 Set up wordpress so dashboard shows on epq blog: p-admin/ p-admin/


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Presentation transcript:

 Set up wordpress so dashboard shows on epq blog: p-admin/ p-admin/  Open prod log document on Proj prop A  Print quiz  Print ETR tips  Print: 5,8-12, 13-16,18-19 as 3 slides per page – one each

Starter: Make yourself some brief notes in response to the following questions: 1. Why is time management important? 2. Why can it be difficult? 3. What strategies & techniques do you currently use to organise yourself, your work and your time?


How did you do? Questions 1-3  Each time you said never, score 2  Each time you said sometimes, score 1  Each time you said often, score 0 Questions 5-7  Each time you said never, score 0  Each time you said sometimes, score 1  Each time you said often, score 2

Your score = Poor (good job you’re about to find out how to get better!!) 5-9 = Could be better (you have got the right idea but your technique needs polishing) = Very good (Impressive! Maybe try sharing some of your organisational skills with your peers)

EPQ Lecture 1

Objectives:  Initial deadlines  Rules & Regs  Uploading your production log  Completing Project Proposal A  Planning Review  Project plans  Time Management  Uploading your production log

Initial deadlines  See new page on blog: Assignments  Subsequent page will appear called: Deadlines/Timescales  Wk beginning 05 Nov:  Planning Review meeting  Discuss Planning Review form (be ready)  Submit Initial Record Form  Submit Project Proposal A

Rules & Regs  Supervisors cannot check and return work  Proofs are not permitted  Once paperwork is submitted that is it!  Supervisors will not tell you what to do, they can only guide  Most of the project will be completed in your own time  Check the arthurmellowsepq blog regularly – ‘follow’ it for regular updates

Record of Initial Planning Form  Make notes at the meeting  Write up the last section – your changes and clarifications  Type up the whole thing – all sections then print it for submission  Keep a copy in your folder

Project Proposal A  Completion is easy!  Find your copy...

Planning Review  Complete your project plan before you start  Refer to deadlines  See guidance...

Project Plans  More guidance in lessons

Yr12 Study Skills  Yellow booklets  Punch & put into EPQ folder (reprographics)

Time management

Objectives  To discuss and suggest some time management strategies which will hopefully turn you into organised, stress free model students.

Discuss….  Why is time management important?  Why can it be difficult?  What strategies & techniques do you currently use to organise yourself, your work and your time?

3 ‘big issues’ 1. PERFECTIONISM – trying to be perfect sets you up for defeat 2. PROCRASTINATION – putting off starting until the last minute 3. POOR PLANNING – problems with planning ahead and balancing tasks

1. Perfectionism  Nobody can be perfect! (Perfectionism is an innate drive, you can’t avoid it but you can ‘master’ it.)  Difficult tasks result in avoidance and procrastination – so break them down into manageable chucks (eg. an elephant burger)!  Set achievable goals – be realistic!

2. Procrastination & distraction  Do you have a problem getting started with work?  And once started, do you get distracted easily? Try to identify the reasons for this. Raise your hand if any of these have affected you:  Other students around you are doing or saying things that appear to be more interesting  You are struggling to make sense of a subject you find difficult  You are not sure what is expected of you  You do not like to be still or seated for too long  You are not making notes as you read  You are working in a noisy environment

2. How to Avoid Distractions  When reading /researching set yourself a time limit (30-40 mins) then stop and have a break.  Combine short bursts of reading / researching with making notes of key points / highlighting / summarising – keeps you focussed!  Read & walk! Read for 20 mins & then walk around for 10 mins & think about what you have just read. Then do it again! (Excellent for exam revision.)  Concentrate on one thing at a time.  Go somewhere quiet to work – where others are working quietly you are likely to do the same.  Learn to say “no”!

3. Planning  Write up a weekly timetable. Include your school and personal activities.  Set aside regular study times each week.  Keep a ‘To do’ list & prioritise your tasks  Set a regular schedule and stick to it!  Plan ahead  Include time for rest & socialising  Be able to be flexible (rearrange your schedule if necessary)

Managing paperwork  Get organised! Sort paperwork into folders, using dividers and plastic wallets to separate topics or assessments. Don’t wait until you have a big pile of paper to sort out!  Digital information should also be organised into folders and files clearly named so they’re easy to retrieve.  Back everything up regularly.  Make sure your work area is tidy & organised – be efficient!

Managing large tasks  Break down into small, manageable chunks.  Work out what needs to be done then write it down in a series of steps.  Decide what order they need to be done in.  It’s useful to set a deadline for each step.  Focus on one task /part of a task at a time  Always finish what you start before moving on.

Meeting deadlines  Note all your deadlines in your diary and work out how much time you need to complete each piece of work. To help plan, work back from the deadline.  Allow time for adjustments and editing.  Build in extra time as a contingency plan.

Get Started  Set yourself 10 mins initially to do one relatively easy task / part of a task  At the end of 10 mins, set yourself another 10 mins to accomplish another small and manageable task / part of a task  See how you feel. Chances are you will have gained momentum from the two short study sessions and you will be able to continue.

Summary  Avoid distractions  Plan ahead  Organise paperwork  Manage large tasks  Meet deadlines  Remember: no one is perfect

Have a vision….  Don’t forget the ‘big picture’ – why are you doing the task?  Remember your ultimate goal  Have a positive attitude!

Uploading your production log:  Why?  When?  How?

Select ‘Pages’

Select ‘Add New’

Type ‘Production Log’ as the page title. Click into the main text box then select ‘Upload/Insert’

Click on ‘Select files’

Browse for your file and ‘open’

Wait until the file has fully uploaded and the description information shows, then type ‘Record of Initial Planning’ as the title.

Scroll down and select ‘Insert’

Your document will appear on the page.

Now select ‘Publish’ and wait for the update to complete – takes a few seconds.

Go to your homepage and check that the new page appears.

Subsequent updates:  Every time you complete a production log page, upload it to this new page.  Go to ‘Pages’, scroll down to find your Production Log page then select ‘edit’.  Upload/insert as before but don’t overwrite the original.  Call each new upload the name of the completed page, e.g.: ‘Planning Review’, ‘Mid-Project Review’, etc.  Remember to publish/update each time.  Keep up to date by ensuring that you meet deadlines published on the arthurmellowsepq blog.