technology Plan.
Tech Plan Ideas from various committees: Purchasing Current Software/Hardware Appropriate Software/Hardware Technology Leaders Online/On-Demand Training and Face-to-Face Training
Tech Plan Summary Summary: Technology-rich environment Increased availability of resources Training for all available resources Support from leadership and administration Solid Infrastructure Prepare students in Granbury ISD to succeed in a technology-driven world. This plan is a working document and will be continuously evaluated and revised based on the needs of the students in Granbury ISD.