Welcome to Team Air Force 7 Mrs. Donovan Mrs. Klutcharch Mrs. Wilson
District Policies No Chewing Gum Tardies to Class Absent Work Classroom Policies Respect Responsibility Ways to Stay Connected Teacher Web Pages Online Textbooks
1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. The 8 Mathematical Practices
Math 7 Number Sense and Systems Addition and Subtraction of rational numbers Multiplication and Division of Rational numbers Geometry Using Geometry Triangles Scale Drawing and Scale factor Circles Slicing three dimensional figures Ratios and Proportions Rates and Ratios Direct variation and constant proportionality Rates and percents Expressions/Equations/Algebra/Functions Numerical and Algebraic expressions and equations Solving Equations and inequalities Solving Problems with equations and inequalities Statistics and Probability Data collection Comparing populations Introduction to probability Probability of compound events
Honors Math Number Sense and Systems Addition and Subtraction of rational numbers Multiplication and Division of Rational numbers The real number system Geometry Using Geometry Triangles Circles Slicing three dimensional figures Translations, reflections, rotations Congruence of triangles Similarity Congruence of triangles Line and angle relationship Volume Ratios and Proportions Rates and Ratios Direct variation and constant proportionality Rates and percents Scale drawing and scale factor Expressions/Equations/Algebra/Functions Numerical and Algebraic expressions and equations Solving Equations and inequalities Solving Problems with equations and inequalities Linear Equations Property of Exponents Statistics and Probability Data collection Comparing populations Introduction to probability Probability of compound events
HCMS Math Approach Instructional Design Principles Focuses on the Mathematical practices Focuses on how students learn, think, and apply mathematics Daily Lesson Approach Lessons are structured to provide students with various opportunities to reason, to model and to expand on explanations about mathematical ideas. Within each lesson, questions, instructions and worked examples are interleaved to engage students as they develop their own mathematical understanding.
HCMS Math Approach Math Resources- Carnegie Learning Instruction built for conceptual understanding and mastery Contain meaningful math content to support a collaborative, student-centered classroom. Components of the Resource Real-World Situations focused on problem-solving Student Practice Skills Student Assignments CCSS aligned curricula Multiple Learning Styles Write-In Textbooks
Early American History Review American Colonies Review The French and Indian War The Revolutionary War The United States Constitution Social Studies The Federalist Period The Louisiana Purchase and The War of 1812 The Illinois Constitution Geography Current Events
E.L.A. Reading Vocabulary Writing Grammar Speaking and Listening Researching
Seventh Grade Novels
Life Science, Physical Science & Earth Science Scientific Method Bacteria Protists and Fungus Plants Chemistry-Periodic Table Fossils and Rock Invertebrates Inquiry based labs
Curriculum Updates This year all science teachers will be incorporating additional problem and inquiry based learning labs for students. This includes a focus of integrating existing science standards that build interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Students will no longer be required to create a science fair project outside of the classroom. Instead, teachers will focus on developing and exploring the scientific method through classroom based activities and projects.
Science Club This year all 7 th and 8 th Grade students will have the opportunity to participate in a Science Club. The focus of the Science Club will be the development of a Science Fair Project. Students will have the opportunity to create a science fair project and explore other topics related to the field of science. The Science Club will meet before and after school. Additional information will be forthcoming. Contact Mr. Finan or Mrs. Wojnarowski with questions
Grading Hickory Creek Middle School has adopted the following guidelines for reporting grades for the school year. 75% = Summative 25% = Formative Use of PowerSchool
Outcome Assessments Will be given in ELA and Math on a quarterly basis Determines how students perform in relation to grade level expectations Necessary for teachers to help understand what targets need to be addressed Communication tool between home and school
Students CommunityStaff Making Connections Advisory
AMP Tiger Time Meeting Our Students’ Needs Advisory Activity
Volunteers needed….
Top Ten Tips from former Seventh Grade Families
10. Set expectations. Realistically and specifically, guide your student with academic growth goals. Realistically and specifically, guide your student with behavior goals.
9. Ask to see the student planner. This is a life skill that will pay off now and for many years to come!
8. Have your student check the “Teacher Pages”. Students can show and share this with you.
7. Check PowerSchool with your student! Seventh graders need to be the leaders in their education…even if you need to give them a little push to the front of the line.
6. Model! Share your calendar and upcoming events and obligations. Explain your plan for accomplishing your tasks.
5. Reflect. Why was this task/test/presentation successful OR not so successful?
4. KISS!!! (K eep I t S imple and S hort !!!) We all know when we’ve goofed up, and we usually know why. “This action results in this consequence.”
3. Teach advocacy! Everyone’s ultimate goal is for the student to express what they need to be successful. Have your student practice this with their Air Force team teachers. We support students who speak for their education!
2. Talk about school everyday! (“Tell me one thing you learned in science, math, social studies, E.L.A., and Encore.”) Share something you’ve learned today.
1. Celebrate!!! Seventh grade is challenging! Offer a pat on the back when you know it is deserved.