By Alex Gunn, Carter Watt, and Owen Koorbusch
The common name is known as Down Syndrome Scientifically known as Trisomy 21 when the 21 st chromosome is replicated 3 times instead of 2
95 percent of Down Syndrome patients caused by Nondisjuction or a extra replication. 5 percent is caused by abnormal replication of cells This form of Down Syndrome is called Mosaicism.
No carrier for the condition Down Syndrome occurs in about 1 of 800 live births.
At birth: Tend to be overly quiet, less responsive to stimuli, weak floppy muscles. Physical signs: flat appearing face, small head, small mouth causes tongue to stick out, up and slanty eyes. Mental signs: slower than average human. Yet capable of living productive lives.
Is usually suspected at birth. If the physical signs are shown, genetic testing occurs.
Some scientists believe that a vitamin treatment can improve down syndrome Large doses of the vitamin E are being crucial.
There is no cure available but most live productive lives. 90% of children diagnosed with down syndrome live past their teens. The average age is
Mothers under the age of 35 with one down syndrome affected child have a 1% chance that a 2 nd child will be affected as well. Affects 1 in every 800 children in the United States. Most children affected can perform most usual childhood things such as walking, talking, dressing and being toilet-trained.
1. What is the scientific name for Down Syndrome? 2. Name the specific way Down Syndrome is inherited? 3. What is the ratio of Down Syndrome in humans? 4. What vitamin is helpful against the effects Down Syndrome patients? 5. What is the average age of those with Down Syndrome?