Contain To hold; to have within itself. Ex: My purse contains money, pens, keys, my cell phone, and my iPad. The aquarium contains 7 fish. Her pencil box contains all her school supplies.
Container A jar, box, or other object used for holding something. Examples: There’s a container at each table to hold students’ school supplies. I use a container to store all my nail polish. Please put your toys away in the container.
Digest To change food after it has been eaten into simpler forms that the body can use. Examples: You should not swim in the pool until you’ve digested your food. On Thanksgiving I usually like to relax while I digest my dinner.
Finicky Hard to please; fussy. Examples: The teacher told students not to be finicky, and to be thankful for whatever lollipop they get. Sometimes children are finicky and don’t want to try different foods.
Habit Something that a person does so often that it is done without thinking. Examples: Biting your fingernails is a bad habit. I have a habit of putting my left shoe on first. One habit to try to get rid of is eating late at night.
Habit A special kind of clothing worn by certain groups. Examples: The Pilgrims and the Wampanoag's had different habits. If you ride a motorcycle you will have to wear a special habit including a leather jacket and a helmet. Hockey players and soccer players wear different habits.
Hinge A joint on a lid or door that allows it to swing open or shut. Examples: Someone needs to oil the hinge on the door so it will stop squeaking. I took the door off the hinges to make the room feel more open.
Marsh A low-lying area, often covered with tall grasses, where the ground is soft and wet. Examples: I wish I hadn’t worn flip flops when I walked through the marsh. The ground near the marsh felt squishy.
Marshy Soft and moist underfoot. Examples: I don’t like walking through marshy areas because my shoes can get dirty. Marshy areas have different plants than deserts because the soil is moister.
Nursery A room or other place set aside for the use of babies and small children Examples: My old pre-school had a nursery where the toddlers stayed. When babies are born the nurses take them to the nursery to clean them up and give them a check-up.
Nursery A place where plants are grown for sale. Examples: The family went to the nursery to pick out some plants for their garden. I love walking through the nursery and looking at all the beautiful plants.
Rely To count on; to look to for support. Example: I know I can rely on my best friend to keep my secret. My parents rely on our neighbor to pick me up from school. My mom relies on me to set the table for dinner.
Reliable Trustworthy; not likely to fail. Examples: Now that Mary is 15 and has proven she’s reliable, people have started asking her to babysit for them. If you want your parents to trust you, you have to prove you’re reliable. Since my brother isn’t very reliable, my parents won’t let him borrow their car.
Spine The backbone. Examples: If you hurt your spine, you could become paralyzed. It’s good for your spine if you sit up straight and stretch daily. I’m considered a vertebrate because I have a spine.
Spine A thin, sharp, stuff part that sticks out on certain plants and animals. Cactuses have spines that help protect them. In the desert there are lots of plants with spines. Please don’t give me a plant with spines because I don’t want to prick my finger.
Thrive To do well; to grow strong and healthy. Examples: The plants thrived because they were planted in a sunny spot. I thrived at Pope John Paul where I got honor roll and received kudos. Angie thrived at summer camp because she was used to being outdoors and playing sports.