Instructional Materials for English Language Learners in Urban Public Schools, Council of the Great City Schools
Background Findings Conclusions and Recommendations Instructional Materials for English Language Learners in Urban Public Schools
Survey created to gauge quality, availability, and value of ELL instructional materials. Distributed across various networks The Council extracted data specifically for respondents from member districts which consisted of: 284 respondents (58 percent of total responses) 44 districts Background
Percentage of respondents by position/title, 2012 (n=284)
Percentage of CGCS respondents by subjects taught, 2012 (n=284)
Percentage of CGCS respondents indicating the percentage range of ELL students at their school, 2012 (n=250)
Percentage of CGCS respondents selecting statement that best describes ELL instruction at their school, 2012 (n=218)
ELLs and the Common Core
Implementing instruction shifts Using specific strategies for ELLs to meet CCSS About half of all ELL and general education teachers do not feel prepared to implement instructional shifts required by the Common Core. Nearly half of ELL and general education teachers do not feel prepared to use specific strategies for ELLs to meet the CCSS 60 percent of school administrators feel prepared to implement the instructional shifts of the CCSS. 80 percent of school administrators feel prepared to use specific strategies for ELLs Two-thirds of district-level ELL Directors did not feel prepared to implement the instructional shifts. Majority of district level ELL Directors do not feel prepared to use specific strategies to ensure ELLs meet the CCSS.
Percentage of CGCS respondents indicating how they choose instructional materials for ELLs, 2012 (n=218)
Selecting and acquiring materials for ELLs are difficult, time consuming and expensive (Figure 11). In schools were over 30 percent of students are considered ELL, the largest issue was the difficulty and time consuming nature of the process (Table 3). Challenges in selecting and acquiring ELL instructional materials
Percentage of CGCS respondents using various types of instructional materials for ELL students, 2012 (n=284)
How well do materials meet criteria? Respondents were asked about the following criteria Reflect the rigor of the Common Core Aligned with core general education curriculum Can be used to teach subject-area content Are engaging Are grade-appropriate Can be used to teach students with different native languages Can be used to teach students with different ELP levels Can be used to teach English language development
Perceived quality of materials decreased by grade level In middle and high school, nearly half of respondents did not know the quality of materials Grade About half of respondents rated ESL and ELA materials as “high” or “average” quality Materials in math, science and social studies were perceived as the lowest quality Subject Quality of materials for ELLs who were 3 years behind grade level were rated the lowest (67%) English language proficiency Rating the quality of ELL Materials
Developing criteria for instructional materials Improving the selection of quality instructional materials for ELLs. Calling out the need for high-quality professional development for general education and ESL teachers in ELL strategies that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Ensuring that high-quality ELL instructional materials are readily accessible for general education and ESL teachers. Conclusions and Ongoing Projects