One Laptop per Child BiB : Rural edition Samuel Klein
Luquia, Peru
About this session interrupt with questions! Use cases from OLPC communities Low-connectivity and offline book use: readers for all audiences browsing and discovery Writing and publishing interaction, workbooks, collaborative books publishing and distribution
A new digital 1st-5th grade curriculum. Initially: PDF and doc (for editability) Peru,
Peru, 2010 (offline)
Uruguay, 2009 (online)
Types of rural classrooms Fairly connected. Regional servers Offline with school servers, or offline for stretches of time at home / for research Offline, one-room schools, extensive group learning
Types of use Visual books (literacy, photobooks, comics) Structured books with annotation, localization, and updates (Texts, manuals) Thousands of heavily linked texts (Wikipedia) Highly collaborative texts (wiki papers) Workbooks and interactive/programmable texts (html5, dhtml)
Classroom and offline collaboration
eXe: dhtml texts and workbooks
Recap: hard school use cases Often offline Every reader or node its own server – Search everywhere, aggregate Every reader is an author – Publish early and often, iterate, store additions Every work has versions – Modify, annotate, collaborate as a rule – Listing 'related works' is compex
( lastly: enjoy your books! )