Collection Development BY: Aizel C. Paquia
Library collection development is the process of meeting the information needs of the people (a service population) in a timely and economical manner using information resources locally held, as well as from other organizations
Collections are developed by Librarians and library staff by buying or otherwise acquiring materials over a period, based on assessment of the information needs of the library's users. In addition to ongoing materials acquisition, library collection development includes:
The creation of policies to guide material selection Replacement of worn or lost materials Removal (weeding) of materials no longer needed in the collection Planning for new collections or collection areas Cooperative decision-making with other libraries or within library consortia
Collection Evaluation Methods Some Library evaluation methods include: Checklists Method Circulation and Interlibrary Loan Statistics Citation Analysis Network Usage Analysis Vendor Supplied Statistics Faculty Opinion
Checklists Method This method of collection evaluation is the practice of checking a library collection against a list of notable books or materials to see if the collection includes these titles. This is the oldest method of collection evaluation, and its first recorded use occurs in 1849 by Charles Jewett at the Smithsonian Institute.
Citation Analysis Citation Analysis is the method most used on the college and university level. This method looks at citations on bibliographies prepared by students' and faculty's written work to see if the resources used are included in the learning institute's partner library.
The purpose is to see if the written work produced can be done using only the library located at the college or university. Citation analysis is a good research method to use in academic libraries on the university and college level when performing a collections evaluation.
Faculty Opinion When faculty opinion about a library collection is asked the feelings, beliefs, values, and individual views about how well the library collection fits the curriculum of that learning institution are answered. Both librarians and teaching faculties opinions should be asked, and taken into account, as the evaluation of the library collection should be a cooperative effort that yields the best results possible.
It is important to have the most current, and updated collection possible as a deficient collection could impact the learning institution negatively. The research method of faculty opinion to evaluate academic library collections will help aid the library with finding out what the strengths and weaknesses are so that these points can be corrected, and the gaps found can be filled..
The faculty members who have the most responsibility for evaluating and building library collections are the Collection Development Librarians, and the institution’s faculty especially professors